Altair the master assassin who can't swim


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Just one of the odd things about the game. This guy can do basically ANYTHING, and somehow forgot that learning how to swim is a pretty big deal!

Awesome game. IF you figure out after the first 3 dudes you have to do a tower climb in the undiscovered zone in order to start to see icons there. Boy was that frustrating.

And the ending.. Wow!
I still got a way to go, I'm doing all the side missions before a assassination so its taking me forever. About the swimming i noticed that as well, but really its nitpicking. I cant wait to get futher in the game. Im right were you have the 3 memory sectors and you can pick which city to go to. I have 2 left. Also playing COD4 at night, Just did a 5 hour run straight, damn what a intense game. Playing on Hardcore 1st time around.
Yeah... the water issue bugs me a little, but it's quite humorous now that I think about it. I love throwing soldiers into water when I can(and off buildings), and there was one time when I tried killing a templar without assassinating him to have it be more epic... and he ended up throwing me off into the water like 3 times, and knocked me in a fourth time. lol. Man those templars are tough mofos if you don't just sneak in to assassinate them. I wish they made the templars even tougher, and the normal soldiers you encounter as tough as the templars are now. Then there'd be epicly hard battles.

Note: None of the above contained spoilers, so don't worry.
Oh yeah: tip. Stick through the credits

Some people gripe about the combat in the game. Saying it's not as good. In some ways I agree with this statement. However, the combat can be as exciting as you make it. It's easy to sit with block up and only counter-attack, but the real fun starts when you're switching in and out.
Running into large bodies is a big problem in the desert? That's news to me.
At least you're not discrediting the game for something this trivial. After all, this was apparent in GTA 3 and Vice City.
No. Frustrating yes, but game-breaking? No.

Maybe we'll see swimming in future versions... who knows.
I can't stand it when devs do this, same deal with the Spiderman movie games.
Spidey could swim in Spider-man 3. :D

Oh yeah? Good - I still can't bring myself to buy it though until it's in the bargain bin. I bought Spiderman 2 for discount and played the hell out of it. Hell I still pick it up from time to time just to web-sling around NYC.

It's this same reason that I want Assassin's Creed, it looks so damn fun to just move around the environment and explore.
Aye, Spider-Man 3, just like the movie, was utter ass. Worth it on the cheap if you were big into Spidey 2 though.

I think that's why Gabe's comments on PA drew me back in - it's a take your time and explore experience.
thats it im not picking this game up cause the fruitcake can't swim.
I wouldn't say that exactly, the game did pick up when the symbiote suit was available.
Yeah, I got a little bit pissed off when that happens. Of course, the water doesn't go anywhere so I don't see the point.
I've finished the fourth assassination.. Doing most of the side missions, all of them now, and I think this story is just so amazing. The really managed to make it good- One of the reasons I'm still playing is to find out why the thing with the guy is happening. -vague for spoiler purposes-.
I got the limited edition- Yay Altair action figure!! :D
I don't consider this that major, afterall, GTA3, GTA:VC, Mercenaries 1, Operation FlashPoint, you couldn't swim in any one of those games.:)
/me is sad for Mercenaries 1.
We better get to swim in 2.
Yeah, you can't swim in most games it seems and it never fails to piss me off, esp. if I die in the water at any point. It all started (for me at least) with drowning in a tiny stream King's Quest...;(
Kings Quest!! Omfg I Loved That Game!!! Ahhh!!
I don't consider this that major, afterall, GTA3, GTA:VC, Mercenaries 1, Operation FlashPoint, you couldn't swim in any one of those games.:)

Yeah, but that's not a good thing if it's been like this for so long and it still hasn't been implemented or improved in some gamesd further down the line.

Of course, a lot of games do have such a feature, but I don't see the logic in all these other games just dismissing it right away. Seems fairly backwards thinking if you ask me.
Well, GTA:SA had swiming, as did Armed Assault('Sequel' to Operation Flashpoint), Mercs 2 has swiming confirmed too, so if those three different game series are any indication, Assassin's Creed 2 will probably have swimming too.:p
My brother hated that there was no swimming in Spiderman 2. I think he wants to get Spiderman 3 just for that alone. lol
So he doesn't fall into the water and 'die'.

When he found out you couldn't swim in AC he was jumping off a building by mistake and fell right in the channel. Was sorta funny when it happened. Not a huge thing but something to add in AC2. There are posts/boats to navigate down the channel if you need so.
That isn't good enough, though. With so many games catching on to giving the player the option to swim - hell, like you said, Garg, even Rockstar/GTA FINALLY caught on, and that was a while ago - why couldn't Assassins Creed of done it now instead of probably doing it in the next release?

I haven't actually played AC, and I'm sure because of this backwards way of thinking water based areas don't play too much of an essential part to the game, but when you do happen to fall in to water and you just... die, it really kills immersion for me because of how goddamned stupid it is. Obviously I'm not going to rate the game any higher or lower because of this feature, but it does make me wonder just what the hell people are thinking when they're designing games these days.
How many games later did it take GTA to add the ability to swim in water? Spiderman?
Well, until SA, and kudos to them for finally working around an annoying gameplay problem. And then more games come along and ignore such a feature and we're right back to square one.
There's not exactly a whole lot of water to swim in in Assassin's Creed, and none of it really goes anyplace interesting. Besides which, it makes it more fun to navigate along the water-side areas, knowing that if I take a mis-step I'll die.

Not that I wouldn't enjoy seeing swimming in AC2, that is.