Am I the only one...

Do you feel pity for Jack Thompson

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Jul 1, 2004
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..that actually feels..pity for Jack Thompson?

To me insulting him feels like kicking a dying horse. Wouldn't be surprised if the poor guy cries himself to sleep at night.

Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is borderline insane, but that's another reason to feel bad for him.

Bah, I'm probably alone here.
The frequency of the theads about Jack are getting insane on these forums. Yes, he's a wackjob, but no one cares anymore. Fin.
A man such as him does not earn my pity but my ire.
he's old news, just a ****ing tool that needs to disappear
all the hating would end if he was just to shut up.
Cries himself to sleep? He probably stares at himself at a mirror while beaming and telling his wife how awesome of a dad and patriot he is until he falls asleep.
yup you're alone here ...not for an instant do I feel sympathy for someone who is the self-annointed moral authority who feels it's his duty to judge what is appropriate for me and my family to watch/play/listen to

he brought it on himself ..if he's as thin skinned as you think he is then he shouldnt have targeted gamers ...if there's a group that excels at pwning it's gamers
Anyone who actually believes that video games are responsible for the problems with society doesn't deserve my pity.
CptStern said:
yup you're alone here ...not for an instant do I feel sympathy for someone who is the self-annointed moral authority who feels it's his duty to judge what is appropriate for me and my family to watch/play/listen to

he brought it on himself ..if he's as thin skinned as you think he is then he shouldnt have targeted gamers ...if there's a group that excels at pwning it's gamers
What he said! Er.... OH look! Magical Brownies!:cheers: :D
TheSomeone said:
Cries himself to sleep? He probably stares at himself at a mirror while beaming and telling his wife how awesome of a dad and patriot he is until he falls asleep.
I should have edited my last post.... but this dude has a wife? OOOOOOOk then....... creepy.....:eek: :(
Would we mock and hate the mentally retarded, or the elderly and infirm?

I think Jack has mental disorders, and what he does is the product of these disorders. I just....can't hate him.
Bah, I can't believe that I'm the one with a bleeding heart for once.
You liberals got room? :P
MiccyNarc said:
Would we mock and hate the mentally retarded, or the elderly and infirm?

they dont have a choice, jack does

MiccyNarc said:
I think Jack has mental disorders, and what he does is the product of these disorders. I just....can't hate him.
Bah, I can't believe that I'm the one with a bleeding heart for once.
You liberals got room? :P

he was ordered by a judge to undergo a pschological examination. he passed
I don't think he has mental illnesses. I think he's simply arrogant, narrow-minded, and his thinking is a product of his own self-enforced delusions. He can bite me for all I care.
Well, he can bite my White/ Indian ass:thumbs: .......And how the hell did THIS guy exactly pass a Psycological exam?:|
no id ont feel any pity. yes i am tired of hearing about the douchebag. ive never seen anyone so universally hated as that shmuck.
TollBooth Willie said:
Well, he can bite my White/ Indian ass:thumbs: .......And how the hell did THIS guy exactly pass a Psycological exam?:|

pretty easy ..see he's not insane, he's a right wing extremist just like Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell or Ann Coulture

there's a new wind blowing across america, better stop and take notice
Some people just get off on bashing others until they have no shread of dignity left. I think the man is terribly missguided, but I have no reason to hate him, while others on this board seem to think its their mission in life. I can think of better people to target and waste my time on.

You face your enemy in battle and either you or he loses. Then you move on, the world knows who the winner was. Gloating on about it just shows that you yourself need to get put in your place.
I ****ed up, thought the thread title was the same as the question so I voted "Yes".
SimonomiS said:
I ****ed up, thought the thread title was the same as the question so I voted "Yes".

lol I knew it.

Miccy's still alone :(
I think he's fighting for a cause he believes in, but not very well. Maybe he hopes someone will pick up where he is going to leave off, although I doubt we've heard the last from him.
has has no sympathy from me, he aims below the belt using insults and stereotypes to get his way.
You mess with games and you will get pwned on the intranets... JACK THOMPSON!

Magical brownies? I voted that.
Thompson only earns my apathy. No pity shall befall his pathetic excuse of an existance.
Personally I think he’s just an ambulance chaser who sees the game industry as a so far unexploited cash cow.
For a man with such disgustingly underhand tactics, such disregard for basic professionalism, such a propensity to scream stupid misguided insults at anyone who disagrees with him or presents him with an argument - a man so quick to leap into legal action as soon as anyone dares call him out - no, I feel utterly no sympathy at all.
gh0st said:
no id ont feel any pity. yes i am tired of hearing about the douchebag. ive never seen anyone so universally hated as that shmuck.
Uwe Boll comes close :p

And I feel sorry for him if he was truly mentally challenged (Which he seem like). But he isn't. He just got raped by Pong : San Andreas when he was younger :p
One thing is for sure, Magical Brownies. No point in further discussion
Beerdude26 said:
Uwe Boll comes close :p

Now there's someone who I don't understand the hate for. The guy's just trying to make a living. Admitted, he's pretty crap at what he does, but he enjoys it. He's not trying to persecute you, and he's not trying to ban things. He's just doing what he loves (albeit badly)

-Angry Lawyer
The man laughs in the face of facts, he deserves no pity.
would somebody ban Jack from the US already? although maybe we could send him to France and let him try to ban hairy women...
I voted for Magical brownies because that's all the comes out of his mouth...and the brownies are not the brownies your thinking of. :)
DeusExMachinia said:
Jack Thompson is McCarthy incarnate. I feel no pity or sympathy.
First of all, McCarthy was pretty carnate himself.

Secondly, I'm really surprised by how hated this guy is here. Sure it's a gaming forum, but look, you only hate what you fear. This guy, from what I've seen, is amazingly ineffective. You can safely ignore him without wasting hate on him.