Am I the only one who...

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Jan 25, 2006
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... wants to see more of Alyx (and her crush on Gordon! :naughty: ) in Aftermath?

I've been reading through some of the old archives on the board and there seems to be a serious antipathy towards Alyx as a character within the Half Life universe. Personally, I thought that the "plot progression" scenes with Alyx were among the most memorable in the game.

"I'm not saying goodbye" is a great line - when you first hear it from her, she's talking to her father, but the second time she's talking to you. I honestly felt some warm fuzzies that this NPC cared about me.

Or when you arrive in BME and you're talking with Eli (well, Eli is talking to you, at any rate), and he says "Gordon can handle anything... with the possible exception of you." It's a credit to the engine that Alyx get's this incredibly embarrassed expression on her face that is completely believable, and you really think that it's a father teasing his daughter about her crush. And then she wanders off to do something useful, muttering to herself - perfect! That was cute and funny in and of itself - but when I turned back to Eli and he winked at me, that's when I knew that this game was doing something that no first-person shooter had done before.

And, of course, the final bit of that little arc was the "Ha ha! You did it!" at the very end, and Alyx jumps through the shattered glass and gives you a kiss. Of course, then everything is blown to hell, but still... I'd like to see where that goes.

So, really, am I the only guy who wants to see more Alyx plot/character/romantic interaction?
we'll be playing as alyx in aftermath. so, probably we won't see alyx talking with gordon.
^^ No we won't Quak_66, we play as Gordon in Aftermath.

I must admit that scene at the elevator near the end was pretty cool. However while I greatly enjoyed the scripted scenes with all the characters the fighting alongside parts with alyx were meh at best. I understand there is going to be lots more of that, albeit improved.
Quak_66 said:
we'll be playing as alyx in aftermath. so, probably we won't see alyx talking with gordon.

We won't be playing as Alyx.

I loved Alyx in HL2. The script was filled with warmth and every scene with her is a delight. I for one am certainly looking forward to what Aftermath brings.
Anyone else see the title as "Am I the only one who hears the screams//and the strangled cries of lawyers in love?"

<3 Jackson Browne.

-Angry Lawyer
What? Alyx never kissed me! Oh now im depressed.
Angry Lawyer said:
Anyone else see the title as "Am I the only one who hears the screams//and the strangled cries of lawyers in love?"

It's not just you. D:

I look forward also.
Talyn said:
... wants to see more of Alyx (and her crush on Gordon! :naughty: ) in Aftermath?

I've been reading through some of the old archives on the board and there seems to be a serious antipathy towards Alyx as a character within the Half Life universe. Personally, I thought that the "plot progression" scenes with Alyx were among the most memorable in the game.

"I'm not saying goodbye" is a great line - when you first hear it from her, she's talking to her father, but the second time she's talking to you. I honestly felt some warm fuzzies that this NPC cared about me.

Or when you arrive in BME and you're talking with Eli (well, Eli is talking to you, at any rate), and he says "Gordon can handle anything... with the possible exception of you." It's a credit to the engine that Alyx get's this incredibly embarrassed expression on her face that is completely believable, and you really think that it's a father teasing his daughter about her crush. And then she wanders off to do something useful, muttering to herself - perfect! That was cute and funny in and of itself - but when I turned back to Eli and he winked at me, that's when I knew that this game was doing something that no first-person shooter had done before.

And, of course, the final bit of that little arc was the "Ha ha! You did it!" at the very end, and Alyx jumps through the shattered glass and gives you a kiss. Of course, then everything is blown to hell, but still... I'd like to see where that goes.

So, really, am I the only guy who wants to see more Alyx plot/character/romantic interaction?

I played the game 3 full times checking EVERYTHING talking to EVERYONE many times and half of that never happened? You sure your not playing a mod? or are you going to make me play it a 4th time.

Half-Life 2 for the WIN! Cant wait for aftermath!
Wait, what didn't happen? "...with the possible exception of you" is in Black Mesa East (Alyx looks embarrassed, Eli smirks, then winks at you as soon as Alyx's back is turned).

"I'm not saying goodbye" is first heard when Alyx is talking to Eli in Nova Prospekt, the first time you manage to summon his Eli's pod. The second time you hear it is when she is pressing her hand against the glass of the elevator as you go down to the final encounter. She also looks like she's about to say something more, then stops herself, and instead just says "Give 'em hell," which is another great piece of digital cinema that many real-life movies fail to beat.

"Ha ha! You did it!" is, of course, from when you destroy the Combine Portal. Now, for this one, you might have to be within a certain distance for Alyx to kiss you, but she definitely purses her lips, closes her eyes and leans in for a brief, triumphant peck right before "Now let's get out of here."
Yo d00dz maybe we can s33 her cyber b(.)(.)bies !!

Please, there's going to be no time for that nonsense in the aftermath of Gordon Freeman taking down the Citadel!

For real tho, I like Alyx and want to see her in Aftermath, but what can really happen with the whole "crush" part in a video game? That will be cool if she fights along you in Aftermath, but a virtual cyber romance? Doesn't seem very Half Lifeish to me and I can't think of any other fps that has had a romantic element (maybe they are on to something here?).

