Am i the only freak going in costume?

Jul 23, 2003
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By now a few of you may know (even if you don't care) of my intention to make a costume based on the combine soldiers from halflife 2. I am going to try to go to a gaming convention and halloween with this crazy outfit.

What i want to know is, am i the only one who has thought of doing this? Dressing up like a halflife character. I have run a crapload of google searches but it seems no one else has had the idea to do this.

Well namely i was also trying to figure out how to get my friend to have a convinving looking hev suit cause he looks just like gordon...

So far the PMG gasmask is in the mail (will arrive around the 30th w00t!)

I have black military jacket and pants

black boots

black gloves

a black combat vest

a black tshirt to wear as a ninja mask underneath the gas mask to cover any previously visible neck skin or hair

a toy m16, (not proper size) a toy uzi, and a toy pistol, all of which I spray painted glossy black minus the orange barrel to keep cops from shooting at me thinking i'm some sort of terrorist

The convention i am going to is called necronomicon, its a gaming convention in tampa, Florida, USA
If more people could go there dressed in a half-life manner it would so totally rock
Gotta agree with sn33k, but good luck to you none the less! :D
1st of all, how old are you? and second of all, if your over 15, and go trick or treating instead of going to party's and enjoying yourself with some drunk blondes, then you got problems lol, but in general, i wouldnt mind dressing up like that on haloween, god knows those outfits are totally wicked :) SCREW COMBINE GUYS! IM GONNA BE GABE NEWELL! I OWN YOU ALL! *muahahahahah*
We don't have halloween in Australia, and the only decent gaming convention is the AGDC (Australian Game Developers Conference) which is across the other side of the country for someone like myself.

If I were going to do something as elaborate as building my own HL2 costume, I'd at least do something a bit more adventurous with it though. Perhaps going to Quakecon with it, or walking into the Doom 3 booth at E3. ;P
I don't know man, think of all the hot gaming hunnies you'll scare off with that costume. Go as Freeman, sex appeal.
Originally posted by infin|ty
I don't know man, think of all the hot gaming hunnies you'll scare off with that costume. Go as Freeman, sex appeal.
touche ;)
actually i am 19, i don't think my girlfriend would appreciate me flirting with other blondes on halloween in a drunken state while weidling a fake gun in one hand, a miller in the other, and beer soaking through the filter on the i really doubt my ability to pick up chicks as my usual behavior usually requires a certain sense of humor most people are lacking in.

Storming into peoples houses pretending to be an NSA agent is IMO much more fun
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
I have black military jacket and pants

black boots

black gloves

a black combat vest

a toy m16, (not proper size) a toy uzi, and a toy pistol, all of which I spray painted glossy black minus the orange barrel to keep cops from shooting at me thinking i'm some sort of terrorist

the only thing I see weird in there is the toy guns. other than that I dont see how thats really dressing up? I'm cleaning a gun as I type. well, shooting at rats. same thing.
i'll go as a headcrab... it'll be a really friggin tight squeeze, but i'll manage
I wouldnt carry the gun even with the orange tip during night time.. Did you see what happend to that one guy with the Devil suit ? cops shot and killed him after they thought he was holding a real desert eagle. But if its daylight i wouldnt worry too much. and yes thats a good idea the suit and everything, it should look good. goodluck..

edit: i see you're going to a convention.. heh nm then
If HL2 releases the 30th of september, Fragmaster from PHL will also be going in costume.

Buy a full metal airsoft gun replica! Exact weight, exact look, exact proportions... It'll only cost you a couple hundred dollars though. But I mean come on... its airsoft! It's incredibly fun to go and play that too.
its dressing up cause i spent a lot of money on getting those clothes, thats why! :D anyway i spent about 148 bucks ont the jacket, pants, combat vest , gloves, mask AND i am in college which means i am on limited funds. Do you think i can afford anything other than toy guns for acessories? they are accurate representations even if the m16 is the size of an m4. At any rate most conventions don't allow real guns, airsofts, or paintball guns. you know, safety reasons.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
its dressing up cause i spent a lot of money on getting those clothes, thats why! :D anyway i spent about 120 bucks ont he jacket, pants, combat vest alone, AND i am in college which means i am on limited funds. Do you think i can afford anything other than toy guns for acessories? they are accurate representations even if the m16 is the size of an m4. At any rate most conventions don't allow real guns, airsofts, or paintball guns.

you can try looking for props on ebay. they got many gun props, and they are not that expensive.

if they do allow airsoft then

you can get a spring powered marui mp5 for like 29-40 dollars.
you can get a electric mp5 pdw airsoft (not marui) for around 130-140
or you can get a Marui mp5 for around $200
Originally posted by DaveKap
If HL2 releases the 30th of september, Fragmaster from PHL will also be going in costume.

If it's release September 30th, he'll also be retiring from PHL apparently. :)
i already ordered th mask via ebay and i'm not in the mood for more ebay hassle or more money spent. i be satisfied yo

maybe next year i'll go the airsoft route, they look hella lot cooler than this 5 dollar cheapo gun
Cops dont forget the cops. They will f*** you up if they saw you with that on halloween night.
yes, hmm, cops, i better walk around very harmless looking people then to thus make myself look more harmless
Originally posted by rec
If it's release September 30th, he'll also be retiring from PHL apparently. :)

That POS is probably gonna be like "Hey, it's the internet, I'm allowed to lie" or somthing.

