all your threads!

Hectic Glenn said:
lol...i just realised that spicy tuna is Lemonking with Brian wermz, why did you change it :(

Omg! Wheres you fat guy avatar!
cuz the amount of people hating me is over whelming,but it turned out I cant run away from those people by simply changing my name :(
You can never really escape from a mob of pitchfork toting peasants
Not fat guy! It was Ricky Gervais, but cats have over ruled him temporarily.

Lemonking you can't run all your life, making a thread about all your OLD THREADS is hardly clever to escape your past, in fact its shooting yourself in the foot with an anti-tank gun by raking it all up again. I cant stop thinking about brain worms now...
MF-Boltress said:
I don't think that I've ever made an off topic thread... :(

Better start now, or end up as a member of Quizilla

Dont make the same mistake I did.