Amazon on HL2


Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
This item will be released on June 1, 2004. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.

This is what it says on Amazon for the release date of half life 2.
Once youve been around for a wee while longer you will learn that all the Gaming/retailer sites do not have acurate release dates.

for instance Amazon says June Game Says TBC (to be certified) several others say november/september and one even says 1969 :p
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Someone needs to get a calendar, put all the pages on some large board (so all the days are visible), stand a ways back, take a dart, close his/her eyes, throw the dart, and wherever it lands, and claim that that's the day HL2 will come out :D lol
Someone e-mail Gabe.....

Besides, Amazon is a huge re-tailer. I doubt they would just put some random date up. But who knows...guess all we can do is hope...
Dougy said:
Once youve been around for a wee while longer you will learn that all the Gaming/retailer sites do not have acurate release dates.

for instance Amazon says June Game Says TBC (to be certified) several others say november/september and one even says 1969 :p

Yeah, is the site that had 1969, the fact that it has been changed could mean something very special =D
Meh, I think this is a very realistic date. Look where E3 is. It is a perfect time to announce the game has gone gold. Just my opinion, make what you want of it! And I dont think there is any need to email anyone. I am 100% sure that even if Amazon was right, Gabe wouldnt confirm it. Just wait for E3 :cheers:
seinfeldrules said:
Meh, I think this is a very realistic date. Look where E3 is. It is a perfect time to announce the game has gone gold. Just my opinion, make what you want of it!

sorry for being a newb, but what is the exact definition of "gold"?
It means that they have finished the game and have it copied to a disc, this disc will be used to make the copies of the game that will be shipped to retailers.
Death.Trap said:
It means that they have finished the game and have it copied to a disc, this disc will be used to make the copies of the game that will be shipped to retailers.

waitwaitwait! so if I steal this disk, and sell copies of it to you guys....I could be rich!?!?
Six Three said:
sorry for being a newb, but what is the exact definition of "gold"?


The finished master copy of the game that gets sent to the CD factory ready to be copied onto all the other CD's that then go up for sale.


Amazon know nothing more than we do, i absolutely garuantee it.
I'm still a zombie, but I still would like to inform you to use the god damn search function.
Well, Sorry to be a critic but I honestly dont think any of the retailers really know. I don't think amazon is any different, the pretty much just guess. They should do it by quarters, but for some reason they like to guess an exact date. Also, that date is a Tuesday if I am not mistaken, games come out on Fridays people.

I am not sure if this way discussed by the reason it said 1969 for the launch date has to do with unix timestamps. They start 1-1-1970 and count off seconds from then. So when you see something as December 31, 1969 it nearly always means that their software had an error and passed a null or invalid integer to the date function.
Amazon UK say November 12th.

What its doesnt say on Amazon is if its the SP, SP+MP or super duper edition. I only want the full to busting edition with real crowbar and HEV suit t-shirt :naughty:
Death.Trap said:
Someone e-mail Gabe.....

Besides, Amazon is a huge re-tailer. I doubt they would just put some random date up. But who knows...guess all we can do is hope...

Your theory kind of blows up when you consider that their release date a few days ago for hl2 was "1969".
Frop said:
Also, that date is a Tuesday if I am not mistaken, games come out on Fridays people.

Where are from? In Iowa games, movies, music all comes out new on tuesdays.
I e-mailed Amazon, they guy who answered me said it is the official ship date. o_O
Death.Trap said:
I e-mailed Amazon, they guy who answered me said it is the official ship date. o_O

Of course they're going to say that. They would have told you the same thing about September 30th and April 1st. It doesn't mean a thing.
this means nothing. Sorry, but these sites know just as much as us, meaning, nothing. This date is just an estimate. It could come out earlier, it could come out later. So just wait patiently, and until it comes out, play some CoD or BF!
And the game is already getting a 5 star rating.

Quote from Amazon customer review.

"One comment I have against Amazon though is that it said it was already released December 31, 1969! What's up with that? Even I couldn't get it that early and no computers could have run it..."

Is this guy serious? What a fool! :D
Christ guys, where's your common sense?

Amazon pulled that release date out of their ass, just like every other retailer does.

The only official release date is that from Valve. It shouldn't be so hard to figure out that since Valve hasn't said anything about a release date no one will know about a release date.