AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Oculus and Unity Announced as Speakers at Steam Dev Days

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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You may recall the announcement of Valve's new Steam Developer days conference which is taking place on January 15th & 16th in Seattle. It will be an opportunity for developers & publishers working with Steam / Steam Machines to present their input, experience and possible future endeavors working with Valve.


Valve have announced among those presenting will be AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Oculus & Unity. It goes without saying Valve will also be giving presentations around various topics such as Steam machines, developing the Steam controller and more. More info on Steam Dev Days can be found here.


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Valve may be working with oculus to implement some biometrics cant wait
It says on the FAQ "Yes, sessions will be recorded and available for your reference" so not sure if you need a login or anything to view them, but they will be recorded and put online.
Now there making there own vr headset and showing it at steam dev, this I didnt see coming. Biometrics will be the ace up there sleeve, but what else can improve on oculus.