Alyx + Gordon

Alyx sure has a big head.

Or does Gordon have a small one?
The light doesn't make sense, but it's good anyway. I like the Gman tiptoeing in the background.
Just a continue on my other topic
Drawer needed...
It is for school. But its not that its required. Its just that they asked me to do it.
I think the Gman have some serious artithris (did i spell it right? :O) problem :P
artithris?? Arthiritis you mean? Whatever, I think his eyeballs should be drilled out
Rofl at G-Man sneak-sneak-scooby-doo-sneaky-sneaky-sneaking.

Gman: And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for thosse meddling kidsss....
Are you sure he's sneaking? It so looks like he's legging it