American kids, dumber than dirt, The next generation = biggest idiots in US history


May 5, 2004
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dont shoot the messenger I didnt make up the thread title:

American kids, dumber than dirt
Warning: The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in U.S. history

My friend often summarizes for me what he sees, firsthand, every day and every month, year in and year out, in his classroom. He speaks not merely of the sad decline in overall intellectual acumen among students over the years, not merely of the astonishing spread of lazy slackerhood, or the fact that cell phones and iPods and excess TV exposure are, absolutely and without reservation, short-circuiting the minds of the upcoming generations. Of this, he says, there is zero doubt.

Nor does he speak merely of the notion that kids these days are overprotected and wussified and don't spend enough time outdoors and don't get any real exercise and therefore can't, say, identify basic plants, or handle a tool, or build, well, anything at all. Again, these things are a given. Widely reported, tragically ignored, nothing new.

No, my friend takes it all a full step ? or rather, leap ? further. It is not merely a sad slide. It is not just a general dumbing down. It is far uglier than that.

We are, as far as urban public education is concerned, essentially at rock bottom. We are now at a point where we are essentially churning out ignorant teens who are becoming ignorant adults and society as a whole will pay dearly, very soon, and if you think the hordes of easily terrified, mindless fundamentalist evangelical Christian lemmings have been bad for the soul of this country, just wait.

It's gotten so bad that, as my friend nears retirement, he says he is very seriously considering moving out of the country so as to escape what he sees will be the surefire collapse of functioning American society in the next handful of years due to the absolutely irrefutable destruction, the shocking ? and nearly hopeless ? dumb-ification of the American brain. It is just that bad.

interesting article do you dumb dumbs think your generation is an idiot breeding ground just waiting to give us a new generation of slack jawed yokels and idiots who cant tie their own shoes? or do you see some hope at the end of the tunnel
i dont think its just the kids. its society in general that has become worse.
And people say Bush isn't a real representation of the US...

Seriously though, people need to get out more. And the parents need to grow a pair.
We already have plans in motion to ship them all out to Canada and England.

I'm just glad I'm not one of the idiots.
We already have plans in motion to ship them all out to Canada and England.

but how will america manage with a huge chunk of the population gone? it'd be like 2 crew members trying to pilot the titanic :laugh: ;)

I'm just glad I'm not one of the idiots.

i'll include your name on the "Welcome to Canada" banner (spelled pho?neti?cal?ly of course) just in case you change your mind
but how will america manage with a huge chunk of the population gone? it'd be like 2 crew members trying to pilot the titanic :laugh: ;)

i'll include your name on the "Welcome to Canada" banner (spelled pho?neti?cal?ly of course) just in case you change your mind

Pho... net-i-cal-lee?

...Who's Cally and why should I phone her?
cuz she's hot ...btw step towards the light, dont mind that hole below the light, it's not really bottomless

rats you're not american ...perhaps you're thinking of moving to america? /puts hand on lever
Funny thing is nobody thinks they are dumb. Something like 95% of the population rates their intelligence as above average.
cuz she's hot ...btw step towards the light, dont mind that hole below the light, it's not really bottomless

rats you're not american ...perhaps you're thinking of moving to america? /puts hand on lever

I wouldn't fit in. I understand basic grammar.

I wouldn't fit in. I understand basic grammar.

ya they'll immdiately identify you as a foreigner ...also the lack of patriotic t-shirt/headgear/underwear/flag tattooed to forehead would be a dead give away

The Christian fundamentalists have been around a long time and been part of education even longer.

These days you have the teen-pregnancies (or even pre-teen), lots of drug usage, a much higher than usual "I don't give a f***" attitude," too much TV, and teachers scared of getting sued. IF anything that's mostly due to an increasing lack of influence.

There's also a problem teacher-side, much of what occurs in modern education is far outdated & not just in the technology realms. There's also overemphasis on literature and history, and not enough on science and mathematics. There's also a lot of educational overlap, which bores kids quickly and wastes significant amousts of time. How many years in a row do you go through the typical black-history, American civil-war, American-liberation routine? Then we miss certian things like ensuring a solid understanding of the American Constintuation, sure it's covered but only in passing.

History and literature classes aren't the last bit progressive. The truth is we should be teaching language and composition BEFORE literature. I don't know what the hell reading "The Hobbit" and answering vague questions based misinterpretations by the teachers has anything to do with education.

For mathematics, no one knows how to teach it. Until calculus, it's really not hard AT ALL. I've taught your typical football player on steroids with an IQ less than 80 how to do Trig, and even programming.

I'm ranting and tired of ranting, so I'll pass the torch to the next ranter . . .
Hell, why should they? After all, the dumber the populace, the easier it is to rule and control and launch unwinnable wars and pass laws telling them that sex is bad and TV is good and God knows all, so just pipe down and eat your Taco Bell Double-Supremo Burrito and be glad we don't arrest you for posting dirty pictures on your cute little blog.


I'm scared for America, tbh.
Ever seen the movie, "Idiocracy?"

