Alyx: A Sign of Cliche to Come?

I tell you what I am more concerned about is the advent of B movie standard acting in our on screen characters!

It wasn't so bad when the graphics weren't as realistic but as they become so I can see myself get more judgemental about bad computer acting.

I mean did everyone else NOT think that her movements/voicing in the clip with the makeshift 'lab' weren't far too exaggerated forced and generally fake? ;)

(I'm mostly kidding here btw guys, stick your flamers on cool but I do see it as something to consider)
lemme edit my post:

at least alyx isnt a blonde haired blue eyed nazi slut with big tits, tight ass, and no personality?

uh oh here come the flames.
Half-Life's story was interesting because of it's potential for originality.

Half-Life was more than just an alien invasion, the fact of the matter is that it may not have been an invasion at all.

Look at it in order of events.

1) Going in you don't know what to expect. You are Gordon Freeman, a low level research associate. Today the administrator is visiting so they want some very good results from your experiment, discovering the quantum structure of a pure and unstable material. So you decide to hike up power, but your equipment seems to be... acting up ("what's wrong with all our equipment"). Communications are down strangely ("you had some email but I can't get to it"). The experiment goes wrong and now you're dealing with a serious situation: alien invasion. Or so it appears.

2) The first part of the game is spent trying to escape the labs. However, once out, you realize the aliens have made it out of "ground zero". Now the player learns that the military is on the way. You now must make it to the surface in hopes of escaping.

3) As you near the surface you come across the horrifying truth: the marines sent to save you are indeed there to cover everything up (or so it seems, more later). Upon reaching the surface for the very first time you realize you cannot make it out since the military presence is too high. Unsure of what to do you retreat once more to the depths of Black Mesa.

3) You're informed that some of your colleagues are still alive and have made it to another part of Black Mesa, the Lambda Laboratory. It looks like they want to use the teleporters to escape.

4) Before you can get to Lambda you must launch a satelite into orbit so the teleporters can work.

5) It turns out you are a little more well known than you thought. The military isn't just killing random scientists, they are looking for Freeman (the messages on the walls and the radio recordings). It may be that the killing of scientists was really just a "shoot now ask later" tactic; they weren't really cleaning up the place, but looking for Freeman (this idea is reinforced in OpForce).

6) Upon arrival at Lambda another horrifying truth is revealed: we knew about the aliens. They were being studied by us. For how long we don't know. So is this an invasion? And aren't many of the creatures more like wild animals than real thinking intelligences (Only Slaves, Grunts, and Controllers appear to be real fighters). After all, the majority of the aliens aren't actually present at ground zero, they're converging around Lambda. Maybe this isn't really an invasion after all...

7) There is a creature in the borderworld Xen who seems to control the teleportation. With no other hope than to destroy it, Freeman is now sent alone to try and destroy it.

8) Arrival on Xen shows that the creatures aren't really prepared for war. There are few soldier type fighters, mostly animals. Upon destroying Gonarch, the creature that creates head crabs (these creatures seem to be more like insects, parasites, rather than soldiers in an army), you arrive at a factory producing Grunts.

9) Messages from Nihilanth are heard. It's obvious this creautre has some sort of psychic abilities. His messages are often cryptic and confusing. He calls you a thief and says that while you are a man, "he" is not a man.

10) With Nihilanth dead the world of Xen is now delivered into the G-Man's hands. A scene shows destroyed military equipment on an island of Xen. Looks like they were after Nihilanth too. You thought you were fighting an invasion, but now it seems you just helped them to be conquered.

In short: you go from fighting off an alien invasion, to trying to esacape, to running from the military, to trying escape again, to fighting back, then to learning you just helped conquer an entire world.

Half-Life was more than just one man saving the world. It's about manipulation. One man believing what he does is for survival when in actuallity it is closer to genocide.

OpForce adds more to the plot. It shows that the military's objectives were defense of Black Mesa, but then also capture of "the one responsible" for the entire thing Gordon Freeman. Killing the scientists may have been nothing more than what happened in Vietnam with burning of entire villages. Get all to get to one. Not every soldier engaged in this, as is apparent from NPC's in OpForce. Also, whatever the Xen aliens were, they were nothing compared to the appearance of "Race X." But who are these aliens? Why do they fight Xen Aliens?

