Am I the only one who feels Valve's suprise for next week will be a disappointment?


Nov 25, 2004
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You know what surprise I would like to see? I would like to see Valve add to the game all the stuff that was shown in the videos and never released. All the false advertising...
False advertising.....right.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

Some of you lot are starting to sound like spoilt little kids!!!!
most likely they'll just be showing some screenies of DoD:S. i'm sure they won't be giving away anything too huge.
I think Valve's surprise will be a dm mod for all who want to use SDK. SDK needs to have a mod to example.
Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of game development.

The developers (let's call them "Valve") start their game. They eventually get an alpha build done. It works, but there's a lot of smoke and mirrors. Hey, it's full of really cool stuff! So the developer released some videos of their work in progress to coincide with the announcement of the game.
As time and development progresses, some stuff gets cut. Maybe it doesn't work properly. Maybe it doesn't fit in with the storyline. Maybe it's for balance issues. Regardless of the reason, things get removed. Things get changed. Things get added.

This is the nature of game development. All games suffer from it. Live with it.
Yeah there were 2 or 3 things i saw in previews that were'nt in the game but who cares. There's a reason for it. They either didn't have enough time to finish ...well i dunno if that's a great excuse but...or it didn't go with the big picture of feel that they wanted so they cut it out. or possibly techincal problems...but c''s valve...most likely it just didn't fit along with the rest of the game somehow
Some people that it would be the CS:S update, but that's not really a surprise since that's already been announced.

My guess: It's possible that it's an HL2 MP thing of some sort. I hope, however, that it's information regarding TF2.
So many negative thinking people in this world, just like with the release of HL2.

'I'm gonna think negative, so it's not gonna be a dissapointment' -- some of the biggest load of bs I heard.

Think positive, and just be open for whatever it is.. and that's just not only with hl2, but with everything..

I'm sick and tired of these negative thinking ppl..

and about the false advertising: that's bullshit..and get a life..
I honestly don't think something like "information" about an upcoming game would be worthy of a surprise at this point, I'm expecting HL2 mp also.
Perhaps it's the announcement of Half Life 3... coming September 30th 2005 (!)

But yea, it's probably just going to be some screenshots of DoD:S or something.
I'd settle for them getting the CS: source Bots to work, though i suspect this won't happen cos the cracked version had working bots before CS:s was released so it seems they don't want us to be able to add bots???
Does the internet inspire people to be cynics? I bet almost no whiners are actually this cynical in real life too, if they are, they need to get their kneecaps smashed. :)

I'd settle for them getting the CS: source Bots to work, though i suspect this won't happen cos the cracked version had working bots before CS:s was released so it seems they don't want us to be able to add bots???

Correct. And take a guess why? My guess would be that they don't live up to the quality standards yet. Just a hunch I have.
Keep your expectations realistic and you wont be dissapointed...

Perhaps just information about the story or an extra level. Maybe alot more like the MP mode or DoD Source... But honestly dont expect anything significant and you might actually have a pleasent surprice...
I think it wont be anything huge at all. I think it will be something "insignificnut" (its a film quote name the film and win a cookie)

like a DM mod. thats all
JavaByte said:
I'd settle for them getting the CS: source Bots to work, though i suspect this won't happen cos the cracked version had working bots before CS:s was released so it seems they don't want us to be able to add bots???