Yeah. That's where we're headed.
The problem isn't just people, it's the entire society. It's unfortunately this country is going down in a basket filled with and berries. People would rather be lazy and not give a shit then actually do something productive and care about one another. It's just easier to be lazy. That mindset isn't going anyway, I'm sure, so I am going to a better place sooner or later.

CANADA! Here I come.
Ever seen the movie, "Idiocracy?"

Yeah. That's where we're headed.

Right, kick ass. Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're ****ed up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like...
ATTENTION: All those of you wishing to move to Canada are not aloud, we know aboot the underground railroad, all americans wishing to come for our poutine and lacrosse please seek official channels our borders are closed, have a nice day

psst, ok just for members /lifts up tent flap ...btw dont tell anyone else, we have limited space ..oh and leave your guns at the door please
Every generation thinks the generation after them are spoiled, lazy children who play on the lawns of the older retiree folk waving their canes at them.

Nothing new to see here, folks, just more hyped sensationalist articles that are based purely on the observations of a single school. Hey, I've got a great idea!! Let's generalize the US education based on my observations. Of all the people I knew in my high school, I'd say about 95% of them passed with honors, most above a 3.0 GPA, and scoring relatively well on their SATs. All my friends are in college, and most of the people I had even passed names with are in college.

And Raz... despite your flawless grammar and spelling (and additionally your delightful contribution to forum discussion), I don't think analysts would put someone who hadn't passed middle school in the "not one of the idiots" pile. In fact, it's a shining example of what the article is trying to... articulate.
Well there's no reason to migrate now; we know they're as dumb up there as we are!

I kid, I kid.

But really, "allowed."

LOL. Yeah I was going to say the same thing if you hadn't.
Well there's no reason to migrate now; we know they're as dumb up there as we are!

I kid, I kid.

But really, "allowed."

you didnt correct "aboot"

/closes tent flap and points Darkside back towards america, tapes "No Raziaars ALOUD" poster to side of tent
Once USA collapses, EU will reclaim the rebellious colonies and all will be well.
Pesmerga said:
And Raz... despite your flawless grammar and spelling (and additionally your delightful contribution to forum discussion), I don't think analysts would put someone who hadn't passed middle school in the "not one of the idiots" pile. In fact, it's a shining example of what the article is trying to... articulate.


Well, I don't care where they put me. But it's entirely unreasonable to label someone as an idiot based purely upon their academic achievements. You put me up against many people who have acquired their high school diploma and you might find that some are more book smart than me while others simply are only able to flaunt their graduation over me.

I don't think academics is a valid indicator of intelligence at all, as the only thing school really prepares you for is knowledge. And knowledge does not equal intelligence.

Besides, one does not have to attend this retarded school system that we have in the United States to acquire the education you might receive from enrolling. While I freely admit I am not the most gifted when it comes to mathematics, I can argue that I have learned more from my time away from school concerning history, geography and much more than I ever have while in attendance.
I know from talking to teachers that the No Child Left Behind Act severely ****s things up, and holds everyone back. It's pretty grim for the average students, the ones taking regular courses. The honors, AP, and IB classes are bright spots though. Too bad those three only make up around 50% of the students at my school.

Summary: Yes it's bad, but I don't think it's THAT bad.

Also, Idiots Are Taking Over by NOFX
It's not the right time to be sober
Now the idiots have taken over
Spreading like a social cancer
Is there an answer?

Maximum membership exceeding
Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson it's really elementary, the industrial revolution
Has a flipped a bitch on evolution
The benevolent and wise are being cornered, ostracized, what a bummer
The world keeps getting dumber
Insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin
Cause the fittest are surviving much less often
Now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
Now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
And I'm starting to feel a lot like Charlton Heston
Stranded on a primate planet
Apes and orangutans that ran to the ground
With generals and the armies that obey them
Followers following fables
Philosophy has not enable them to rule without regard

Idiots Are Taking Over Lyrics on
There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
Political scientist think the same one vote that some monkeys are inbred
Majority rule, don't work in mental institution
Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

What are we left with?
A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
Who feel it's their duty to populate their homeland
Pass on traditions
How to get ahead religions
And prosperity be a symbol to culture

The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
The idiots are taking over
They're takin' over!
Unless one spends his days in a library, one will probably not learn more out of school than in one.

Intelligence; capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

Intelligence is the capacity one has for these things. If one does not stimulate the brain (read: practice) one will, in time, lose intelligence. There are also many reasons to believe that intelligence is genetic, but it must be a trained thing throughout one's life.

This training is crucial in developing years of the child. It is the make or break point for most of humanity. Parenting is key; the educational system needs to increase its standards and change the way money works for it. Right now, I wouldn't be surprised if the American educational system is on the fall, but I wouldn't say it's going to result in societal catastrophe.
you didnt correct "aboot"

/closes tent flap and points Darkside back towards america, tapes "No Raziaars ALOUD" poster to side of tent
I did not want to correct the way your country spells (and pronounces) certain words, in the same way I don't go around bashing those silly Europeans for "colour," "armour," etc.