Is Xen actually an inter-dimensional police force trying to prevent realities from clashing?

And the Covert Ops. They attacked the military. There objective was actually to cover-up. So then why the military? Maybe they were used to weaken the aliens.

In conclusion: The greatness of Half-Life's plot lies in it's potential which may only be relized through it's sequal. There is more than meets the eye with this game.
Wow this is so so true, and what about them X aliens, where do they come from and are they related to Xen? Look at a bullsquid and compare it with a grunt, they are nothing alike. Maybe there are more than one race of alien involved. For example, the bullsquid absolutely hated headcrabs..

And the shock troopers were very advanced, grenades, guns. makes you think.
sorry for being such a newb, and going off topic, but what does NPC stand for? ( i know it has something to do with characters on your side, but i cant figure out the acronym)
Non-Playable Characters. Anything not you.

The way I see it Headcrabs, Bullsquids, Barnacles, and other similar creatures are simply animals on Xen. Nihilanth, in a desperate attempt to hold the humans back, sends them in as a distraction at differant locations. You see less of them near the end of the game, which by that time the Alien Grunts are more numerous.
I love that take on the story, Ghost. It reminds me of Ender's Game, towards the ending... he's playing a computer simulator, training to become one of the greatest commanders of the world in a massive war against an alien threat, and discovers at the end that the simulations were reality. All those NPC's that died under his command were real people, and he's just annihilated an entire (peaceful!) alien race, whose only fault was not understanding the way humans work until it was too late. *shiver* yum.
I don't care.. actually.. I'm up for Gordon getting some pussy from Alyx.
If there is going to be love story....

Then if the HL2 writers do a good job, and really do something good with it, then it might be a pretty good cliche. It's not the cliche, but how the cliche is executed...
WOW you played the game already huh?

Cool. :dozey:

A love story with depth and originality could be pulled off if the writers are up to it.
Hmm.. There could be a possiblity of a love story. If anyone has watched the beginning of the E-3 presentation, while Gabe was talking, he mentioned something about "hating your enemies, having fear for your friends, and the last sentence he said was about discovering feelings you never had before". Immediantely, the G-Man Model Smiled and Repeatively raised his Right eyebrow. I think it is a possiblity that there could be a love story. who knows though. We havent play the game at all.
A lot of things could be considered cliche, it doesn't mean that it cannot be done in a unique way and made very well or better than usual...
Ghost said some really really cool things...

now everyone give ghost a hug
Heh, if it's "unique" and "really cool," then it's not cliche ;-)

It's just pretty easy for me to imagine Valve doing the whole, "Alex and Gordon are falling in love, something goes wrong and they break up, in the end they realise it was a mistake and fall in love again." Then again, I have so much faith in Valve, I'm hoping they'll do better than that.
Gordon's old enough to be her father, they won't. Gabe isn't that stupid.
Valve isn't a stupid company. I doubt they'd put something like Alyx and Gordon falling in love, thatd be too cheesy. I think Alyx will serve some other purpose, like she may die later in the game, or maybe shes actually an enemy spy... Who knows.
There was a "love story" in Mafia - The City of Lost Heaven too, hehe !
I don't think there will be a love story between Gordon and Alyx (Gordon can't even talk...), HL² will be quite fast paced and it's more about action and stuff.
But, what if suddently Alyx falls in love with Gordon ? I think the player will just be like: "damn, that NPC is not a joke, this bi*** have to stay alive", and then you get the idea: the player will want Alyx to stay alive to see what's happening in the end, so Alyx will be in danger and the player will have to save her ass, that's sure :x
I admit this is a trick you emphasize the playing experience stupidly, so I hope Valve will not make that looks like a bad movie story...
I wouldnt mind if there was a small love story, like its not the basis of the game, if they turn it into a final fantasty-like story it will suck. Its hard to see them making a love story, i think they would make the stroy-line like the half-life1 story line, after all that did so well, and there is no love in HL1. Something that worries me, they said that they might make a Half life movie, a movie would be easier to make with a love story right? Maybe they are putting that into Half Life 2.
Look at how much problems Alyx has caused already, women.
I think her dad will die instead of her but we are all just guessing.

