Almost Unkown Gman Sighting


Aug 23, 2004
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i saw the gman, and i havent seen this pic anywhere before, it was in the mud skipper part. there was a billboard hanging down from a ruined building, but it kept on flashing wierd ruined images of the dr guy :p a couple of times u see a guy on a red background for a split second and i took loadsa screenshots, it turned out to be an evil looking gman:

Now, im pretty sure there was one of these in water hazard, there is a part with a breen prompter but its all messed up--if i fraps'ed it im sure i could see a gman there
Its been posted before but still a cool find.
The most freaky has to be behind the trains before you get the buggy.
You'll get to see g-man in his very person somewhere at water hazard, hes facing the way your coming from then he walks inside and closes a door behind him, i even zoomed in on him and saw his expression, very freaky :p Ill try to fix a screen
i think after i completed this game, il be going through it again and again just to spot the g-man at every concievable point he appears, i've only seen him once in game. and i didnt realise it was him til he was gone...
It looks like his mouth is duct taped shut
and his hands are tied behind his back.
Why does it look like the G-Man is kinda ... hyper? He looks like he just smelled a bottle of rubber cement...

I saw one where he was on a TV after you first get dog to follow you, and he hops on the combine gunship...You walk in that area, and shortly after the load point, the g-man appears on the tv..I couldn't manage to get a screenshot because it was so quick...Also, I tried to get it again, but it didn't appear again...
Seal i saw that one too...... and a few times on various other screens then a couple of times in person.

Dont remember the one where hes walking tow ards you then turns and closes a door behind him though?!?
that was the first screenshot of the gman i saw when ppl started all these "gman sighted" threads
ima have to play through again to see if I find ny more of these sightings.
what the .... haven't you guys noticed him throughout the whole game? ive seen him at least 3 times, for example...first time you enter kleiners lab, (when your gonna get teleported) look at the panels and the screen to the left of where you get your suit from, theres alittle Tv showing the G-man at the fences where barney took u in...
ive seen him tons of times.... this was just the most unique sighting of him ive had...
The dude is allover man, ALLOVER!
Though, I have to say this one was definatly the most frightening of them all, seeing him on that big screen in an errie lighting and static interferrence.
...*looks behind him just incase*

He can be seen four times (that I know of) during Water Hazard. Of those four I've only seen three mentioned around here.
I say the creepiest siting by far is the one in I think anticitizen one. I walked in a building and heard some strange music so I looked over to find that a small tv in the rubble had g-man on what looked like xen adjusting his tie. Then the tv turns off. It was strange because the tv is not even plugged in.
I've seen him all the times in the link above, and a couple of more times.

Once where you open up the dam, after you have shot down the chopper with the airboat.

You see him in some binoculars somewhere in the game. Can't remember the chapter, but it's the only one with binoculars.

Creepy dude :)
poopy said:
I say the creepiest siting by far is the one in I think anticitizen one. I walked in a building and heard some strange music so I looked over to find that a small tv in the rubble had g-man on what looked like xen adjusting his tie. Then the tv turns off. It was strange because the tv is not even plugged in.

That one is creepy, look at what he is doing.
fastcat said:
That one is creepy, look at what he is doing.

Creepy :D He has a bird on his shoulder and looks to be stood on a derelict object, maybe a boat ?

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