America plans to detonate nukes

It is astounding that they would wish to embark on this program. Although I am totally against the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances I believe many people have accepted them on the principle they deter war.
Producing bunk busting nukes crosses the line from deterrent to offensive with wars being fought with nukes. War is bad enough but to introduce first strike nuclear weapons into it would be catastrophic.
Imagine a scenario whereby one of these new toys are used and it kills thousands through fallout. No government could stand the backlash from within and wave of revulsion brought on it by the rest of the world.
Nukes are used to deter war not to be used in it.
baxter said:
It is astounding that they would wish to embark on this program. Although I am totally against the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances I believe many people have accepted them on the principle they deter war.
Producing bunk busting nukes crosses the line from deterrent to offensive with wars being fought with nukes. War is bad enough but to introduce first strike nuclear weapons into it would be catastrophic.
Imagine a scenario whereby one of these new toys are used and it kills thousands through fallout. No government could stand the backlash from within and wave of revulsion brought on it by the rest of the world.
Nukes are used to deter war not to be used in it.

honestly, this situation will never happen. I think the only situation in which the US uses a nuclear device is if someone releases one first. Sure, we dropped two on Japan, but look at the devastation. They're currently remembering Hiroshima this weekend as it's the anniversary. If the US dropped ANY kind of nuclear device without the most serious provocation, the entire world would be up in arms against us. Until then, they're sticking with tactical laser/gps-guided armaments. The US invests/researches some new technology and everyone cries foul. When China becomes a superpower (and they will), then people will have a right to get apprehensive.
Personally, I agree that these 'Bunker-Buster' nukes cross the line from a deterrant into something that America may be tempted to use.

It's OK saying 'FIGHT US AND WE WILL PWN J00 WITH NUKEZ!111Omgwtf!, but we are talking about a nuke designed for a specific purpose, and one day some idiot in the white house will think 'hey, we have those RNEPs that we never used, right? Try one of those on that target.'

Adidajs said:
If the US dropped ANY kind of nuclear device without the most serious provocation, the entire world would be up in arms against us.
Who decides what 'serious provocation' is? The aforementioned idiot in the white house, thats who. If there is one thing that the world does not need, it is more nukes. Maybe Bush's new slogan should be 'A nuke for every occasion'. because that seems to be where we are heading.
"A chicken in every pot and a cap in every ass", or in this case a nuclear weapon.
I'm just glad God hasn't told him to use it yet... Me thinks he watched the matrix to much, thinking hes the "chosen" one and what not.
clarky003 said:
Thats fine aslong as the corporate entity doesnt effect, or have to much controlling influence in government, the war > profit machine is a dangerous one.

I read something earlier today about cheney wanting to develop these nukes to use on Iran, whos hiding in Iran?... more weapons of mass destruction? or are they just planning this for fun.
The Corporate Entity IS the state, people, culture, and government. It involves all people on all levels working for the betterment of the state in countless struggles towards whichever objective is at hand, be it flu outbreak to terrorism.
Adidajs said:
honestly, this situation will never happen. I think the only situation in which the US uses a nuclear device is if someone releases one first. Sure, we dropped two on Japan, but look at the devastation. They're currently remembering Hiroshima this weekend as it's the anniversary. If the US dropped ANY kind of nuclear device without the most serious provocation, the entire world would be up in arms against us. Until then, they're sticking with tactical laser/gps-guided armaments. The US invests/researches some new technology and everyone cries foul. When China becomes a superpower (and they will), then people will have a right to get apprehensive.

This is true and no leader with a massive nuclear arsenal would ever consider using then, would they? I mean only a complete lunatic would consider using nukes along with conventional weapons.
To consider using nukes in a pre-emptive way would be madness.

