American Cultural Dominance?

Farrowlesparrow said:
I was saying that "Just because" is pretty much the reason why people think most things. Sure they come out with all these excuses, but when it comes down to it "Just because" is really why they think it.

The only way i can explain it better is by telling you to read the Discworld books, that sets you in a frame of mind to udnerstand :) Hes a very insightful writter, is our Terry.
I have the whole series sitting on my computer :(

wish I was literate at times like these
Kyo said:
The Problem as I see it with America is they have Nukes and not many other people do.

lol yes..and yet the tell everyone else to get rid of theirs..
this is true. holy CRAP is that ever true.
banditry is my future!
Indeed New Zealand is turning into a mini America in many respects. But the culture is still there, under all the layers of crap. One of the things that gives me a chuckle is how alot of Maori kids (native NZers) like to imitate black Americans. It's cool hip hop jive yo!

And yeah fast food is a problem here too >_<
To be quite honest, what do expect us to do? We're only fulfilling what others seem to want to have - we're not trying to impose our culture on anyone, it's just the way things work. People don't have to buy our goods and services, they want to buy them. It's not cultural imperialism, it's freedom of choice.
CyberSh33p said:
what better way to gain power?
Step 1: Secretly make an otherwise great all-purpose weapon that disables itself when exposed to a certain frequency of radio waves.
Step 2: Supply all the armies in the world with it.
Step 3: Invade them with little, cheap, battery-powered FM transmitters for each of your soldiers.
Oh but it is like Imperialism...The thing about the US, is thats a big market in itsself which has led to large corporations forming and being able to bully smaller companies in other countries, forcing them out. They also like to buy up companies in other countries and slowly feed their influences into them.
OCybrManO said:
You secretly make an otherwise great all-purpose weapon that disables itself when exposed to a certain frequency of radio waves, then supply all the armies in the world with it, and invade them with little, cheap, battery-powered FM transmitters for each soldier.
Or market generally low-quality cartoons which depict graphic scenes, unnecessary nudity, and over-complicated plotlines to the naive and ready-to-grab-at-anything audiences of the world as a foreign and exotic concept with a nifty accented name!

oh wait
Is there something wrong with that though? That's how the free market system works - it's what allows consumers to get products at affordable prices. Ultimately, it will spur other companies in those countries to improve their product quality and price points to compete with American goods and services.

Look at what is happening in India with their IT sector - it's doing great and seriously challening US software firms in that area. Competition is a great thing - but to have competition you need someone to compete with.
Back on nukes, the following nations have confirmed nuclear arsenals:
USA, UK, Franc, PRC, Russia, India, Pakistan
Unconfirmed (but very likely): Israel, North Korea
Developing: Iran
Inactive: Brazil, Argentina, South Africa (actually tested and developed arsenal but relinquished upon end of white rule)

Miscellaneous: Libya, Syria, Egypt, Algeria.
It's weird we all have so many nukes but you think about it.

Only 1 will kill everyone.
In good old Sweden, there is a lot of people that "hate " USA beacourse of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, even though they wear american clothes, they watch anerican movies, the lissen to american music etc. And most of them who "hates" USA, has never even been there. I've been to the US, and I loved it there.
The_Monkey said:
In good old Sweden, there is a lot of people that "hate " USA beacourse of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, even though they wear american clothes, they watch anerican movies, the lissen to american music etc. And most of them who "hates" USA, has never even been there. I've been to the US, and I loved it there.
funny how I wanna go to sweden, then :p
CptStern said:
I agree but a hamburger from say Licks (real meat, real buns etc ..only in canada) is not the same as a burger from McDonalds. So you could say that hamburgers are a part of american culture but not necessarily McDonalds hamburgers

Hope fully this will change and In and Out will be our nations reconised hamburger joint.