Then again he keeps insisting he has proof that he's for some reason not allowed to show us. I think he's just being a moron.
I've got nothing against the bloke, I don't really care about his attitude or events that have taken place in past days/weeks. Care factor zero, I'm tired of discussing the release date and don't particularly care what he, or anyone else has to say on the matter.

If it's released, great, if it's not, too bad. I don't care who was wrong and who was right, because at the end of the day we're just going to keep waiting until it comes out anyway.
I know I've seen pictures of some dude dressed as the medic from TFC. Unless that was you, you are not alone. :P
everyones going to laugh at him , im sure his forums will be filled with people taking turns bashing and yelling at him. :) let me just get the greenlight on it and i will be the first to laugh at him. I can just see him posting "HL2 gone gold" or "hl2 will be out september" and how everyone will respond to it, i know i will.
Sounds like a really cool idea Flyingdebris, i've thought about going to conventions as a combine too----btw where did'ya get the gear?? (pants/boots/gloves--gas mask/helmet :D??...the works....)
the clothes i got at a local army navy surplus, the toy guns a cheap discount stores, and the mask was ordered from bulgaria for about 25-28 US dollars (including shipping)

here's a link to an ebay thingy for one of those gas masks if you want one

took me over 3 hours of google searching the first time around before i found them.

btw the big green filter is removable to make it look more combine-esque
cool flyingdebris :)
hope you get some pictures of you with that suit on, would be fun to see
Very cool, though if you get the chance, later on if the costume is a success---you might want redo some of the mask---atm it looks really close to the combine thing, tho you could make a plastic mold of the 'Real' combine helmet....just an idea ;)

Edit: making custom plastic molds, might not be that expensive, tho if someone knows of a better solution to get the mask just right---i'd really like to hear it

Btw is'nt there a place where one could order the new Heckler & Koch from the game (as a airsoft/hardball gun)
i don't know much about airsofts so i wouldn't know. The gun seems really new so i doubt there'd be an airsoft version already but i honestly haven't got a clue.

if there was one for 20-40 bucks i'd so get it

BTW how would i get a mold of a "real" combine helmet? cause if valve has a lifesized model of a combine head lying around the offices we'd need to get spitcodfry to go in all splinter cell like, steal the head, and give it back to us for copying purposes.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
BTW how would i get a mold of a "real" combine helmet? cause if valve has a lifesized model of a combine head lying around the offices we'd need to get spitcodfry to go in all splinter cell like, steal the head, and give it back to us for copying purposes.

hehe sorry, i'll elaborate.

Edit: And yeah i'm sure if you ask valve nicely they'd be willing to help you make this, since we've seen their dedication to the fans, i'd be very surprised if they don't want to help you.

Well i guess the 1st step in making the mold would be either to offcourse measure up your head the gas mask (i'd probably make the mold so it can be 'placed' over the gas mask....i haven't done this before so its purely hypothetical)

2nd would be to make a clay or other type of material as the base model.

3rd step would obviously be to use the base model as the mold (where you pour the plastic or other material into and seal it off, so it does'nt make one big plastic thing.

I'm not really sure how you go about it in general, but i'm sure there are workshops that offer to make custom plastic molds....just like there's workshops offering to do customs PC cases....i'll try and look into this some more, and if it turns out to be "makeable" :D i'll sure be one of the first to try it out.

Again if there's any one on the forums that know a lot more than i do about this, plz post.
Welll, i was kinda thinking about making myself a nice headcrab mask (more like a big hat)
Get me some (sorry dont know the english names) chicken fence wire, newspapers and wallpaperglue and paint it in the right colours.

Then dress up in a white suit, put the mask on and add some fake blood on my neck.
Then sit against the door of te PC shop on 30sep.

I might get me a free copy if the shopowner is in a good mood.

A rubber headcrab would be more fun, i could make the limbs move by squeezing in a bolloon connected to the headcrab with some tubing....

And adding an electronic sound generator that could make crunchy noises and squeel once every minute. :) :)

Then again... i would make a complete fool of myselve.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
would this work for making a replica of gordon's hev suit by any chance?

Yeah i'd think so, tho i'd probably glue on some aluminum plates on the suit, where it needs to be all shiny (ie. i'm not sure if glue is the right material to use--but it might work if it were super-super glue :D)


I found a site that has somewhat a sizeable amount of airsoft guns on display---
Btw this got me thinking, it'd be really cool to install some kind of voice scrambler in the helmet...

Errr'a, yes i'm just rambling here, next reply :D
@Flyingdebris: Take a picture of you in your dress. If it looks very cool, I maybe get one, too. For Halloween.
admit it Frischo, you want to dress up and make noises in front of the mirror too.....

:) ;)
wow, that was my weapon of choice whenever i played urbanterror the q3 mod!

Yeah as soon as i get the mask, i'm gonna be taking photos all over the place.

Soon the streets will swarm with undead geeks like us lumbering to the store in droves, shambling in unison saying "half-life twooooo, half life twoooooo"