Ambient Sound + Always moving elevator?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
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How do you link an ambient sound to an elevator (for use in a HL2: DeatchMatch map),...

...An elevator that ALWAYS moves, following a 4-point looping track.

Basically the effect of a driving car.


Also, I was wondering: Is it possible to get a train to pass periodically in HL2: DM, complete with camera shaking and sounds?

1: link an ambient sound to an elevator?
2: an elevator that always moves?

Are these doable?
in the ambient generic, make the parent the name of the elevator.
Ambient_Generic doesnt seem to have a "Parent" property.
I'm sorry i thought ambient generic had a parent property.
mabey you could just several ambeint generics up the path the elevator goes and make sure they all play the same sound at the same time?
Actually it's for a train :eek:

Hehe, should've specified earlier...

My train is too quiet - not sure how to increase its volume, so...