all the typical mods, this is hl2- physics...


Sep 5, 2003
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i hear all the same kind of ideas for mods being made, just with little extra here and there?

Why not make new games, think futuristic. for example:

A cyclinder room, that represents a mental instution (white) with fans at the bottom. All the characters are wearing special suits that grab more air and can fly....

(skydiving mod to? i'd enjoy jumping out of a plan, and guiding myself to the beautiful earth below and landing on a target - or flying a glyder that gets luanched off an airplane via rope)

You can move up and down thus depending if your arms and legs are out or not.. i know this is possible along with jumping.. in real life.

then you have say a ball.. that your trying to peg eachother with.

it would be very fast action.. deal alot with richocheting balls off things and stuff..

now thats just a dumb concept-and probably wouldn't be worth making, But thats not the point..... the point is what can we do with phsyics to come up with a new game?!

anyone remeber some game, where you had 2 'goals' at the end and like a football shaped arena, and you ran around up the walls sliding and rolling around trying to get the ball /run with it to the other side and launch it like 30 feet up into this hole?

i forget what it was called.. but i think phsyics could take those games and make them badass...

same with realisticly simulated paintballs.. i[m sure this is under way thou.

just curious, what are you guys thinking about this and do you think will see mods like this? cuase i really havn't seen any yet.
i don't know man, if i get a good idea i'll share it...

but i have another question.. would white water rafting be possible??

as in, you paddle on the right side of the boat, it goes left.. vise versa, ya have 2 people that coordinate there strokes, the boat goes straight? ... thus you could have racing..... not sure how fun that would be..

but if you could simulate rocks and fast rushing water that could potentially be harmful to the boat, or generate enough power to flip it.. would be fun.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
i don't know man, if i get a good idea i'll share it...

but i have another question.. would white water rafting be possible??

as in, you paddle on the right side of the boat, it goes left.. vise versa, ya have 2 people that coordinate there strokes, the boat goes straight? ... thus you could have racing..... not sure how fun that would be..

but if you could simulate rocks and fast rushing water that could potentially be harmful to the boat, or generate enough power to flip it.. would be fun.

If you faked a lot of it, then yeah you could possibly pull it off. Using sprites or particle shader effects for like water spray and stuff, and things like wind to push in different directions, giving the impression of water current.. Then yeah, with a bit of work a white water rafting mod could perhaps work.. It could be pretty cool too, less dangerous than the real thing aswell, which is always good :D
yeah i know, i don't have any urge to go white water rafting in real life, but if a mod was made and looked/worked decently, count me in on refreshing the page till the download link appears
I think it would be a neat mod. Valve have said about vehicles allowing people in them aswell as the driver/pilot. So I'm sure it would allow for a group of people to control it

Yep I think it could be cool, someone make it :D
i like the way your ideas are going...

Basically, VALVe will give us a KICKASS physics engine, only waiting for it to be excessively misused *HAR*

so i spose madders will have start thinking of a way how to use this new stuff...
oh, and lets not forget the neat camera thingy they did in the previews...

How about a CTF-Style game where you can set up surveillance cams on your own? (hmmm... somebody must have had that idea before)


someone can get a realistic knockback system working... e.g. when you get hit by a baseball bat you turn into a ragdoll, do a realistic backflip and then you turn back into a standard playermodel, trying to get back to your feet... Perhaps one could implement a system where you can grab a player and fling him onto incoming opponents...

btw... any Shadowrun mods coming up soon?
okay i though to one.
this really sounds cool to me i just thought about it reading your post about cameras..

where your a casino. one team is the security/ w/ a commander running all the cameras and reporting to the 'on grounds' security team. (some blend in)
you have a bunch of free form AI playing games,
and then robbers trying to rip off the casino :)

i just thought it up so i can't go into detail cuase i frankly don't know how it will work out.

But that would make a really cool use of the free form AI, it could end up in a hostage situation, grab a bystander and use them as a shield.. a standoff occurs then..

or what about a jackey chan style fighting? where you could flip open the doors to a refrigerator and knock the opponet back, kick and flip chairs at them, use a frying pan to block shots, throw the frying pan at them , then grab a later and start spinning it around.

and i'm sure football (in game playing from teh mask) with hl2's phsyics would be ground breaking (although i'm not very interested cuase its not that original)

or maybe a mechanics/plumbers game?

anyone ever play a small agme i think called pipeline? you started out with a grid, each block a space you could lay a pipe. you'd then start laying pipe connection after connection, and a slime would start comming down.. you had to figure out how to use each pipe line it gave you where to place it, so the slime never stopped or flowed out?

