Am I being a girl?

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I am goign to sleep

to the bi guy,just walk near whit a oufit that show the hair of your chest and say "want some sugar baby?"
or just cudle whit more people

or since oyu say you are bi them you can look for alternatives

but she's my best friend and we are in looovveeee *said in annoying girl voice*

but I thank you for boosting me with the confidence of man chest and style :D
She's either lying or she's just really stupid. "Didn't know cuddling was an act of intimacy?" Give me a ****in' break.

And it's pretty easy to think you're in love and most definitely not be. I'm not one to judge, but don't be surprised if things don't work out the way you thought they would and you feel like it was nothing but a waste of time. Sorry to be a pessimist, and I'm actually not speaking from experience because I've been in a wonderful relationship for over 3 years now, but it definitely does happen more often than not.
She's either lying or she's just really stupid. "Didn't know cuddling was an act of intimacy?" Give me a ****in' break.

And it's pretty easy to think you're in love and most definitely not be. I'm not one to judge, but don't be surprised if things don't work out the way you thought they would and you feel like it was nothing but a waste of time. Sorry to be a pessimist, and I'm actually not speaking from experience because I've been in a wonderful relationship for over 3 years now, but it definitely does happen more often than not.

Well, she's not lying, or why would she have told the truth to such a random question?

She thought cuddling was something you could do with friends *cringes*
must control angerrr, controllll angaaa, ANGAAAAA!!!
Wow @ this thread.

Jealousy invoked by CUDDLING!?

This calls for the one... the only...

Thought I'd ask some of you here, I have a question-

See, my best friend lives a state away we love each other, we don't consider ourselves dating, but we are "committed", meaning, we wont date anyone else.
I am going to go to school in her state (no, not because of her) so we do intend on eventually starting a full blown relationship.

Well, I finally got to see her last sunday, first time in over a year!

And we cuddled, I was very happy, it was nice.
Cuddling is something very special for me, I love it pretty much more than anything(even sex). So I felt very warm and gay inside once I left.

So she has this friend, she doesnt like him, but for kicks I asked if she had ever cuddled with him while we were "committed" and she said "once".

And to me, that was such a let down, my warm gayness of happy cuddle was gone. I no longer felt like a special gay cuddle bear.

She appologized repeatedly, and she said she didnt know cuddling is such a personal thing to me, and that she wont do that again. I forgave her of course.

But am I making a big deal out of this? Or is it justified that I should feel so dissapointed?
If she was lying with her arms around another guy, and the guy had his arms around her for more than 5 seconds, then dump the biatch.

Then again, if you haven't even had sex with her or kissed her yet then maybe not, since you're not really a couple.

Put it this way. If a male friend of yours walked into a room to find you and his g/f had your arms around each other watching tv, what would he do? I would like to think he would smash your face into the ground.
Put it this way. If a male friend of yours walked into a room to find you and his g/f had your arms around each other watching tv, what would he do? I would like to think he would smash your face into the ground.
Put it this way. If a male friend of yours walked into a room to find you and his g/f had your arms around each other watching tv, what would he do? I would like to think he would smash your face into the ground.

This is all that needs to be said.
Cuddling leads to sex?

Well...when I've hugged my friends they never offered sex afterwards...
So she has this friend, she doesnt like him, but for kicks I asked if she had ever cuddled with him while we were "committed" and she said "once"

oh for the love of god, grow a set ffs
har har, faaaaaaag, throw rocks at him....god hates fags!!!! It was adam and eve, not adam and steve!!!!!
This thread is just going to PHAIL! Oi another girl thread on, what we all needed!!!!!
but she cudle other,SHE CUDLE OTHER!

btw when I was 15 a girl a girl looked if she was interesed in me,but she wasnt soo....
lol, no, no, we've already established our love and commitment long ago, she just thought cuddling was something you can do with your friends.
She was very appologetic.

Sorry, couldn't say that without sounding all gay

it's crazy how many different responses there are for this thread some are like "not a big deal, grow some balls pussy" to "smack her!!"
Dude, seriously I'm going to be a bit evil but. If her thinking cuddling with "friends" is okay, you have issues right there. Of course she's going to be appologizing to you. This whole thread has made my head hurt.

Typical CSi response: She's cheating on you!
Dude, seriously I'm going to be a bit evil but. If her thinking cuddling with "friends" is okay, you have issues right there. Of course she's going to be appologizing to you. This whole thread has made my head hurt.

Bingo. It sounds like it's going to be a pretty bad rollercoaster if this girl is so...uh...morally retarded. Relationships are rocky enough as it is. I just can't help but get the feeling that you're going to want to blow off the relationship while you're stuck with your commitment and she's doing all kinds of shit "that she didn't know wasn't okay".
lol, no, no, we've already established our love and commitment long ago, she just thought cuddling was something you can do with your friends.
She was very appologetic.

Sorry, couldn't say that without sounding all gay

it's crazy how many different responses there are for this thread some are like "not a big deal, grow some balls pussy" to "smack her!!"

and how is that you established your love?

anyway here all girls hug and cudles whit every guy and viceversa so dont see so big deal on this
I think you answered the question yourself if you being a girl when you said you are Bi.
Bingo. It sounds like it's going to be a pretty bad rollercoaster if this girl is so...uh...morally retarded. Relationships are rocky enough as it is. I just can't help but get the feeling that you're going to want to blow off the relationship while you're stuck with your commitment and she's doing all kinds of shit "that she didn't know wasn't okay".

well, she thought cuddling was like the equvalent of hugging someone. And it's the only other person she has "cuddled" with (and only once) in about a year or two (before we started our "relationship)

She already knows stuff like kissing, flirting, making out, sex, etc, are intimate, she just didnt know cuddling was

she said she was sorry and stupid, and that she should have stopped and thought, because she said she would also be jealous if i cuddled with someone else other than she
isnt cudling a variaton of hug?

gah, i don't know what to think.

In my last relationship with my ex-girlfriend, she got piss drunk at a party and banged some other dude.
-So after that cheating situation with my ex-gf, my best friend cuddling with another friend seems like nothing.

Except the fact that cuddling is personal to me...

Ummm, how old are you two? If she is over the age of 16 she should clearly know the difference.

she can be kind of naive sometimes, I am 17, she's 18...... but gah, I feel like the hulkkk everyone is poking me with sticks to get angry!
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