In the 56 page classified NPR obtained by the LA Times and The New York Times, the Pentagon outlines a list of contingencies and targets where nuclear weapons might be used. Listing seven countries, China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria, as potential nuclear targets, the leaked NPR indicates that:

Nuclear weapons could be used in three types of situations: against targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack; in retaliation for attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or “in the event of surprising military developments.”

Countries such as Iran, Syria and Libya could be involved in immediate, potential or unexpected contingencies requiring “nuclear strike capabilities.”

The United States should be prepared to launch a nuclear strike to destroy stocks of weapons of mass destruction, such as biological and chemical arms.

Maybe the lunatics have taken over the asylum
i LOVE nukes, i wish we would use them instead of leaving them all sitting around... i'll bet they feel useless, and i know i hate it when i feel useless
Polaris said:
Or innocent terrorists...We are at war, boy...

No, you're not. And the word "arab" does not have any relation with terrorism. Neither does the word "innocent".

Icarusintel said:
i LOVE nukes, i wish we would use them instead of leaving them all sitting around... i'll bet they feel useless, and i know i hate it when i feel useless

I hope you were being sarcastic..
CrazyHarij said:
No, you're not. And the word "arab" does not have any relation with terrorism. Neither does the word "innocent".
I didnt say "arab" ... Im politically correct.
Polaris said:
CrazyHarij said:
No, you're not. And the word "arab" does not have any relation with terrorism. Neither does the word "innocent".
I didnt say "arab" ... Im politically correct.

Yeah, sure.
OMFG! What in the living hell is with all the dead threads? I mean seriously people, LET IT GO!
15357 said:
America has some 13000 nuclear weapons. Why do they need to destroy every city in the world 5 times over?

Because you touch yourself at night.
America has so many nukes, so they can laugh at all the tiny little nations who arn't allowed to have them.
15357 said:
*gets confused and beats the shit out of kirovman*

NoooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO :vader:

You'll have to do better than that, I'm in a communist military base right now (right next to it actually). 6am Happy Birthday propaganda for all.
Kyo said:
America has so many nukes, so they can laugh at all the tiny little nations who arn't allowed to have them.

LOL, thats right, I say we have a nuking party where we just send nukes all over the world in random places and see where they hit.
madog said:
LOL, thats right, I say we have a nuking party where we just send nukes all over the world in random places and see where they hit.

Hell we can even send a few straight up and let them hit us. I woudln't put it past out lack of intelligence to do it either.

It's amazing all my posts in these things are anti-america, and I live here. I think I have as much patriotism as I did "School Spirit". None...

*EDIT* wewt for 2kposts.
It's amazing all my posts in these things are anti-america, and I live here. I think I have as much patriotism as I did "School Spirit". None...

That is one of funniest things I've ever heard..especially coming from an american. You must be a special breed. :E
Wait. The post title said that America planned to detonate nukes. When I opened it, I was thinking that maybe Bush was planning to detonate this in Iraq, as it was a Cpt.Stern Post. But instead, it had nothing on him wanting to blow it up, it was just him asking for money to build a bigger weapon, and results showing that it would kill millions. Don't most large scale weapons kill millions of people? There will always be scientists working on bigger and badder weapons, whether we like it or not. Critics said we didn't need anything more powerful than the bomb set off at Nagasaki, but of course, we went ahead and kept building, along with the rest of the world. Weapons research will always be a part of society, so get over it.
Teh Pwned said:
Wait. The post title said that America planned to detonate nukes. When I opened it, I was thinking that maybe Bush was planning to detonate this in Iraq, as it was a Cpt.Stern Post. But instead, it had nothing on him wanting to blow it up, it was just him asking for money to build a bigger weapon, and results showing that it would kill millions. Don't most large scale weapons kill millions of people? There will always be scientists working on bigger and badder weapons, whether we like it or not. Critics said we didn't need anything more powerful than the bomb set off at Nagasaki, but of course, we went ahead and kept building, along with the rest of the world. Weapons research will always be a part of society, so get over it.

Really ? Been here before have you ?