They're punishing you for using a cracked version. My CS:S bots work amazingly well.
It will either be

- HL2 DM example for the SDK *The sdk is getting updated isnt it*
- Vanilla DOD:S, with plans for upgrade soon
- The level for HL2 that was cut (is in the raising the bar book)
- The CS:S update (2 new models, new maps and other fixes - very likely as it was planned for December and next week is Dec)
not sure if that qualifies as cynicism, could be Valve reckon bots detract from the 'game experience' they want to create, though shouldn't they leave that up to us to decide?, hhmmm ok maybe that was cynicism :p
JavaByte said:
not sure if that qualifies as cynicism, could be Valve reckon bots detract from the 'game experience' they want to create, though shouldn't they leave that up to us to decide?, hhmmm ok maybe that was cynicism :p

Was not really targeted at you. But still, Valve won't leave out bots just to mess with us.
azz0r said:
It will either be

- HL2 DM example for the SDK *The sdk is getting updated isnt it*
- Vanilla DOD:S, with plans for upgrade soon
- The level for HL2 that was cut (is in the raising the bar book)
- The CS:S update (2 new models, new maps and other fixes - very likely as it was planned for December and next week is Dec)
Would seem a bit odd that the 'surprise' is an SDK though, which is only of interest to developers. DOD:S/CS:S updates are both expected and therefore not really surprises. HL2 level is good idea (and ATI stuff of course), I think they are most likely.
I think it will probably be a small version of HL2DM.

All it needs is a GUI and the weapons ported over with combine and resistance fighter models put over, simple.
They will delay the suprise for an extra week. Thats the suprise.
Odysseus said:
You know what surprise I would like to see? I would like to see Valve add to the game all the stuff that was shown in the videos and never released. All the false advertising...

It will probably be a New STEAM Skin.
Whether or not people will be disappointed depends on exactly what they're expecting really...
azz0r said:
It will either be

- HL2 DM example for the SDK *The sdk is getting updated isnt it*
- Vanilla DOD:S, with plans for upgrade soon
- The level for HL2 that was cut (is in the raising the bar book)
- The CS:S update (2 new models, new maps and other fixes - very likely as it was planned for December and next week is Dec)


I also would add to the list VAC2. They said they were going to upgrade it soon... So maybe they release the VAC2 cheater-proof (**irony**) :hmph:
preparing for disappoint or the opposite really depends on what ur expectations of Valve are regarding this "surprise"
as long as pple don't get too excited about it, they won't be let down afterwards.

i learned my lesson after i heard about there being no HL2 themed DM at release :(
As azz0r said, I think it'll be the update to CS:S that was scheduled for December.
I like suprises. I don't care really how small. Or how dumb. combine with santa hats ?
Odysseus said:
You know what surprise I would like to see? I would like to see Valve add to the game all the stuff that was shown in the videos and never released. All the false advertising...

False advertising?

For some reason I gather you don't know the first thing about advertising.

I'm not sure if you pay attention to most things in the world, but 90% of movies show clips that are not actually in the movie during the preview (i.e The Incredibles). Most game demos themselves are just that - demos - they were 'demo' videos, a 'sample' of the gameplay.

I just dont get why you complain that they replaced the content that you have already seen, thus rendering it predictable and boring during gameplay, with something totaly new and exciting.

You can't please everyone.
Why do people think the CS:S update is the surprise? It's not much of a surprise if you already know what it is.
I would like to see HLDM with some cool playmodes. It will tide us over until TF2. :)
Odysseus said:
I finished HL2 in Hard Mode without getting killed once. And you call me retarded?

Not to be insulting, but being able to beat a game is not really a good indication of high intelligence. :\
well he is *sort of* right about false advertisement in the sense of what he's getting at. (its not called false advertisement). valve DID cut alot, and i mean ALOT of the great stuff that was originally supposed to be in. that includes the ai reacting to all your movements and do stuff depending on what you do. (i can stand on klieners head and noone says a word.) also maybe give the itchyasaur an appearence? possibly make the strider fights more epic than you vs them. also how we would learn alot more about the gman, instead we're asking more questions....stuff like that. theres a lot more to name but ill stop there, you get my point. so i can see his point, because im kinda weiry about the surprise myself.
I just hope that in the add-ons they go on to contain some of the info and pieces left out. like a itchy runin and the blue spike thingy i mean it is possible that gordon just missed the part of town with the spike .. maybe Barney could run into it. or Alyx we shall see