: November!

Rough estimate.

Never trust a date from anyone except valve.
lans said:
Rough estimate.

Never trust a date from anyone except valve.

*Beast206 quietly chuckles and walks out.*

Sorry, I'm in a particularly jaunty mood. :D
It would be strange if it came out in November. That implies that it's going to take 2 months before it goes gold. I don't see what they'll be doing that will take that long. Unless they REALLY try to test the CS:S beta by giving it two months, but I doubt it.
Amazon Germany means, that HL2 will be on December 03rd available. So what?

Look here :

"Erscheinungstermin: 3. Dezember 2004"....

Valve only knows, when HL2 will be available.
no one really knows when hl2 will come out(except time travelers)
it's all bullshit

valve or VU has NEVER given an "official" release date to stores. EVER.
Beast206 said:
*Beast206 quietly chuckles and walks out.*

Sorry, I'm in a particularly jaunty mood. :D

Never trust a date from anyone, including valve?

That's what you want to hear?
I wont get excited 'till VALVe give us the gold announcement.
lans said:
Never trust a date from anyone, including valve?

That's what you want to hear?

Testy this morning aren't we?

Nope, I was just waiting for that exact sentiment to start echoing through the thread. People here get so worked up over release date threads, and I giggle at them all. Frankly I've heard "Never trust a date from anyone, including valve." more than once today, lol. I just find it amusing. :shrug:
yes screw these threads, or anything else with legs for that matter...

wait these threads don't have.. crap, I'll get back to you on that