All you naysayers...we're not dead yet!

Originally posted by ZeoviZ
make it apparent that there's a massive opposing force.

I agree!

Let's all go play opposing force!

But seriously, there's still a major chance that it is delayed. We're on thin ice right now, we might have just gotten a rope to pull us to the shore, but you know, that could be cut, or something... yeah, I have no idea where I'm going with that analogy...

And in regards to the movie, I would have made the PHL reader transform into some kind of fire monster or gargantua and stormed Vivendi, but that's just me...

And everyone remember, Vivendi is a FRENCH (dun dun dun!) company, yet another reason to dislike the French =)
Yeah but i cant wait to see those homevids of him.

And we're all gonna sue him if he does not do so.

As a great man once said:

"Well atleast, we will see Fragmaster, be gordon freeman, the 30th september, if he grows a beard, buys some glasses and ages by 40 years."
Best part:
A few days ago, we linked to a GameSpot srticle which (along with other web sites like GamePro, GameSpy and IGN) stated they had heard from an unnamed Vivendi Universal Games spokesperson that Half-Life 2 would not make its Sept. 30 launch date.

We reported it, but so did they. lol

It's not our fault, EVERYONE WAS DOING IT.

Moving on to other topics, weeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwttttt. :P
I have e-mailed valve once a day since the first news of delay, always politely, changing my approach every day. I write to gabe, and doug lombardi, and every day, i get no response.

That alone is the only thing that worries me. I can't get the feeling that they are hiding something from out out of my head.

of course, in the absurdly optimistic side of my personality, i think that they are going in to crunch mode after Vivendi questioned their reliability, and they are going to stay quiet until they announce a few weeks.