Alternate realities

Oct 6, 2004
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Here's a theory to ponder: The G-Man's from an alternate reality. There are networks of realities that can branch into a possible future, and Gordon's in one of them.

A multiverse of sorts, yes that could be a possiblity. Now when they zoom out on Gordon;s face at the end of HL3 we will see that it is Jet Li.
Yeah and when that happens Neo comes flying in and is all like "woah" Why did i come here and then the gman comes and says "youz r t3h total nub" and neo says "woah" and they dance the macarina until The sound skips and they all get frozen in time
maybe I mean there are so many possibilities out there, its obvious the Gman is a bit off. By the way he speaks and his ability to open teleports by will. Breen did mention a host body so he could live in the other dimension near the end. maybe Gman is the host body for some being??
I have a feeling maybe the G-man is a rogue Combine who is using Gordon to perform his takeover of the Combine. Remember we never see the real Combine except through Vid transmissions. Breen could not survive on the Combine world without the Host body. Then how will we xplain Gordon surviving on the Combine planet, maybe his HEV suit is able to provide survival for him.
No one is completely sure where Xen was, but we know it wasn't specifically close to earth. There is a chance that Xen itself was a small contained universe of its own, and the gordon merely jumped from dimenshion to dimenshion when he went to, and came back from Xen