almost done with the game..and haven't had much fun


May 31, 2004
Reaction score
ok, before I start this topic, lemme first say i don't hate the game. I love hl2dm/css, but I just have had lots of anger and frustration at the game

ok, first of all, when I put it in my geforce 6800, and ran hl2, I was happy. it kind of ran slow on the train part, then did fine after that. it was all smooth! and this was on highest settings. but later on in the game, when I first jumped into water, it started to dip in fps. fine! I went bumped down from trilinear to bilinear, did fine. but then I noticed how textures looked like crap from a distance, so I bumped it up to 2x af. well, then it started to run kind of bad. I kind of shrugged it off, then it became horrible. I tried diffrent drivers, omega, forceware, beta, official. and so far, beta are doing ok. but now, throughout the entire game, I have gotten nothing but stuttering, or poor preformance. Using the latest beta drivers have increased FPS, but there are still lots of times when it just DIPS. And this makes the game hard to play. if I could figure out how to increase fps on hl2 singleplayer, I would greatly start it over. (and if I could get rid of the game stuttering at places).

system specs:

amd athlon xp 2500+ 333 fsb
Geforce 6800 standard
512 mb of ddr pc2700

and really, I don't like it when people say "your cpu is a bottleneck!" or "Get more ram!" I really don't think thats it. I recently upgraded from a geforce 2, and I did tweaks and such..but nothing really seems to help. I don't like it when I got from 80 fps to 30 in an instant. it's just crazy, especially on a decent processer, ram, and a great videocard..I played the latest painkiller demo on max settings, and it plays great. and so does the doom 3 demo..but hl2 is just so..bad

also, the stress test gave me 90.41 fps @ 1024x768/high/reflect all/4x af.

someone please help.
That's what you get when ATI and Valve allies. As far as frame rate goes, 80 to 30 shouldn't seem to be noticable. Turn off the fps/sec and have fun, you won't notice I promise. Also your Card is too fast for your system specs. I get about the same stress test results as you ((The new DNA drivers are ****ing incredible)) Though I play with medium settings
2.0 ghz pentium
512 Pc2100 Ram
Radeon 9800 pro.
Getting a new one on jan 10th though.
CookieCuttah said:
That's what you get when ATI and Valve allies. As far as frame rate goes, 80 to 30 shouldn't seem to be noticable. Turn off the fps/sec and have fun, you won't notice I promise. Also your Card is too fast for your system specs. I get about the same stress test results as you ((The new DNA drivers are ****ing incredible)) Though I play with medium settings
2.0 ghz pentium
512 Pc2100 Ram
Radeon 9800 pro.
Getting a new one on jan 10th though.

"80 to 30 shouldn't seem to be noticable" Lmfao! We have another smart guy here. Are you joking? There is a HUGE difference between 80 and 30 fps. I really dont feel like explaining this for the 100th time (had to explain it 10+ times over at the steam forums) But you must have something horribly wrong with your eyes if you cant see the difference between 80 and 30 fps.
I never use the stat fps thingy. this is just guessing, if it's really smooth, I think that it's 60-80. if it's kind of..slow, I think 30. if it's a slideshow, I think.."shit"
Personally I see very little diffrence in playability as far as fps goes, sure 80 looks better but otherwise it's still well playable.
ha, also, 16x af and 6x aa doesn't seem to decrease preformance. atleast in CS:S, haven't tried it with hl2. but I went from 90 fps with 4x af, to 85 with 16x af and 6x aa. I tried it in that map..de_chatue, and it played just fine. and this was on a 24 player server. I should give it a try with hl2.. >P

anyway. doom 3 runs great, and thats stressful on the gpu, I don't care what you fanboys say, the shadows, shaders, bump-mapping, lighting, it all puts a heavy-task on both compontants. the latest painkiller, 1.3, features light blooming, and heat distorison(sp?), along with pixel shaders and tweaks for the latest videocards. and they also have huge areas and 30 demons coming after you! I played it with highest settings, and got great fps. and hl2 does play great, i'm not saying it doesn't. but there are times when it lags where it shouldn't. like around the end when alyx has to shut down defenses, when I was blasting away at combine, it did fine. but if I backed off and looked at the defenses, it dipped to like, 30 fps. this is what i'm talking about, the game plays great, but fps dips where it seems like it shouldn't. :(

also, I don't know how it plays throughout the game now. I haven't tried the entire game with these latest beta drivers, but they seem to do well so far. I just wouldn't mind getting an extra 10 fps. :)
my game lags all the time to, and my settings are lower then urs, and it looks like shit, even when i put it up to highest.. well i cant play then..
just be happy lol, everyone has lag.. i think anyways
and doom 3 looks better, and has no lag at all for my comp..
painkiller looks a loooooot better, the textures are awesome, but it lags similar to half life 2, exept more