All you naysayers...we're not dead yet!

All of a sudden there's something slightly bitter about Fragmaster... I don't know why but he's sort of acting weird.

1) He's not announced who the sources at Vivendi were and
2) He's not announced what they actually said and
3) He's not given us any reason why
Originally posted by El_Chi
Originally posted by trantjd
Can't you just picture the Valve staff sitting there with a gold copy of HL2 giggling maniacally for a month! Heck, they could even start working on HL3 in the meantime!

No. Are you serious?

Only's an extreme case, but I like seeing the little guy (valve) sticking it to the big guy (vivendi). Like you said, Valve does the vast majority of the work and I really don't think that Vivendi serves an extremely necessary role (or at least not an irreplacable role).

Valve definitely deserves to have 99.5% of the say about when and how the game is marketed and distributed!
I mean let's be honest here:

We've supposedly seen Gabe say he knows nothing
We've seen Fragmaster say he's confirmed it 3 or 4 times without telling us who, when and what
And a high ranking person at Vivendi have dismissed the rumours that it's delayed. Twice. Today.

He's gone down in my estimation until he does some really basic jounalistic things

Who, What, Where, When, Why?
Originally posted by Chris_D
All of a sudden there's something slightly bitter about Fragmaster... I don't know why but he's sort of acting weird.

1) He's not announced who the sources at Vivendi were and
2) He's not announced what they actually said and
3) He's not given us any reason why

Yeah, no kidding...I don't mean to shoot the messenger here, but I think that's what's so frustrating here is that there are people out there who definitely know a whole lot more than we do about what's going on.

Now, if it was people at Vivendi, I could understand them not telling their news, but Fragmaster is one of us...He knows we're all frustrated by this and just looking to find out what the story behind the story is.

Of course, he realizes this too...which leads me to believe that by sharing what he knows, he risks being out of the loop for future stories...In all honesty, I'd hate to be in his shoes right now...
I'm really confused now. Perhaps he called VU and asked "Can you please confirm that HL2 will be released before holidays 2003?" They answered "Yes", obviously. He then interpreted it as being released DURING holidays 2003.

I don't think he's lying or making this stuff up, but he should quote an official statement or at least name the person who he talked to. Anonymous sources are not always reliable, as we all know.
I just feel that he's being very unprofessional about it. I love PHL to bits, always have, and Fragmaster must've always been part of the reason for that because he runs the site. But I just feel he's holding back or something.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I mean let's be honest here:

We've supposedly seen Gabe say he knows nothing
We've seen Fragmaster say he's confirmed it 3 or 4 times without telling us who, when and what
And a high ranking person at Vivendi have dismissed the rumours that it's delayed. Twice. Today.

He's gone down in my estimation until he does some really basic jounalistic things

Who, What, Where, When, Why?

Think about it...who in their right mind wouldn't want to fill us in on everything that they can? I am sure that if he's not telling us (or if Valve isn't either for that matter) then it's for a pretty good reason:

1) The decision hasn't been finalized yet (this could apply to phl and valve)
2) Non-Disclosure agreements (once again, could apply to either party)

I dunno, there could be other reasons I'm not thinking of right now...

Another point, think about how long it was before there was even a peep out of Valve about HL2...that company is very, very good about keeping things quiet until they want them known! Let's just hope that they'll be able to fill us in soon...

Ok enough rambling by me! Adios!
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I don't think he's lying or making this stuff up, but he should quote an official statement or at least name the person who he talked to. Anonymous sources are not always reliable, as we all know.

Just because the source is anonymous to us, doesn't mean that Fragmaster doesn't know who it is and trust them...

I won't deny that his updates on PHL seem a bit odd, but I'm quite sure that he's telling us everything he can...and, unfortunately, I do trust his opinion about his sources being an extent.
But why can he get a striaght answer but Vendi and Valve haven't sent official word yet?
Originally posted by Chris_D

And a high ranking person at Vivendi have dismissed the rumours that it's delayed. Twice. Today.

She didn't really dismiss anything, but she said that _Valve_ was still working toward their same date. She didn't want to reveal anything that's going on at Vivendi. Apparently people at Vivendi want HL2 to be delayed, and they're allowing this to be leaked. Either Valve hasn't been official told this yet, or Valve is fighting Vivendi over the release date.

I think the reason Fragmaster and other media representatives have been so convinced is that Vivendi is intentionally leaking this.
In both incidents where she sent an email to someone she mentioned that it was Valve sticking to 30th September.

The other guys email said:

"Valve is committed to the Sept. 30, 2003 ship date."

I just want to know officially.
Everybody, including Valve and Vivendi are saying that HL2 is not delayed (or at the very least leaning in the direction - noone even hinted at a delay, let alone confirm it).

Yet, the official news sources are still sticking to their old story. This doesn't make any sense to me.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Everybody, including Valve and Vivendi are saying that HL2 is not delayed (or at the very least leaning in the direction - noone even hinted at a delay, let alone confirm it).

Yet, the official news sources are still sticking to their old story. This doesn't make any sense to me.

