Alyx and Eli in 3D!


Aug 3, 2003
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ooooooooh :O :eek:

They're the same image. The first one becomes 3d when you look through your monitor until they merge, the second you have to cross your eyes until they merge.

I provided both because each person has a preference. :)


  • alyx_eli_3d_seethrough.jpg
    67.8 KB · Views: 747
  • alyx_eli_3d_crosseye.jpg
    86.8 KB · Views: 670
wow, those rule! how did you switch between thwem? are their positions just reversed?
hey yeah it works! sort of? a bit kind of...

i thought crossing my eyes wasnt a superpower but now i can save the world by making things look 3d yeah
crabonhead said:
wow, those rule! how did you switch between thwem? are their positions just reversed?

It took alot of trying to get them to stay still while I moved about. I kindof got it by recording a demo and using demoui.

It looks wonky cuz I couldn't move while they stayed perfectly still.

Is there a cheat of some kind to freeze time, but still be able to walk around?
Try setting the host_timescale to something really small.
That's awesome! Good job(crosseyes here, can't gaze + focus at same time)
I can't cross my eyes and stare a computer screen, it hurts! Switching between the two images is quite cool, though.
its like those books where you see 3d images when you unfocus, cereal
Do a search for 3-D images. It's a trick.

By the way, ai_disable will stop those npcs in their tracks.
For anyone who doesn't get it I'll explain:
LittleB has posted stereoscopic imagery. Stereoscopic images present you with two slightly misaligned (because your eyes are in different places) but seemingly identical images. When you cross your eyes and line up the images, your brain interprets the same image in both eyes as being a real 3d object.
I like it but it seems a little... off... somehow. Did you just strafe a tiny bit or did you also turn the angle of your vision? Anyway, to get the two screenshots just right so that they fit in the average human's stereo vision (how far apart their eyes are) would be pretty difficult. And the focus would still have to be on something relevant, like the two NPCs :)

Would it maybe be possible to write an alias for freezing time, taking a screenshot, strafing a certain distance to a direction or the other, turning the vision a few degrees to maintain focus for the other "eye", then taking another screenshot and finally resuming time? :p

Also, I think I have fairly good control over my eye muscles but I just couldn't make the first version work. I just can't look that far through my monitor. Maybe it has something to do with my wearing glasses? Or then I just suck.
u have to cross ur eyes first....try this...when uve got it focused...put ur hands up to block the blurry images created on either huh?
Varsity said:
I can't cross my eyes and stare a computer screen, it hurts! Switching between the two images is quite cool, though.

Same here. Tis painfull
i can't see anything.

I think u can use npc_freeze to get people to stop moving. I'm not sure tho.
See, I love these things...I do.
I usualy can make them work before anyone else.

However this...this doesnt work for me for some reason.

I'm havving a hard time (Maybe because i'm on a LCD screen and at pretty high res). I cant seem to find a focal point on where my eyes should stare at while crossed.


yea i stumbled across stereo images once before, good job on those.. the second one seemed to work the best for me

just sit back from the screen if youre having trouble until you find the right distance
Hrumph. Im a vision scientist and i have never been able to free fuse (by crossing your eyes). Even if i could it seems like the damn image would be way outta focus. I dunno, never got into the binocular thing. Binocular vision research is akin to the drunk looking for his keys under the street light story. :p
Now that is freakin' cool.

I can usually do these things within a matter of 1 second, however this one took a bit longer, and was a tad hard on the eyes.

Still sweet though. I felt like I could actually reach out and touch anything in the picture...
Actually this reminds me, there are Quake and Quake II mods that render the game in red-and-green so you'll see it in 3D with red-green goggles. You'll probably find those mods easily on Google if you're interested.
Zet said:
Actually this reminds me, there are Quake and Quake II mods that render the game in red-and-green so you'll see it in 3D with red-green goggles. You'll probably find those mods easily on Google if you're interested.
That's what i was trying to find!

Also, nvidia released a driver years ago that rendered red-green so you could play ANY game in 3D!! (May have been only openGL games).