I think we won't see any directly observable, full-blown affection between Gordon and Alyx, but a kind of muted love story as in X-files movie...
Yeah, there's definitely something there between Gordon and Alyx "ooooh Gordon! You're staring at me again!" :p

However I dunno, I don't think Gordon will get the pussy.

Or maybe when he tries to she gets killed somehow. Then Gordon gets real pissed and goes against the world MUWHAHH! :p

Originally posted by 2ltben
Gordon's old enough to be her father, they won't. Gabe isn't that stupid.

Age is only a number. Does Gordon even really age anymore, physically?

Originally posted by Adam
Of course Alyx dies in Half-Life 2 eventualy....

Its the first thing we will all try when we actualy meet her! LOL

"Hi Gordon! Im Alyx!"
"I've heard..."
*crowbar smack * X_x
Cool look at the ragdoll physics!!! :D
"I've heard much about you."

Lol. Only if we're able to have weapons when we're around her... oh wait she hands us a weapon in the preview footage. :p
Originally posted by Lifthz

Lol. Only if we're able to have weapons when we're around her... oh wait she hands us a weapon in the preview footage. :p

Unless she has super bullet deflection like the G-Man!

I really doubt there will be a major love story. I think maybe Alyx has a crush on Gordon, but Gordon's professionalism will stop him from being interested.

I also doubt that she'll follow Gordon around EVERYWHERE. I'm assuming they'll meet up at certain points and fight together for small periods. I'm assuming Valve is still going to have some crazy "environmental puzzles" and I doubt the navigation AI is good enough to follow Gordon through the whole game.

I like all that stuff Ghost was saying...makes me want to play HL all over!
Originally posted by Massif
but Gordon's professionalism will stop him from being

Think so?

Hey, come on. If you were busy with escaping from facilities and killing hordes of aliens and humans - who wouldn't want a woman know what I mean :afro:

But you've got a point at the "fight together" part, I think:cheers:
well its probably gonna turn into a "o god its that girl again shes got captured again owell better rescue her" etc... Probably just a minor character which will get annoying i dont really like the idea to be honest ill be glad if she dies
It just occured to me there will be people making a nude patch for Alyx for sure. :dozey:

Fighting the aliens with a nekkid chick besides you sounds like a bad B-Film ,lol
Originally posted by Hacker
Think so?

Hey, come on. If you were busy with escaping from facilities and killing hordes of aliens and humans - who wouldn't want a woman know what I mean
How could you even think of Gordan doing such a thing. He has a kid you know. Here are some pictures from his locker.

At least they are "probably" his kid. Also note the author of the red book.
Nice poitn Mullinator.
I also dont think there will be a love story.
But we will care for our friends.
I hope DOG will tagle along all the way
gordon doesnt have a kid he is unmarried and doesnt have a family. its in the manual. thats his baby picture.
@Mully:Where did you get that pic from?

@Tropico: What is DOG?

@Novad: I also think so...any talented skinners over here?
:cheers: :bounce:
Originally posted by Sporky
I tell you what I am more concerned about is the advent of B movie standard acting in our on screen characters!

It wasn't so bad when the graphics weren't as realistic but as they become so I can see myself get more judgemental about bad computer acting.

I mean did everyone else NOT think that her movements/voicing in the clip with the makeshift 'lab' weren't far too exaggerated forced and generally fake? ;)

(I'm mostly kidding here btw guys, stick your flamers on cool but I do see it as something to consider)

Just incase ya didn't see the character thread way back when, the developers ( i think even Gabe said this but im not sure) said that the character reactions were over-exaggerated for the E3 demo to show off the characters and that they won't be so exaggerated in the full version. Dunno if that post was true or not but thats what i read. :cheers:
hacker> the locker is located at the beginning of HL, before you take the hev-suit. That's where you were supposed to pick up you first battery charge.

As far as I know, "DOG" is the name of the robot that follows Alyx during HL².
like you wouldnt want them to fall in love? come on!