Thats whats got everyone in a bind.

All of the news site un-named sources are claiming delay, while the people on the actual front are claiming the opposite.
Vivendi wants to delay HL2 for whatever reason, but they can't officially announce it yet, perhaps because Valve hasn't agreed. So instead, they 'leak' the delay and tell all the news sites "It's definitely being delayed! No question about that, no siree!"

It makes it easier for Vivendi to pressure Valve into delaying if everyone already thinks it's delayed.
Let's not bring retailers into this .. For example, Amazon is saying that Doom 3 has been discontinued .. LOL
Originally Stated by Planet Half-Life
Sorry to be such a jerk about this, but if Half-Life 2 comes out the 30th, I'll dress up as Gordon Freeman, pass out free copies of HL2 on the street while profusely apologizing, videotape it, and post the humiliating results online for everybody to laugh at. Deal?
Heh, I cant wait to see this video. could be that VU is just seing how the consumers react to HL2 being delayed. Sites and most fans doesn't seem very opposed to the delay (with some exceptions...), so why not delay it if they can make more money. VALVe might as well be waiting to see what the community thinks before they make a decision. Anyway, we should state that we are opposed to any delay, and make it apparent that there's a massive opposing force.
Well, if you look at the poll at asking what fans think of the delay, over 70% have voted "AAAAARGH!!! WAAAAARGH!!! DAMNIT!!" so it seems the fanbase is taking it pretty hard.

The reason the newsites aren't acting like it's a big deal is because they love to smugly rub it fans faces by saying, "We told you so."
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Well, if you look at the poll at asking what fans think of the delay, over 70% have voted "AAAAARGH!!! WAAAAARGH!!! DAMNIT!!" so it seems the fanbase is taking it pretty hard.

The reason the newsites aren't acting like it's a big deal is because they love to smugly rub it fans faces by saying, "We told you so."

I hate new sites that do that. They ask we are we so wanting to play this game?(Not exactly about HL2, but any game)

Most of the time thesse guys have to conventions, meeting, interviews, and have either gotten to play the game, or seen a special demo of it.

So while you have your fix, all we have is the high pixlized shakey cam vid you gave us, and our fanboy little dreams;(

Some call anticipation, I call it torture. [/rant/jokemode]

Also the closest reason they could give that they were delaying the game on was a friggen CD-key? It takes 3 months to fix a Cd-key?! Bull**** somethings going on behind the scene.
We have now managed to chat with Ms. Farris over the phone who confirmed that Valve is still planning to ship Half-Life 2 on Sept. 30. She also called the previous news on its delay from the other major gaming web sites "a misscommunication".

In the name of Gabe the Compassionate, the Merciful:


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :cheers:

I knew it was a miscommunication, but nobody believed me.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
In the name of Gabe the Compassionate, the Merciful:


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :cheers:

I knew it was a miscommunication, but nobody believed me.
*gives lone a cookie*
Makes me want to do one of these:

EDIT: Ok, we can post attachments, but we can't post hotlinks?

Thanks for sticking with it Spiffae and let's hope HL2 turns out un-delayed.
Ahh yes, now everything is back on track - release date is Sept 30, new vid commin out tomorrow. Conditions could hardly be better. :)
i think you mean "Conditions could hardly be more ideal"
I know there not going to but it would make my day if they realesed a playable demo.
:cheers: :bounce: :eek: :cool: :dozey: :afro:
Alright! Lets all hope it comes out 9/30!
Man i just had teh worst dream, suposedly HL2 was going to be delayed. Hah what a crazy NIGHTMARE.
Well now the unofficial news has even been turned down by the unofficial news.

Fragmaster is probably by far the most moronic journalist ever seen.

First he apologizes for his bad behavior/sloppy coverage, afterwards he write that if you do not believe him, the game is out in a couple of days with an unicorn in the box.
Hmmm... I'm still a leeeeedle bit sceptical as it all sounds mildly bureaucratic/ politician-deftly-avoids-giving-a-direct-answer. Valve is working towards the date. She mentions nothing about VU...
But then I want to believe that it isn't delayed. I'm sorry. I'm going to stop being a pessimistic arse and stop pissing on everyone's strawberries and join in with the woo-hooos.
<Coughs>: WOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!:E

Oh and yes: Fragmaster DOES indeed look like a gun-jumping sub-amateur fool who was too keen to get in on a smug "I told you so" campaign. Pretentious arse - serves him right.
If anyone is good with flash and could reinact that part in the PHL delay movie where the e-mail is received only changing the address of the sender to [email protected] and the receiver to John Carmack it would make a great conspiracy story :P
I apologize for the sloppy way we’ve covered this story, I’ll be the first to admit I could have handled this better. We still think Half-Life 2 won’t make September 30th based on the information we have. If you don't want to believe us, fine, the game isn't delayed and will in fact be shipping early next week. Also the game will include a free Unicorn in the box. You can name him Jasper and fly to Atlantis to have a leisurely lunch with Elvis.
Good old Mr. Fragmaster. Sticking to his guns to the last.