Alyx - SPOILERS...Kinda. :P

AJ Rimmer said:
Word! Love barney! And Kleiner! They can't die!
Also, was I the only one who really didn't notice Barney was "fat" in half-life? A lot of pc mags says so but I never thought of it.

Pfft, barney ain't fat. He was in hl1/opp for, but not now.
we11er said:
Pfft, barney ain't fat. He was in hl1/opp for, but not now.
That's what I meant, I never thought of him as fat in HL1.
AJ Rimmer said:
That's what I meant, I never thought of him as fat in HL1.

Ah yeah actualy, HL1 the baryneys aren't fat, but there's the one in... either Op For or Blueshift where he is fat.
That fat guard's name is Otis, not Barney... ¬_¬

And he has a totally different personality from barney too... Otis is the nerd that never got laid and will never move on from his donought eating job... Barney seems a tad more onto it than that, which is why I'm glad Otis aint in HL2 :)
About Alyx’s necklace, I don’t think it means anything other then a…what you call it??? A hidden reference to the ancient mythology about Pandora’s box (look at it and it looks like a box), in a sense her father worked on and virtually perfected the anonymous materials project that started this end of the world business. (he opened Pandora’s box and unleashed Armageddon)
Her wearing it, and fighting the combine, is like she is trying the capture the evil that is the combine and trap It back into Pandora’s box..

Will she die? I’m not sure, we have to remember that when doctor klinner finds out freeman and Alyx was in the transport for a week , he says something about “this opens new lines of research.” so she may very well may die, but klinner may be able to go send a portal back in time and pluck her for death! Will this happen? How the hell should I know, I don’t think I want to know, the greatness of a story is being surprised and not being able to predict what is going to happen, always guessing. That what made all the previous game so enjoyable, every now and then I was surprised by something, be it a walk way collapsing from under my feet, a head crab jumping out from no where, being ambushed by some marines losing all you weapons or even expecting to receive the beating of your life time even before you get any weapons to protect your damn self only to discover it to be barney!!

Valve aint stupid, they know this! They want to make game with a good narrative that entertains its audience, so expect the unexpected, and if you are like me, accept the fact that Alyx dies, forget everything you have read in this forum and wait for HL3 or what ever mods are released, be surprised. And love (as a friend) the valve team for making a very, very, worth every penny good, no stupendously most excellent game…again.

Now if you excuse me I got some combine to nail to the wall with my crossbow, shell me and my mates with head crab’s will you? come here…
we11er said:
I *know* we will see Alyx, Barney et al again, but then.... I also reckon Valve are going to hit us with a death... and I think it might be poor old Kleiner....
Yeah, he'll probably end up dying heroically in an effort to save Hedy from the Combine.
it was leaked in a magazine that hl3 you play as alyx, no evidence jus what i heard =o
I doubt in HL3, but in an expansion pack. I am certain she does not die.
does no one care about lamar? i felt really bad in the end when kleiner was looking for lamar and i had to run off to save the world, i really wanted to stay and help look for lamar. it makes me really sad thinking that kleiner might have lost lamar. lamar may be a head humper, but she is special because kleiner loves her.

maybe kleiner went underground looking for lamar and was saved from the blast from the citedal by pure luck because of lamar?
porus said:
does no one care about lamar? i felt really bad in the end when kleiner was looking for lamar and i had to run off to save the world, i really wanted to stay and help look for lamar. it makes me really sad thinking that kleiner might have lost lamar. lamar may be a head humper, but she is special because kleiner loves her.
Don't worry he finds Lamar at the end of the credits. And yes I care about Lamar but only because doctor Kleiner does... Damn Head hopper is a fricken monster. You see what those things do to people!? The good doc is just a tad eccentric, but that’s why he is loveable. It would be interesting if it did something that ended up saving you at one part though. So that you would be forced to at least somewhat bond with it. Eww. I could imagine a scene where the combine have broken into Kleiner’s lab and are about to kill everyone when it jumps on one of their heads and causes major distractions. Hilarity ensues.
[AUS]-TheOne said:
If the gman can stop time or whatever
why dont he just stop time, kick dr.breen in the nutz and save gordon the hard work!

Because then VALVe wouldn't have made this game...
Besides, it's not definate that Breen died, so obviously the G-man's goal wasn't to eliminate Breen but rather to destroy the Dark Fusion reactor, which the G-man would be hard-pressed to do no matter how many times he kicks it.

Even if he did teleport in a bomb and blew it up, nobody would know it was him and so the resistance wouldn't have seen it as "our messiah came and saved our asses!" and so Earth would not have been so encouraged to liberate itself totally.
Some people say that Alyx most likely was rescued to be used as a ''barganing'' card to make Gordon continue work for G-man.

This is a pretty stupid theory. Come to think of it, it G-man wanted Gordon to keep working for him he'd just make him (and if he refused leave him at the reactor to die).

Most likely Alyx will prove to be a key person in Gordons survival wherever he goes. She's capable of fighting, using weapons, getting doors open and defusing force-fields. Come to think of it, without her Gordon wouldnt have gotten anywhere. I just hope she survives, as killing her would be _SO_ unnecessary.