I agree though, when I think of countries around the world I think of historical events that brought them to were they are now. Things that their culture was involved in.
In and Out american burger chain? never heard of it

food is part of the cultural makeup although it's usually the stereotypical food that people associate with a specific country, ie: italy- spaghetti, USA -hotdogs , UK -Fish and chips ...even though it may not be all that common in their respective countries. We make assumtions based on cultural stereotypes that are often innacurate: ie chinese people are good in math, americans all own guns, frenchmen are rude ...etc
CptStern said:
In and Out american burger chain? never heard of it

food is part of the cultural makeup although it's usually the stereotypical food that people associate with a specific country, ie: italy- spaghetti, USA -hotdogs , UK -Fish and chips ...even though it may not be all that common in their respective countries. We make assumtions based on cultural stereotypes that are often innacurate: ie chinese people are good in math, americans all own guns, frenchmen are rude ...etc

thats because all those facts are 100% true and infallible.

in 'n' out is indeed a burger chain here. but thats about it. all they have is burgers, and fries. kind of refreshing in some ways. jack in the box is better though :)
hmmm you'd think they'd call themselves something a bit more creative than In and Out ...sounds like a plastic surgery clinic or a pr0n movie
no fish? in my neighbourhood there's an "authentic English "fish and chips restaurant ..***n by polish immigrants

down the street there's also a Jamaican restaurant run by ...chinese people. Ever hear a chinese person speak with a jamaican accent ...surreal
My neighborhood has the greatest fish and chip place known to man... except they don't do chinese anymore, but they still make the best f&c I've ever had :)
Food for thought: Two countries with McDonalds never had a conflict with each other.
lol burger king and mcDonalds both suck i have no idea why people still eat their food.... long live Wendys and Arbys
slider3005 said:
lol burger king and mcDonalds both suck i have no idea why people still eat their food.... long live Wendys and Arbys
arbys is good, but wendy's serves crusty shit. i really can't stand wendy's.
^Ben said:
Just remember it's hip to hate.
No, it's easy.
However, I can completely understand why America's cultural homogenisation of the world pisses people off - I find it sad.
And Pret a Manger pwns0rz you all. Or something.
el Chi said:
No, it's easy.
However, I can completely understand why America's cultural homogenisation of the world pisses people off - I find it sad.
And Pret a Manger pwns0rz you all. Or something.
funny part is all the [american] youth today are trying to be either british(pretentious holier-than-thou [man?]wenches), japanese(guess), or swedish(people like me who daydream about 100mbit lines)

edit: old boy
CyberSh33p said:
funny part is all the youth today are trying to be either british (pretentious holier-than-thou [man?]wenches) japanese(guess), or swedish(people like me who daydream about 100mbit lines)

edit: old boy
My dear fellow that is utter nonsense; we Brits are upstanding and intelligent and we can't help it if we're better than you. Which we are. It's simply a fact of the world like gravity. Which, may I remind you, was invented by a Brit.
el Chi said:
My dear fellow that is utter nonsense; we Brits are upstanding and intelligent and we can't help it if we're better than you. Which we are. It's simply a fact of the world like gravity. Which, may I remind you, was invented by a Brit.
Indeed, chum, if it wasn't for you we'd be flying all willy-nilly everywhere! I tip my hat to you and offer a chimney sweeping any time, dear man!

An edit is in place hereafter!: oh dear boy, pish posh! You misunderstood me to a nearly laughable degree, were my laughing muscles not worn out from doing pilates. My meaning was towards the american youths of today and their characteristics, dear boy, not yours! You brits are far worse than that! What alse shall we aspire to , after all?! Oh ho ho, my old chum, you do tickle my funny bone!
CyberSh33p said:
Indeed, chum, if it wasn't for you we'd be flying all willy-nilly everywhere! I tip my hat to you and offer a chimney sweeping any time, dear man!
Chimney sweeping? Gracious! I had no idea you were so common! Unless "chimney sweeping" is a scandalous innuendo :naughty:
Seriously though - we're not pretentious or holier-than-thou. Not much moreso than most anyways.

CptStern said:
KFC = famine and pestilence
Actually, KFC = Kentucky Fried Children
just because you have american food/movies/music doesn't mean you have american culture... it means you have mcdonalds which i hate and rap, which i hate. American culture is more than fast food, and stupid music you know. Its all about the valve games!
The edit which I have inplaced has great verbosity attributed, my old chum, and I suggest you read it before making anymore presumptions, lest you be deemed presumptuous, my dear fellow!

seriously though - I know, you all use the 'f' word a lot and act badass
edit: only, of course, because you are./ass-besmooching