all the reviews and doom3 bashing



ok im gettin sick and tired and everyone nitpicking at doom3 and making it sound like a bad game....take gamespots reveiw all the bad thinsthey talked about were just personal opions and not realy flaws in the game THIS IS HOW ID WANT YOU TO PLAY THE GAME.

"its too dark i cant see anything" trust me its beter this way...turn up your brightness and its takes all the atomospshere away!

"the enemy AI isnt too great" since when did brainless zombies know swat tactics?

"its too short" put it on hardest setting or maybe get out and dont play it 24/7 ?

"theres no big open areas,this sucks" yea it sucks when nothing can jump out at you 3 inches away.

overall i think doom3 is a good for what it is tryin to be a dark,lonely,scary fast action kickass game.

Personally I think the game's pacing could have benefitted from some more open areas like the previous games had, but overall I thought it was excellent. 9/10 in my book.
Heh, I agree totally about the darkness. It takes THE GAME away when you make it bright. It's horrible. Leave it dark!
alright....if you hated gamespot's review so much, why did you give it the same score as they did?
Only two problems so far:

1. The AI could have been a lot more interesting (imps walk around the walls and ceilings in cut scenes etc., but while you're playing they do no such thing. wha? plus the guards could have had more group based tactics)

2. sometimes it's too dark, making switching between a flashlight and gun constantly is a bit of a chore.

It runs great, it looks great, it's fun to play, I love it. :D
yea, despite haveing a.i. problems and some semi-wierd design decisions, it's really hard not to like the game

It's at 90 right now with all the reviewer scores.
What's stupid is, people are bitching about the A.I not being so impressive.
That's because almost everyone is dead and kicking as a zombie!

Sai said:
alright....if you hated gamespot's review so much, why did you give it the same score as they did?

Actually, Diablo gave it a lower score than Gamespot. :p

His score is even lower than most reviews out there.
The average is 90%.

As for the zombies: Sure, zombies having bad AI makes sense, but giving the imps and other monsters bad AI is just a lack of creativity.
his minie critique/review was all pro doom3 design and stuff, and at the end he slaps an eight out of ten.....that's pretty funny
it aint the best game ive played ...i dont see whats wrong with 8/10. i do feel there couldve been more.
I give it 9.5/10, I thought the darkness was perfect for this game, eveything was. Although I wanted it to be a bit longer :(
-=[Diablo]=- said:

Ok... so you hated the Gamespot bashing of Doom 3, and now you're giving it a lower rating then they have... ?
Some people were too excited about this game, and now they can`t admit (to themselves) that the game was dissapointing.
-=[Diablo]=- said:
ok im gettin sick and tired and everyone nitpicking at doom3 and making it sound like a bad game....take gamespots reveiw all the bad thinsthey talked about were just personal opions and not realy flaws in the game THIS IS HOW ID WANT YOU TO PLAY THE GAME.

But I think you hit the nail on the head with "...take gamespots review all the bad things they talked about were just personal opions and not realy flaws in the game..."

But reviews ARE only opinions, just as it's your opinion about how you feel about the game. And whether id wanted a game this way or that really shouldn't influence a review or opinion. If someone likes or dislikes it, their opinion is a valid one. I don't see them saying anything is a "flaw", I see them simply pointing out things which they didn't like.

What if Lamborghini built a car with a 95 horse power engine in it? It's the way THEY wanted it, after all. So therefore we should like it? Because it's what they wanted?

Because id wanted it that way does not mean we should automatically like it OR dislike it.

I, personally, agree with a lot of those nitpicks.

The game IS too dark for too long. It almost felt like they were hiding in the without the dark, the game was nothing at all. The spent so much time on the lighting/shadows it was if they needed to beat them to death to make the time spent creating them worth while.

Obviously it's supposed to take place in the dark and be "scary", but I would have thought they would have broken that up now and then with more bright areas to make you feel "safe". It wouldn't take the atmosphere away giving some brights areas, in fact, it would have made those darks areas more scary when you had to re-enter them.

As others have said: the zombie's AI is fine...but it's the rest of the demons who just run straight into your gun time and time again. The AI is down right bad for a game of this level.

The whole PDA thing bugged me. It felt almost like a RPG: get info, hunt object, fight monsters to get object, solve goal, go back to original point where a new path has opened. It was too repetitive. There was almost no flow to the was just: get info, hunt, fight, solve puzzle and that pattern never seemed to change from level to leve...wash, rinse, repeat. And didn't SS2 already have a PDA?