You could do some cool fire fighting simulations, i can imagine driving down a road in a truck with 4 guys on-line.. all jumping out in your gear (your wearing a gasmask) with an air meter - you could use an axe to hack down the door to teh house, then barge in, with teh fire house and start spraying down the inside, while a guy ran the turret on the truck , spraying the top, while maybe another worked a ladder and saved some lady from the second story window :)

you could also do some emergency disaster situations.. such as a broken pipeline, that would need supressed welded, or maybe that would just be part of the game?
i think we need to bring back the fun fantasty games in hl2 mods. Don't go for realism, go for the obscenely crazy stuff like 200 foot powerranger robots or some sort of poofed up battle chess game
meh i fail to see how tennis/ping pong would be original cool.

why not a pet store fighting fish tournament? You know its the equivelent of cock fights but with fish. you buy a japanese fighting fish, and throw it in a bowl with someone elses and bet on the winner.
that would kick ass
wow, i like that sky diving idea

kinda reminds me of that N64 game where you had to complete challenges (one of them was skydiving onto a target)

can't remember the name :/
Jumping off a building just high enough to open your parachute for a safe landing. I think.
haha rock climbing would you so cool! loose rocks! putting your hands in cracks! smashing rocks to make new cracks! a buddy system with ropes!
Originally posted by Quotidian---
haha rock climbing would you so cool! loose rocks! putting your hands in cracks! smashing rocks to make new cracks! a buddy system with ropes!

Maybe go for a good combo like the everest rock climbing base jumping challange a race to the top and back down.
Gyahhahahaw... how 'bout angel's against demon's fighthing for a piece of land for their kingdom of death.???

else :
-Street BasketBall!!!!...?
- Constructing game...? (be a workers, painter, etc..?)
- PlayBoy wanabee games... ( a lot of chick *.mdl, and hustlermag texture ).

- Zooperman's, FLYING MODELS!!!! ( set gravity->NULL; )
- Disc Jockey game.

-FP'xxx'games for 21yr's old ++.

Originally posted by Quotidian---
meh i fail to see how tennis/ping pong would be original cool.

why not a pet store fighting fish tournament? You know its the equivelent of cock fights but with fish. you buy a japanese fighting fish, and throw it in a bowl with someone elses and bet on the winner.
that would kick ass

Ping Pong with physics!!! And Tennis without physics!!!
Hmm... that makes Tennis as Ping Pong and Ping Pong as Tennis...
HMMM... Is there already a 'Ping-Pong 3d' ( table tennis ) game on the market? If there is none. Why don't we mod one?!!!.

It will be very pacey game there lad!
Can't we just have a game of Tennis without the Tennis and just have Anna Kanucoverherinoil stood there looking cute and sexy in a very short skirt, that would be great thanks! :D
This thread sparked an OLD idea of mine for a Half-Life mod… It was a “Game Show” sort of mod…
There would be 2 or 3 or however many teams and they could have to complete certain tasks to gain points. They could be team objectives or solo objects for each player of the team.

Some things I was thinking of for tasks were:
-A Maze / Labyrinth / Gauntlet (Team or Solo)
-Quick Last Team Standing Paint Ball (Team)
-Races ( in vehicles or on foot ) (Team or Solo)
-and whatever else you can think of…

The use of the new Physics would be a VERY large factor in all situations/tasks. And yes, you could even include your Skydiving into it. :cool: I think it would be pretty fun running away from a giant boulder, Indiana Jones styles, while setting off traps and whatnot trying to beat your opponent. Just a thought, but I think it could turn out to be pretty fun. You could incorporate all different types of game play into one mod. You have your Action and you Strategy all in one :cheese:
The game was Pilotwings 64.

I think I would be scared with a rock climbing game... the cliff section was bad enough. Not one for heights.
Have there been any D&D style mods? A dungeon crawl could be great.
how, bout errr... animal MOD? Play from a view of cats, dogs, gorillaa whatever...?? Different class, different weapon, different power-ups.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Can't we just have a game of Tennis without the Tennis and just have Anna Kanucoverherinoil stood there looking cute and sexy in a very short skirt, that would be great thanks! :D

An excellent idea! and all we need is a modeller and an animator. :)
Dead 6 will be implementing Low altitude drops, and possibly some HALO drops real time, and through a team effort (someones gotta fly you there)
Originally posted by |Cross21|
how, bout errr... animal MOD? Play from a view of cats, dogs, gorillaa whatever...?? Different class, different weapon, different power-ups.

Yes! With humans (NPC or player) to pounce on!
Me gonna be a cat and scratch people in the face with my 1337 claws!:D Or maybe a ferret...Yes, that would be neat...*starts pouncing around room, scratching and biting things*