Also wow, Raz, sounds like you and me had a similar experience:

Besides, one does not have to attend this retarded school system that we have in the United States to acquire the education you might receive from enrolling. While I freely admit I am not the most gifted when it comes to mathematics, I can argue that I have learned more from my time away from school concerning history, geography and much more than I ever have while in attendance.

I never graduated high school either. I often skipped to spend my time at the public library learning things at my own pace and focusing more on the subjects that interested me than what the schools taught.

Later on I got my GED, so no one could say anything about me not having a piece of paper saying how smert I am, and the results of that test told me I was leaps and bounds over what high school students are expected to know.

Really, high school is rather an indicator that you're there, rather than you're learning something. Attendance rather than education.

Ninja edit: Haha Pes, I just read your post after posting; I DID spend my days in a library, as I said.
I'm afraid it's true. I'm beginning to fear for our future.
But, has made me smarter! :D
It's like better than school! :D::D:D
The internet made someone...smarter?


Truly these are the end times.
I'm afraid it's true. I'm beginning to fear for our future.
But, has made me smarter! :D
It's like better than school! :D::D:D

We can only show you the way, young one. It is you, who must travel it...

I did not want to correct the way your country spells (and pronounces) certain words, in the same way I don't go around bashing those silly Europeans for "colour," "armour," etc.

you're not being serious here are you? "aboot" is a joke about the way canadians pronounce "about" it's not how canadians spell about ..and I know it's not aloud - it's a deliberate misspelling like "teh"

I never graduated high school either. I often skipped to spend my time at the public library learning things at my own pace and focusing more on the subjects that interested me than what the schools taught.

Later on I got my GED, so no one could say anything about me not having a piece of paper saying how smert I am, and the results of that test told me I was leaps and bounds over what high school students are expected to know.

Really, high school is rather an indicator that you're there, rather than you're learning something. Attendance rather than education.

education is everything ...most companies wont even look at you unless you at least meet the minimum educational requirements
The internet made someone...smarter?


Truly these are the end times.

Internet made me smarter. I would of been pretty stupid if it wasn't for the internet. Because like Pesmerga said, you can't just sit and do nothing to remain intelligent, you have to train your brain. And that's what the internet has allowed me to do.

Of course it also helps that I have OCD and one of my compulsions is to quest for information when I see something I don't understand. Been doing this for years and years. One thing also often leads to another, until I find myself having spent a couple hours reading about stuff that in all likelihood will have no relevance whatsoever in my life.
hur hur hur

But education history aside, Raz's intelligence seems to be above average at the very least, though probably smarter than that.

I dumb myself oftentimes for the internet. :cheers:

And yeah, I occasionally use improper grammar or misspell things when I make forum posts or chat on AIM. You caught me on that one. I'm not perfect and don't pretend to be.

But seriously, all I'm trying to say is that it's unfair to judge people based purely on whether they graduated high-school or went to college. Sure, those things are very important when it comes to applying yourself in the world as occupations oftentimes require them, so don't get me wrong.
you're not being serious here are you? "aboot" is a joke about the way canadians pronounce "about" it's not how canadians spell about ..and I know it's not aloud - it's a deliberate misspelling like "teh"
No, Stern, I'm not being serious. :rolleyes:

When someone invents the first, "Internet sarcasm detector," I'm gonna buy it for you as a Christmas gift.

education is everything ...most companies wont even look at you unless you at least meet the minimum educational requirements
Indeed. Which is why, after I got my GED, I resolved to go to college and get mahself a formal edjumacation. Graduated with honors, I did, with four letters of achievement from the president (the school's president, not, y'know, our president). And a bunch of letters from them fancy societies with the Greek letters who always want you to join because of your GPA. :rolleyes:

I have found, however, that as much as education solidifies your credentials and gets your foot in the door, experience is preferable to education. Except when it comes time for PROMOTIONS! :D
but whether it's not right to judge people, people will judge you based on it ..I cant tell you the amount of times I've seen people talk down to cleaning staff, or waiting staff etc's most obvious the more prestigious the place you're in or the higher you are on the social pecking order ...I wont even get into how people treat you if you have an accent AND are a blue collar worker

tradespeople get respect more often than not ..service industry people have it the worst
No, Stern, I'm not being serious. :rolleyes:

When someone invents the first, "Internet sarcasm detector," I'm gonna buy it for you as a Christmas gift.

great, buy yourself one as well /points at aloud

Indeed. Which is why, after I got my GED, I resolved to go to college and get mahself a formal edjumacation. Graduated with honors, I did, with four letters of achievement from the president (the school's president, not, y'know, our president). And a bunch of letters from them fancy societies with the Greek letters who always want you to join because of your GPA. :rolleyes:

experience counts more however you wont even make it in the front door without the minimum requirements ..initially education is everything because at the onset of a career people lack experience ..and promotions are almost always performance based ..your work peers usually have the same education you do, at that point school doesnt matter
I wouldnt be surprised if this ends up true. Seeing the way a lot of parents raise their kids, im surprised half of them survive with that kind of intellectual neglect.

One of a ever grow list of reasons for me to gtfo.