All right!

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Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
I finally reached 1,000 posts! Woohoo! It only took five years, but I finally made it!

Congratulate me, pour down appraisal, etc.
This thread confuses me.
1: He should know what happens to these threads
2: He has 5,000 posts
3: I remember him saying something about his brother hijacking his account in another thread.
This thread confuses me.
1: He should know what happens to these threads
2: He has 5,000 posts
3: I remember him saying something about his brother hijacking his account in another thread.

That last one was a joke... Why would that confuse you?

Gaaah all the wrong people are here right now D:
Actaully, my post is quite Q_onfusing, the first sentance was just statement and the list was just some random thoughts that were occuring to me about this.
This thread confuses me.
1: He should know what happens to these threads
2: He has 5,000 posts
3: I remember him saying something about his brother hijacking his account in another thread.

What a crazy life you lead, I am highly envious!
This situation baffles me.

Pass me a cigar, Joe.
Wasn't there a policy of resetting post counts if topics were made about them?

Fail D:
Oh noes someone has a preference!1111 they must fail it!111oneone
I didn't change it because I didn't know you could. Now I have, looks just like the old forums now.
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