So I was in Ravenholme and I was at the part where it is a large open street space and you have to get up on the roofs. There is a switch which sets this platform moving so you can make a jump from one roof to another. Well the thing is, I never saw that switch - so how did I ever pass that part?
I ran back a little and grabbed a radiator. I got it all the way up to the roofs and I placed it on the edge to give me a boost. I shift-ran on the roof and then the radiator and made the jump to the other roof. I was wondering why this puzzle was so hard and then I realized there was a switch
I ran back a little and grabbed a radiator. I got it all the way up to the roofs and I placed it on the edge to give me a boost. I shift-ran on the roof and then the radiator and made the jump to the other roof. I was wondering why this puzzle was so hard and then I realized there was a switch