There were no real "scares" other than cheap, cliche ones. The dark, monsters jumping out from hidden doors or popping in behind you, laughter randomly popping up, the dark...still, a strange sound here and there, more dark etc. It just got old to me.

Doom3 did little for me, but it has a great engine. The one thing I am looking forward to is mods.

But, as I said: it's all just opinion and no opinion is wrong, it's just a personal feeling about something. Everyone has different taste, after all. For me, I wouldn't give the game more than a 6/10, and most of that would be for the engine.
WARNING: The following just reflects my personal OPINION!

I love it! Right now I'm not yet through it (Alpha Labs Sec. 2), but what I saw yet was extremely great! The atmosphere's stunning and much more authentic then in Far Cry. Sound and Graphics are uncomparable beautiful. The gameplay is interesting, especially the PDA thing and the computers are great, seems very much influenced from System Shock 2 (I hope SS3 will be made on the D3-Enginge btw^^) The AI isnt the best, but doesn't need to anyway, as someone said above, they're zombies and demons, what tactics can they have? It's shocking and brutal, that's enough. About the plot... wtf do people expect...? It's science fiction... it has zombies... please ;) it just fits the game perfectly.

Right now, I give it 10/10

(note that '10' doesn't mean 'perfect', like 100% would, it means about 'excellent')
Fantastic game. The biggest gripe I have is that it seems too easy (this is on medium difficulty). The demons just don't hit you for as much damage as they should.
you don't get the desperate feeling that you should when your playing a doom game, i mean it's scary at points and stuff, but the a.i. and the fact that medium difficulty is a cake walk, makes the game loose a bit of its luster
KagePrototype said:
imps walk around the walls and ceilings in cut scenes etc., but while you're playing they do no such thing.

Actually, I've encountered a few imps that were crawling around on the ceiling. Suffice to say, they didn't last very long. :LOL:
-=[Diablo]=- said:
ok im gettin sick and tired and everyone nitpicking at doom3 and making it sound like a bad game....take gamespots reveiw all the bad thinsthey talked about were just personal opions and not realy flaws in the game THIS IS HOW ID WANT YOU TO PLAY THE GAME.
well anything anyone says is pretty much a personal opinion, including yours.

-=[Diablo]=- said:
"its too dark i cant see anything" trust me its beter this way...turn up your brightness and its takes all the atomospshere away!
its meant to be dark, its fun dark, but the middle of the game becomes tedious as its simply too much darkness. it gets MUCH cooler after the hell levels.. I especially loved the ancient excavation thingy.
thats an opinion, as is your take on it.

-=[Diablo]=- said:
"the enemy AI isnt too great" since when did brainless zombies know swat tactics?
Zombies arent the only enemy in the game, if it were your arguement would make sense... but then you probably wouldnt enjoy the game either.
and when people talk about bad AI, they arent talking about things like having monsters matrix dodge incoming missiles.

heres an example of BAD AI I posted in another thread:
Mr. Redundant said:
theres that one room where a bunch of those two headed guys spawn (like 15 of them) the door locks behind you and the lights flicker... well I had jumped on top of a box so that I could keep my back to the wall, and unload with my shotgun.... they all just ran around in front of me.. it looked like doom1 when you had a bunch of pinky demons wandering around that couldnt reach you.. looking all angry but not doing anything.

that was pathetic.

and then later I ducked down into a little hole in the wall (where a grate was loose) and two imps spawned behind me... but since they cant duck.. they simple walked around angrily ala doom1.. since they couldnt see me (it appears that if the head of the creature cant see you, the creature doesnt attack)

another pathetic scenario.
thats just so... so... doom1

-=[Diablo]=- said:
"its too short" put it on hardest setting or maybe get out and dont play it 24/7 ?
I agree with you here, I dont know who said it was too short... I played it on HARD and IM now replaying it on nightmare (yowch 25hp.. but at least you have the soulcube). I thought the game was plenty long.