IMO anything like this with Alyx would have to be done very subtley and tastefully. Maybe at the end of Aftermath they could end the game with Alyx and Gordon getting some alone time, but let's leave it at that please... Something unsaid that everyone still knows... This game is about epic adventure and epic battles. Again, I like Alyx as a character and a companion, but having Valve spell out that Gordon gets some nookie would be a surprise. This is why I think any "getting together", thats more than a peck on the cheek, will happen "off camera" .... so to speak.

(Umm as another side note about Alyx, you can actually see her thong when she leans forward.. I __SWEAR__ this is true, but you have to have the resolution up really high.. and zoom helps... She's wearing a purple thong.... I never actually noticed til I cranked it up to 2048x1536. I posted screenshots once too.. I dunno, maybe this proves that Valve is a bunch of pervs and there's a code to unlock the hidden Alyx sex scene a la GTA:SA)
Talyn said:
"I'm not saying goodbye" is first heard when Alyx is talking to Eli in Nova Prospekt, the first time you manage to summon his Eli's pod. The second time you hear it is when she is pressing her hand against the glass of the elevator as you go down to the final encounter. She also looks like she's about to say something more, then stops herself, and instead just says "Give 'em hell," which is another great piece of digital cinema that many real-life movies fail to beat.

Actually she doesn't say that at the elevator, she says "Be careful..." The second time she does say that is when she is in Breens office, her hand on Eli's shoulder. She also never says "Give 'em hell." That line is infact said by a resistance fighter in the canals.

NJspeed said:
(Umm as another side note about Alyx, you can actually see her thong when she leans forward.. I __SWEAR__ this is true, but you have to have the resolution up really high.. and zoom helps... She's wearing a purple thong.... I never actually noticed til I cranked it up to 2048x1536. I posted screenshots once too.. I dunno, maybe this proves that Valve is a bunch of pervs and there's a code to unlock the hidden Alyx sex scene a la GTA:SA)

Actually its extremely common these days to throw in some thong cleavage onto the female characters, theres loads.
I hope becomes perverted.
Samon said:
Actually she doesn't say that at the elevator, she says "Be careful..." The second time she does say that is when she is in Breens office, her hand on Eli's shoulder. She also never says "Give 'em hell." That line is infact said by a resistance fighter in the canals.

Curses! I'll have to play through again and transcript the dialogue, I'm obviously misremembering.
i'm not weired or obsessive or anything, but i love alyx. i hope half life aftermath has more in it, which it probably will.

wouldn't it be great if she got pregnant? she would look so lovely, with a healthy bulge - belly sticking out from underneath her worn clothes... top button of her jeans undone to accomodate her swell... dark creamy skin.. the way she casually rests her hand on the top of her bump when she's tinkering around with dog, or trying to figure out some mechanical problem.

but i'm not obsessive. or weired. i'm normal..... normal......

Well, we won't see any of that until the Resistance can knock out the Combine Suppression Field that is preventing all human pregnancy. And then Alyx will have to get Gordon out of that armor and into a shower, first - remember, he's been up to his armpits in sweat, blood and filth since the Black Mesa! Not exactly all that appealing, I imagine.
I'm not crazy about alyx, for obvious reasons. But she is nice and she's got great legs. I like athletic girls.

And of course it's amazing how realistic the characters are, how well they've done the facial expressions, etc., but i always feel disconnected from them. I know they're not real. :p Actually, the more advanced npcs I can be quite fond of, especially that cute little Lamar, but those idiotic resistance forces are very annoying. They don't make me feel like I'm fighting alongside other humans... they make me want to kill them brutally for having such badly scripted AI.

alyx never kissed me either. thank god. She's not my type.
Hullu said:
I know they're not real.

uh, yes they are.

and yeah gordon would be dirty, but i'm sure the hazard suit keeps him clean, and he passes enough water to splash his face once in a while.

as for alex, well, yeah she's always getting dirty. but i just think it makes her look even sweeter. especially when she's covered in engine grease from upgrading dog, and scuffed and dirty from chasing him around the yard afterwards.... good times.....

sometimes i think some of our happiest times were at that little outpost at mesa east. in the summer we would lie together in the grassy areas just over the river, cuddled up in our underwear by a little bonfire as we watched our one set of clothes dry hanging on a wire - wet from the swim over. tracing our hands over the contours of each others bodies, over the scars, the cuts and scrapes. exchanging stories of how we got them.

i remember thinking that that was all i could ever want, to be with her. and that it didn't matter where or when we were. wartime or peace, the city or somewhere far away. no matter what time we were in, or how many material possessions we had, how comfortable our surroundings, if i was with her, i would always be happy and i wouldnt want for anything more.
bom bom bom, let me hear you say way-oh!



i get knocked down, but i get up again, you're never gonna knock me down!


back on topic, i hope alyx features more in half life 2.. i hope someone makes an alyx pregnant mod where she gets slowly pregnant over time.. and you live in a little black mesa east complex. like a half life 2 sandbox.

have you noticed when she's killed she makes some very orgasmic noises, these could be used to make a sex mod if you were so inclined.. not that i would be so inclined. but c'mon! who hasn't tried alyx nude.

god.. what is wrong with me? i have a girlfriend i shouldn't be this wiered...
Maybe someone should make you an Alyx Vance and a Gordon Freeman for The Sims 2. :eek:
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