Oh, didn't we tell you? We Canadians are getting it first :p
oh, well ill be damned... however if you look at the pic, they don't have a pic of the game box... so i guess youll reciev nothing.
Dont order it, it's the version where Alyx and the G-Man have their lower jaws detached from their heads and they have beady little eyes.
lol, selling hl2 and cs:cz together.....two games which have not been released. who do they think they are, these people?

i think it must have been.....CANADA who stole the source code!!!! *sings "Blame Canada"*
Hey I'm trying to buy it and it all works out.
"Who stole the source code from the valve computer?"
"Canada stole the source code from the valve computer"
Canada: "Who me?"
"Yes you"
Canada: "Couldnt be"
"Then who"

/me does a fancy little jig
Why would Amazon make a such blatantly obvious stuff up?

Who are the people working in their online computer games section?!? Are they muppets?

Grr it's frustrating...!!
Mr-Fusion said:
Why would Amazon make a such blatantly obvious stuff up?

I ordered the Star Trek Nemesis DVD off Amazon but when it came it was a 4 port USB hub.

Kinda a slight difference.
LOL!!! :D

OK we can safely conclude that the employees at Amazon are in fact robotic monkeys. It certainly puts me at ease.
I say order it and sue for $100,000,000 for false advertising! :bonce:
why doesn't a canada resident order it and see if its true (which prolly isn't but still Valve is based in Seattle Washington) and if it is false then you still got it on pre-order now.
I just ordered it, I'll keep you boys informed on what happens
if they dont send it within 2 weeks sue them up their corn hole. :D
f-ing liers!!! what a way to hook a few hopefuls up... well boys.. here's what i got!!! I'm mad! I'll be calling them soon


We wanted to let you know there's a delay with one or more
items in the order you placed on January 01 2004 19:39 PST
(Order# -sorry guys, i deleted this-).

"Half-Life 2"
Item delayed 4-6 weeks.

You can access this order by clicking the Your Account button in the
upper right corner of any page at Once there, you can make
changes to unshipped orders, cancel unshipped items, track shipped
packages, modify your account settings, and do much more. For more
information about your order, please visit the following page:
4-6 weeks... going to bet that's a total lie. You should post an angry reply explaining that if that date is exceeded, you expect the product and a full refund as a mark of respect :E
i e-mailed those mofo's.. the guy said that when the game is released, then they will ship it to whoever ordered it.
This is the Babelfish translation of the French editorial review. I think its kinda entertaining.

Five years! It will thus have been necessary to wait five long years for finally having right to the continuation d?un play which revolutionized First Person Shooting. When Half-Life leaves in 1998, it creates instantaneously l?événement. With Half-Life 2, l?editor gives cover and proposes to the player to find the good old woman carcass of Gordon Freeman and his so effective combination. For this occasion, the three-dimensional chart engine was entirely re-examined, allowing animations and a realism to cut the breath. A small detail, the expressions of the faces are quite simply confusing of realism thanks to simulation d?une forty facial muscles (only that!). Artificial L?intelligence which manages the enemies also largely evolved/moved, which n?est not to facilitate the task to you. Lastly, as if the solo mode were not enough, several multijoueurs modes come to perfect this table already ô how much enticing? -- Arnold Vincent
it's 69.99 for that pic of the hl2 logo