-=[Diablo]=- said:
"theres no big open areas,this sucks" yea it sucks when nothing can jump out at you 3 inches away.
Im kinda torn on this one, I understand (and have even defended, in another thread) the reason they have small cramped areas.. but I really wouldnt have minded a change of pace.. maybe break up the monotony of the predictable enemy spawns.

my 100% honest review of the game (after finishing it on HARD)

+the game has mind blowing graphics

+Brilliant sound (you can always tell where something is coming from, and you can tell apart every weapon and every monster easily)... and sound is used very well to set tone and immersion.

-however.. in a LOT of places sound is OVERUSED.. EX: Betruger's laugh.. if I hear that loop one more time Im gonna smash something. (irritating) as well as his ("thats far enough marine" or "your making progress..") ramblings.. now saying it once was fine.. but why like 8 times? in different places? is he a broken record or something?...also when you notice that sound is coming from rooms, and it simply is looping (EX: crying, metal scraping.. anything) it detracts much from the immersion.. it in fact kills it.

+The game really works to draw you in, has an excellent introduction to mars and life there.. the PDA system is awesome, the voice comms are kickass, the voice acting and animation (including lip synching) are superb.

-the game does draw you in, but for the first 3-4 hours of playtime.... then it forgets about you completely.. the story is not furthered at all, the PDAs become monotonous (mostly) ramblings.. (which is fine, didnt bother me.. but didnt add to believability or atmosphere for me)

-for over half the game you feel like you are just running from checkpoint A to Checkpoint B, blowing away imps. (and it plays just like Doom1 with better gfx) even when you are given objectives, its pretty much just you running straight forward gunning.. you dont even need to bring up your PDA to check what you need to be doing.. because usually thats all it is, run forward till it beeps another checkpoint.

+The level design (in some places) is absolutely awesome, and the attention to detail is phenomenal.. when you are on mars, you feel like you are on mars.. in hell.. you feel like you could be in hell.

-MONSTER CLOSETS (monsters simply sitting in lil spaces that then jump out when you pick up that random armor shard/health pack)?!!?!? Doom1 style. you cant try and set up a story fps horror, and please old schoolers at the same time (I think ID were torn on this.. they tried to hybrid a good game, while trying to keep the "old doom" feeling/gameplay... and it might please the doom1 fanatics, but it doesnt come close to fulfilling fans of the Horror fps genre.
but to give something to ID, the monster closet thing made me jump the first time.. simply because I didnt expect something so corny.

+The Game picks up again near the end of the game, the story suddenly swings into full gear and a lot of things are explained in more detail than just "its a portal to hell".. I really liked it. The creature encounters become cooler too.

-Monster Designs should have been retooled from scratch, all the old monster designs re-imagined look like "cartoons brought to life"(except a couple), but they are still just cartoony.. creatures look more alien in nature than demonic.

+Cyberdemon owns me, seriously.. man that was cool.

overall I thought the game kicked ass, it has a lot of let downs..probably more if you are a die hard doomer (Im not), or you had HIGH hopes and expectations for Doom3 (I didnt).
its worth every penny of the $60 I paid for it, its a great game, and even the multiplayer isnt all that bad (true darkness hehe, and you can punch someone, and take their weapon :D ).... when you can get on.

Speaking of which has anyone been able to get on D3 online games? I have a hell of a time connecting to any game.. everything says they are full or require a password (even when the server says it has no pass, and has 0/4)
and I filter out full/empty and passworded servers... or is it just broken? (the game browser in D3)

anywhoo, go out and get doom3 its like playing a movie at times.. sometimes you have an intense battle and are truely wowed by the epic visuals.. or you have a breather and look down a dimly lit, flickering corridor.. or organic matter taking over mars.. its just wow.

I give it a "B" rating. aka 8/10. aka 80%. aka 4/5 stars.
Doom 3 is preatty good. The darkness does add to the feel, but sometimes it's more annoying than anything else. Espically the parts where you gotta jump from platform to platform, where you can't see the platforms, and without a flashlight (at least I hadn't found one as of that part... keepin spoilers low). AI's decent... there were a couple times they jumped away from my plasma blasts or missiles, thought I did notice a lack of intelligene there.

Only major complaint is that... I couldn't sprint, run foward, and strafe right at the same time. I can do it while walking, I can strafe left and run anytime, just not foward/strafe right while sprinting. It would just go either strafe right of foward. It's probably just my comp though.
I'm very impressed with the game so far( Delta sector 1). It runs better then I could ever dream on my 9600 pro and with all the eye candy on too :).

