Allied AI conversations in HL2

With regards the whole AI conversation's i really really hope there are plenty of bits where there are just like two scientists chilling out, scared out of their mind with combine looking for them and you can sit and listen to them bicker...
'The combine wouldn't kill me i'm a PHD!'
'Shut up, my seniority would make me far more valuable'

That kind of junk.
PvtRyan said:
Why go walking when you can go horseback riding on the G-Man through City-17?
Why horseback ride the G-Man when you can "ride" Alyx?
why fantasise about alyx when you can get laid in real life?
Rupertvdb said:
why fantasise about alyx when you can get laid in real life?

I don't think most people have ever get laid on these forums...

...any way...

...I hope the convos will be better in hl2...

example from hl1...

A: why do we have to wear these rediculus ties?
B: Have you seen my cup?
A: Nooo
B: Ok
Pip said:
After a while they started talking to themselves (as they do) and it got me thinking will this be in Half Life 2 and if so will it be expanded.
Yes it's in Half-Life 2 and it's slightly more expanded than HL1.