Am I sick?


Nov 1, 2004
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Last night i went out with a few friends and had a few drinks, we came home and chilled and then i went to sleep. I had a nightmare where i couldnt breath, i had to struggle extremely hard to breath. I woke up to realize it wasnt just in the dream. I was almost not able to breath, i had to push really hard to get any air into my lungs. After a few minutes it became easier and i took a anti-cough pill. It all went back to normal for the rest of today till now. I was playing around with my cat when all of the sudden i can feel the shortness of breath again, it feels like i have a big chunck of some shit in my throat. Its not as bad as before, but its there. I also sneeze alot and my eyes are watery. I have noticed that i sneeze etc when i play with my cat lately (altho we have been fine all the years i have played with her before) but i have never had breathing problems.

So whats wrong with me? Am i allergic to my cat? Or am i sick? The flue? It is kinda cold outside actually...

Its scary nontheless...i dont want to die in my sleep when chocking.

I wouldn't worry about dying in your sleep.

I'm pretty sure you'd wake up before dying.
Seriously though, I hope you also posted this on a more respectable forum.
The shortness of breath when close to cats, I have that too if I'm too close, but I'm quite sure I'm not allergic. It might simply be the hairs annoying your breathing. Don't really know.
"Help me, Im choking to death what shall I do?

PS. Be Quick"
See a doctor. Or, a scientologist since it could be due to bad thetans.
Panic attacks, maybe?
Or you might have had sleep paralysis.

-Angry Lawyer
It might be an asthmatic attack triggered by the cat hair.

A friend once had an allergic reaction to dust and had to be hospitalised for a couple of days.

p.s. see a doctor! is not the place to seek answers on this sort of thing, I would go to the doctor if I were you.
As a qualified doctor, I would suggest perhaps inserting a parasol into your rectum. This should rectify your shortness of breath and allow for a good night's sleep from now on.
Just remember, Parasols can go up the chimney down, but not down the chimney up.
Ravioli, do you ever make your own decisions? Or do you have to run your whole life by
Seriously though, I hope you also posted this on a more respectable forum.

What the **** kind of crazy, scary notion is this that people have that even the most respectable internet forum is a substitute for proper medical examination?! :|
uve probably developed an allergy, that can happen.

only wy to know is a doctor! and anti histomine! yaaay
I'll take an order of nuggets and a medium fry.
breaking news: Im alive, i survived the night. Today ive just been sneezing alot etc, my throat itches but nothing too bad. So i guess im having a cold and thats all :bonce: i might go see the doctor if i feel worse

edit: No Dalamari, IS my life
Did you know people defacate when they die due to the loosening of the bowels? I hope your wearing a diaper Ravioli, if by chance you don't go see a doctor ASAP. ;)
What if you take a giant shit before you die? Then what is it going to release? Your heart?!

Hahahahaha. I just imagined what that would look like, and let me tell you, it is an awesome image.

"Hey Jim. What's that coming out of his ass?"

"Uh... It's his heart.."