Alyx Hating


Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so i saw a little bit of the Why does everyone hate steam so much thread and decided to ask a similar question about Alyx.

Im kind tired about hearing "hl2 is the worst game ever because alyx is such a bitch, i wanna kill her". Whether its that hardcore or someone just saying"alyx is annoying" i dont get it either way.

I've played many many games, and loads of them have people that follow you around, and 99% of the time they are annoying, get in the way, and don't shut up. One of the many amazing things about hl2, is that the character that does follow you around (alyx) isn't annoying, in fact, she's great company.

I like some of her jokes and some times she reminds me what we're doing or why we're doing it. She has a charm about her and i never feel like she is a collection of polygons that is always telling me what to do, i feel like she is a real person. As much as alyx interacts in with the player, i really don't think she gets in the way at all. People always complain that she rushes you and you can't set your own pace. Its not like if you stand in an area for a while she'll start yelling at you and beat you up, or its not like you'll get a hoaky "mission failed" screen... I think people get a little too picky. Sure she may say 'hey gordon, lets hit the road" or something, but come on, who wouldn't?

Like i said, she's good company. In video games i get lonely or just plain bored if its me just killing the bad guys, but alyx makes the experience that much better. if you listen to the hl2 commentaries, you'd know they always talk about how they worked on alyxs character real hard to make her fun to be around. They avoided the cliche annoyances like her telling you always what to do or getting mad at you. An example is if you drive the car with her in it, into a tree, she'll let out a laugh instead of getting anrgy.

I just wanted to share my opinion and get others, so please share yours. If you like/dislike her, say why. And if you don't like her, don't start bashing or be all out negative, we wouldn't want this to be a flame war.
Alyx is a G - that is to say, if women can also be called G's. Sounds masculine to me. Anyone here fluent in ebonics that could help?

Nonetheless, good company and great voice acting. *I wonder how well she'd handle a crowbar.

EDIT: *No innuendo implied.
Alyx isn't too annoying, but sometimes you wish you could fight through a level alone.
I like her. Her character is amazing, and I have really gotten attached to her. I was actually worried when she got attacked by the hunter, and I have never so motivated to kill antlions as when I had to defend her while the Vort stabilized her.
You do play a level or two alone. The part in Ep2 when you go into the antlion tunnels. Also, you go solo when you have to make you way through the Zombie infested rebel base to get to the car. So Valve does give you breaks and alone time, and by the end of each solo mission I was more than ready to have some company again.
She can be a slight hinderance some times.
But I see no reason to hate her.