Alternate realities!

which is the more awesomerst?

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Well, first we need to know what the new name would be. If you're changing it to something stupid, then keep it. But if you're gonna be "Penismacintosh Gravymaster" then I think we'll all agree that you're the man.
JNightshade said:
Well, first we need to know what the new name would be. If you're changing it to something stupid, then keep it. But if you're gonna be "Penismacintosh Gravymaster" then I think we'll all agree that you're the man.

EDIT: *points up*
Change your name to Ian Whitcomb


America's Foremost Tin-Pan Alley Man, Ukulele Virtuoso, and Grammy award-Winning Recording Artist

In that case, keep it. Your current name is FAR better. I mean, it's a great name. I don't see why you'd want to change it...
Change your name to Fudge Tunnel, That'd be awesomest!
Nah, just keep it as is, tis a cool name. I've always liked it.
Murray_H said:
Change your name to Ian Whitcomb


America's Foremost Tin-Pan Alley Man, Ukulele Virtuoso, and Grammy award-Winning Recording Artist

He reminds me of Dr Who, one of the old ones.
I guess I'm in the minority D:

here's something I wrote last night to explain why I wanted to change my name, and give a history lesson:

Ah, it's a thing I do. I fluctuate names. It started in half-life deathmatch... I don't rememebr it. Anyway, then counter strike; I was known as Taste THIS Rainbow, and later as Glocked, and (KMCA) Glocked. Later, in Halo (yes, I played halo) as Fluffy, or Mo (mostly because I used my brother's names).

Then, I got tired of the cliched, "funny saying" names. I wanted something... truly epic. Then, it hit me- combine FOOD with MONKEY! and thus, Puddinmonkey was born.

Oh dear, puddinmonkey was quite the legend... counter-strike, halo, several otehr online games... people knew me, people looked for me for easy kills. I made up a backstory to the name. I had a comic strip. I had a ****ing egotistical problem because of this screenname. I thought I was god.

Then, I found a forum. It was rather small, maybe 15 regulars. It was for a doom 3 mod, Hell on Earth. I didn't do any modding work, but I was a lively member of the community, offering suggestions and feedback, urging the leaders on. But, sadly, the mod died, the forums went down. Along with those forums, died the name and legacy of Puddinmonkey. I mourned.

I stayed away from online places that required a screen name, for a time. I was shamed by the sudden death of such a great part of me, and fearful to start another in the same track. But something happenned in my life, that probably changed me forever.

My sixth grade teacher is one of the greatest men I've ever met. An ex-military man, he pushed us, his little group of eleven and twelve year-olds daily to our physical limit, teaching us push-ups and sit-ups… He got us a place in the first lego league mindstorm championships. My sixth grade teacher… is awesome, short and simple. Please no gay jokes.

He tried to learn Spanish, because in the bay area in California there is an abundance of Spanish speakers, and he wanted to communicate better. He wielded a sophisticated form of spanglish, using Spanish and English in a mishmashed form of barely legible communication, but somehow could connect to us all. One particular phrase stood out to me- “que-ever”. Que, being what in spanish. It means whatever.

In the last two years or so, this man was fired from the elementary school due to a budget cut or something. He was pinkslipped, and I haven’t heard from him since. I use my current name as a homage to him, in his remembrance. But now I feel it is time to move on. Recently, my brother suggested “Mooch” as a name for my most recent morrowind character, and it struck a certain appeal to me. But if regularity comforts you guys, I’m cool with staying que-ever.

Some other interesting screenname information, I was known as Puddinmonkey on the forums a few years ago. I left, due to personal reasons, and made a new account under my current name. I was banned for a couple months for socking- having more than one account. I didn’t know I could post in feedback to ask about it. I got it all straightened out though, got the old account deleted. I got four posts as que-ever, got bored, and left.

I was known four or five years ago on a lego website BZPower as jedi pants trick.

I was banned five or six years ago from a different lego website, for spamming. I didn’t even know what spamming was. I still can’t make an account there.

Puddinmonkey lives on as my hotmail.
Murray_H said:
Change your name to Ian Whitcomb


America's Foremost Tin-Pan Alley Man, Ukulele Virtuoso, and Grammy award-Winning Recording Artist
No! Tony Hart!