IMO the Al isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be( suits the game really), the game consists of narrow corridors and tiny rooms, so there is no real room to show off great AI anyway.
The pathfinding in the game is terrible.

Try standing in a thick doorway(i know there are a couple) because doorways are treated as mini transitions for levels the AI usually wont know what todo once you are standing on the middle of an AI deadzone?

Some elevators the AI can't follow you inside. Note: This does'nt happen on all elevators.

General clipping issues with the AI.
I don't care how ID wanted me to play the game. If I don't enjoy it....I don't enjoy it.

My personal and primary reason for bashing Doom 3 is that it was MASSIVELY over-hyped. It's a great doubt...but it is clearly not worth the hype.
its not as innovative as they promised. the dynamic lighting system is never used dynamically(are you REALLY going to shoot what few lights there are out? no.), which was their main selling point. the physics are an absolute joke if you've played test_boxstack, and while no one expected the AI to be great, its still points off.

but, its still fun once through, as almost any shooter is. its just nothing special. I'd rate it 'average'

as phantom said, its good, but not worth the hype.
CyberSh33p said:
its not as innovative as they promised. the dynamic lighting system is never used dynamically(are you REALLY going to shoot what few lights there are out? no.),

You do have all model shadows and the player shadow enabled right?
Neutrino said:
You do have all model shadows and the player shadow enabled right?
yes, but I am saying, what good is it to the gameplay? what purpose do the dynamic shadows have other than looking pretty? its almost never used to show a monster creeping up on you or anything, its just fluff. it looks really nice, despite the enormously exaggerated contrast in shadows, especially for a base made almost completley out of shiny metal. theres just no innovation in this game is what I'm trying to say. They Hunger did the whole 'omg dark' thing a while ago. That game was interesting indeed, and it actually did a better job of scaring me than doom 3.

still not saying doom3 sucks, its fun, but its only average.
Doom 3 deperately needs more changes of pace.

Always walking around in the dark, with monsters spawning around you, or popping out of the walls behind, soon becomes predictable and boring - and as a result, not scary.

Towards the start encounters with the enemy were sparse, and all the more tense for it (the game kept you guessing, on you toes. Suspense is the best tool in horror) As the game continued it turns out there's a demon in every room - and it becomes a monotonous task of clearing each section (essentially cutting the game/experience into samey chunks)

Doom3 needs more safe zones. (areas that you can relax in, explore in comfort, soak in the gameworld. Make them brightly lit, as different to the 'main' game as possible. Have friendly npc's to talk to ....... then suddenly aaaarrggh!).That's how you frighten people, you make them feel safe and secure, then scare the shit out of them (rinse and repeat). It's what successful horror movies do, and what Doom 3 doesn't.

hi's and low's - and Doom 3 has neither.
Warbie said:
Doom 3 deperately needs more changes of pace.

Always walking around in the dark, with monsters spawning around you, or popping out of the walls behind, soon becomes predictable and boring - and as a result, not scary.

Towards the start encounters with the enemy were sparse, and all the more tense for it (the game kept you guessing, on you toes. Suspense is the best tool in horror) As the game continued it turns out there's a demon in every room - and it becomes a monotonous task of clearing each section (essentially cutting the game/experience into samey chunks)

Doom3 needs more safe zones. (areas that you can relax in, explore in comfort, soak in the gameworld. Make them brightly lit, as different to the 'main' game as possible. Have friendly npc's to talk to ....... then suddenly aaaarrggh!).That's how you frighten people, you make them feel safe and secure, then scare the shit out of them (rinse and repeat). It's what successful horror movies do, and what Doom 3 doesn't.

hi's and low's - and Doom 3 has neither.

* Spoiler warning *

I agree.

The first pinky demon encounter scared the living shit out of me - I ran towards the door and it started breaking - I was like "WTF!" really got me tensed and I started looking around and couldn't break the glass - and then in a totally unexpected fashion it jumped through the glass and right into me, and I jumped in my seat. Unfortunately the whole game didn't have that kind of consistency of tension for just one monster alone - and focused on numbers. Id should have focused on creating tension with just one monster alone - that way it would have been very scary (important) and help to keep an even better framerate (not that this was a matter in the first case, since it's a very nicely optimized game).

