am i the only one?

i just think they are crap
i have everything turned all the way up too.. only thing i can say looks pretty is the water on aztec ... they RUINED aztec.. plus the shitty graphics
Ok how about this - they look better than CS's graphics. :rolling:
OMG OMG teh grafics dont look like far cry's ... im not playing it anymore... Seriously guys. What the hell have you been playing for the last couple of years? A heavilly modded Quake engine that is more than 6 years old. gg no re k thnx. :|
I too am a little disapointed in it, like the textures and stuff. Also, the water looks alot less impressive too.
if someone can find more well done textures than in CS:S in any game, please show me.

although it depends on your resolution and detail too. with my vid card im running at 1600x1200 with 8af, and it just looks photorealistic sometimes.
even unreal 1 had detail textures :) . unreal 2. far cry, the unreal tournaments...halo... i could keep on listin

let it be known that im just answering... i havent complained about the game as a whole even once.

and it doesn't really depend on the vid card. even at the highest settings if you get close to the textures, they look pretty blurry. this doesn't happen in the games I stated above mind you.
yes, to your question and to my question "is he crazy??"
would you like to spend time making all the source games, the source engine, and make the textures perfect?
You have to remember this is a multiplayer game, the idea is to get everyone running the game @ 80+ fps. Both me and a lot of other mod teams are working on MP mods with better graphics, if you don't mind 30fps... You can get all the bump mapped goodness you want then. A god example of this is the insurgency MOD that looks like one of the most impressive i have EVER seen. The good thing is SOURCE has POTENTIAL... I honestly believe it is capable of rendering everything seen in the UNREAL 3 vids... there is nothing stopping it from doing so, you just need a powerfull PC and some very good designers. SOURCE has more functionality than you may think, i believe the engine can keep scaling to graphics demand untill around the year 2007. By then it will need updating, but valve intend to keep working on SOURCE and updating continually, there is nothing stopping the engine from continually growing past 2010.

I will let you all in on a little secret, SOURCE took 5 years to build, you can no longer build a graphics engine from scratch these days, it would take you a decade. The future is in growing our existing engines for the future, and source will lead this new trend. Valve are going to be licensing the largest growing Graphics engine for the next decade, SOURCE is much bigger than you think, the potential is worth billions...
Your not the only one, CS Source doesnt exactly have great graphics, but who cares. It looks fun and I cant wait to play it.
I think the graphix r just fine, nope not like far cry i agree, but as said its cs what did u think it was going to be?

I only have 1 thing to complain about, and thats the model movment, i think it stinks, all though i find it hard to put my finger on just why (any1 help me out here), but i think the models moved more hmmmm fluently in 1.6, no im not lagging, and doing 80-90 fps... the seem to hack their way (just a a little), through the map.
Owskie said:
that thinks the graphics on cs:s are shit..

ok when you build your own engine that has never been seen before, come back and make that statement again.
Rrunner your right, the model animations suck ass. 1.6 models look better moving. Also they look like frickin cartoons :/
I don't think the graphics are cutting edge or anything, but they are far from "shitty". I think it looks more than acceptable and runs nice and smooth.
The graphics are great, don't forget this is a port of CS, they havent had the development time of HalfLife2.

Okay not all the textures are high res, but then look at doom3....

Also remember that CS is an ongoing development, look at how it was all those years ago, and now look at it - do you really expect them to just quit improving it ?
i think you are forgetting this is just a port of CS to the source engine, with some modifications. Counterstrike 2 will have Half life 2 graphics all over it. By the way, the original CS looks like shit, but we have played it for years and never complained. the reason why people play CS is because of GAMEPLAY, not graphics.
Do you guys have any idea what the hell 'cs ported to source' means? You throw this around like a be all end all argument to close discussions. It makes no sense WHAT SO EVER.

Some people say it looks greats eventhough it's only a port!

Others wow this looks like crap because it's only a damn port!
I haven't played css, but what I can see from the screenshots cs_office looks f***ing great, and look at the skin of the glock and mp5, they look great. The glock looks better than the hl2 usp model to me.
People, Half Life:Source is a PORT. You people don't know what you're talking about.

Also, am I the only one that thinks bada_aztec1 looks extraordinarily better than the official aztec?
Do you guys drink crazy juice? Where can I buy some?

I really hope that this isn't the graphics we'll be getting in HL2. But I think not after seing some binks and beta, it looks much better.
Half life 2 looks much better, this is because it uses new textures, for CS they used alot of old textures because its only a port.