Great Britain's best-loved TV artist/cartoonist and all-round illustration God.
Que-Ever said:
I guess I'm in the minority D:

here's something I wrote last night to explain why I wanted to change my name, and give a history lesson:

Ah, it's a thing I do. I fluctuate names. It started in half-life deathmatch... I don't rememebr it. Anyway, then counter strike; I was known as Taste THIS Rainbow, and later as Glocked, and (KMCA) Glocked. Later, in Halo (yes, I played halo) as Fluffy, or Mo (mostly because I used my brother's names).

Then, I got tired of the cliched, "funny saying" names. I wanted something... truly epic. Then, it hit me- combine FOOD with MONKEY! and thus, Puddinmonkey was born.

Oh dear, puddinmonkey was quite the legend... counter-strike, halo, several otehr online games... people knew me, people looked for me for easy kills. I made up a backstory to the name. I had a comic strip. I had a ****ing egotistical problem because of this screenname. I thought I was god.

Then, I found a forum. It was rather small, maybe 15 regulars. It was for a doom 3 mod, Hell on Earth. I didn't do any modding work, but I was a lively member of the community, offering suggestions and feedback, urging the leaders on. But, sadly, the mod died, the forums went down. Along with those forums, died the name and legacy of Puddinmonkey. I mourned.

I stayed away from online places that required a screen name, for a time. I was shamed by the sudden death of such a great part of me, and fearful to start another in the same track. But something happenned in my life, that probably changed me forever.

My sixth grade teacher is one of the greatest men I've ever met. An ex-military man, he pushed us, his little group of eleven and twelve year-olds daily to our physical limit, teaching us push-ups and sit-ups… He got us a place in the first lego league mindstorm championships. My sixth grade teacher… is awesome, short and simple. Please no gay jokes.

He tried to learn Spanish, because in the bay area in California there is an abundance of Spanish speakers, and he wanted to communicate better. He wielded a sophisticated form of spanglish, using Spanish and English in a mishmashed form of barely legible communication, but somehow could connect to us all. One particular phrase stood out to me- “que-ever”. Que, being what in spanish. It means whatever.

In the last two years or so, this man was fired from the elementary school due to a budget cut or something. He was pinkslipped, and I haven’t heard from him since. I use my current name as a homage to him, in his remembrance. But now I feel it is time to move on. Recently, my brother suggested “Mooch” as a name for my most recent morrowind character, and it struck a certain appeal to me. But if regularity comforts you guys, I’m cool with staying que-ever.

Some other interesting screenname information, I was known as Puddinmonkey on the forums a few years ago. I left, due to personal reasons, and made a new account under my current name. I was banned for a couple months for socking- having more than one account. I didn’t know I could post in feedback to ask about it. I got it all straightened out though, got the old account deleted. I got four posts as que-ever, got bored, and left.

I was known four or five years ago on a lego website BZPower as jedi pants trick.

I was banned five or six years ago from a different lego website, for spamming. I didn’t even know what spamming was. I still can’t make an account there.

Puddinmonkey lives on as my hotmail.
Heil the Puddinmonkey.
Change it to Mooch.

I'm not afraid to press my opinion on all of you, it's for damn sure I've done it before.

Plus, you like Radiohead and Clint Mansell, so +700 points.
I don't really mind, but it'll be odd to know you by a different name.

This name of mine now is actually my original name, but in CS and stuff I used to be called 'Poke! Splode!' There was a period where I would change constantly to fun, but always some variant on 'The Incredible Sulk' - the Inedible Sulk, the Incredible Bulk, the Indelible Skulk, the Phantom Sulk and so on.
I had ridiculous amounts of names. saw me as Chris-008, Cylleruion2012, Nefarious, Tseng!, and then finally the two anyone ever remembers, Audiophile and then Ennui. In that time period I also used Satyagraha and Self Destruct for gaming.

but I've had probably 30-40 names since i was a little teeny kid.
By the way, I thought this thread was going to be about actual alternate realities. Sorely disappointed.
No, seriously. As one who has previously been forced to face off with my own mirrorworld doppelganger, the subject interests me.
It could easily still be about alternate realities. But I have a habit of making thread names as loosely connected as possible to the actual thread content.

you guys could still call me que even if I changed my name, you know. wes, even. I use that for my Msn. oh yeah, RL too.
Que-Ever said:
It could easily still be about alternate realities. But I have a habit of making thread names as loosely connected as possible to the actual thread content.
You'd get shot on the Black Mesa forums for that :P