Also, like warbie specifically mentioned - there was one scene that caught me by surprise. A zombie was lying on the sofa - as though it was dead and when I went closer it stood up and started hitting me, if only all those zombie could use lure tactics like those...
Warbie said:
Doom 3 deperately needs more changes of pace.

Always walking around in the dark, with monsters spawning around you, or popping out of the walls behind, soon becomes predictable and boring - and as a result, not scary.

Towards the start encounters with the enemy were sparse, and all the more tense for it (the game kept you guessing, on you toes. Suspense is the best tool in horror) As the game continued it turns out there's a demon in every room - and it becomes a monotonous task of clearing each section (essentially cutting the game/experience into samey chunks)

Doom3 needs more safe zones. (areas that you can relax in, explore in comfort, soak in the gameworld. Make them brightly lit, as different to the 'main' game as possible. Have friendly npc's to talk to ....... then suddenly aaaarrggh!).That's how you frighten people, you make them feel safe and secure, then scare the shit out of them (rinse and repeat). It's what successful horror movies do, and what Doom 3 doesn't.

hi's and low's - and Doom 3 has neither.
very well said, the repetitiveness of the monster patterns I got wise to quick. every time I hear something now, or theres evil laughter, I generall backtrack like 3 paces and what do you know? a monster is spawning. its like that the whole time.
Someone said:
But I think you hit the nail on the head with "...take gamespots review all the bad things they talked about were just personal opions and not realy flaws in the game..."

But reviews ARE only opinions, just as it's your opinion about how you feel about the game. And whether id wanted a game this way or that really shouldn't influence a review or opinion. If someone likes or dislikes it, their opinion is a valid one. I don't see them saying anything is a "flaw", I see them simply pointing out things which they didn't like.

What if Lamborghini built a car with a 95 horse power engine in it? It's the way THEY wanted it, after all. So therefore we should like it? Because it's what they wanted?

Because id wanted it that way does not mean we should automatically like it OR dislike it.

I, personally, agree with a lot of those nitpicks.

The game IS too dark for too long. It almost felt like they were hiding in the without the dark, the game was nothing at all. The spent so much time on the lighting/shadows it was if they needed to beat them to death to make the time spent creating them worth while.

Obviously it's supposed to take place in the dark and be "scary", but I would have thought they would have broken that up now and then with more bright areas to make you feel "safe". It wouldn't take the atmosphere away giving some brights areas, in fact, it would have made those darks areas more scary when you had to re-enter them.

As others have said: the zombie's AI is fine...but it's the rest of the demons who just run straight into your gun time and time again. The AI is down right bad for a game of this level.

The whole PDA thing bugged me. It felt almost like a RPG: get info, hunt object, fight monsters to get object, solve goal, go back to original point where a new path has opened. It was too repetitive. There was almost no flow to the was just: get info, hunt, fight, solve puzzle and that pattern never seemed to change from level to leve...wash, rinse, repeat. And didn't SS2 already have a PDA?

There were no real "scares" other than cheap, cliche ones. The dark, monsters jumping out from hidden doors or popping in behind you, laughter randomly popping up, the dark...still, a strange sound here and there, more dark etc. It just got old to me.

Doom3 did little for me, but it has a great engine. The one thing I am looking forward to is mods.

But, as I said: it's all just opinion and no opinion is wrong, it's just a personal feeling about something. Everyone has different taste, after all. For me, I wouldn't give the game more than a 6/10, and most of that would be for the engine.

I agree totally. But I want to add one thing.

The imps jumping at you when you open a door. The first time it's scary, the second time it's still a little bit scary. But the FIFT time? just downright lame.
Yeah I agree that there are way too many enemies for a horror game.
They needed to have more scripted sequences like the pinky demon first encounter (That was awesome!). Do the demons actually hit you for a good amount of damage on veteran? It's lame when you get chewed up by a cacodemon and you only take 10 damage. It doesn't make you scared of the demons.
The game was alot more scarier when you were anticipating what was coming next. At least for the first few levels, but after that you knew what was coming next
Carmack won't be unhappy even if doom3 scrapped.the real value is for its engine.Game companies might be surrounding ID, inorder to lisence the engine.
myth said:
Carmack won't be unhappy even if doom3 scrapped.the real value is for its engine.Game companies might be surrounding ID, inorder to lisence the engine.

Only 20% of ID's revenue comes from engines licenses. They make the majority of their money sell their games (like Doom 3).