Americans: GeekSquad

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I became aware today of an American company called Geek Squad ( They provide 24 hour support across America.

What I'm more intrested in however are the retail stores they have opened up. I believe they are mostly housed in Best Buy stores.

If you've visted one of these stores, what's been your experience with GeekSquad? Have you ever used them? Was it a good experience? Why? Was it a bad experience? Why? What do you think of their services? Would you use them again? What do you think of their pricing structure?
Their site scares me D:

Oh an BTW you typed in the wrong URL :p
ya,,,they do stuff I could do, but get money for it. I don't like them because they are affiliated with best buy
My dad used to own a computer repair shop. We constantly had people coming in complaining about how crappy geeksquad is and how expensive they are. People even told stories about paying extra for the guy to go to their house and then him spending an hour or two just checking to make sure everything was pluged in... I don't know if they are just crappy or if they try to waste time so they can charge extra.
Tech support by day, MEGAGEEK SUPERHERO by night!

Or maybe not, judging by the sound of things.
A friend of mine just got a job with them.
You get to use the Beatle for personal use as well apparently.
Just like all the other computer repair shops they rip people off unbelievably.

There's something to be said for doing it yourself.
xcellerate said:
Just like all the other computer repair shops they rip people off unbelievably.

There's something to be said for doing it yourself.
Lol I once had to repair some guy's computer, he had me come over and I had to repair his internet connection; I spent two hours looking for the problem and then found out he used the wrong log-in username -_-

Then when I was finished and he asked how much it was, I said "How much do you think it was worth?"
He gives me 25 $ \0/

So people let themselves get ripped off :p
My father owns a computer repair shop...the reason he keeps getting business is becuase he doesn't screw people over at all :D
I'm planning on starting my own computer "tune-up" business (basically running a shed-load of programs on their computer to clean up the crap they accumulate - the reason it's running slow). Then I'll get into computer building.

there's a gap in the market for computer stuff here so I might aswell :D
My friend and I are about to apply to Geek Squad. TBH I don't trust them around here, most are just stupid and have barely a clue as to what could cause problems.
So you feel they're over-priced, incompetant and under-trained?
Chris_D said:
So you feel they're over-priced, incompetant and under-trained?

a bit extreme, but they're mostly for the people who don't know how to do it themselves, and so best buy can advertise that they'll install something for you
Beerdude26 said:
Lol I once had to repair some guy's computer, he had me come over and I had to repair his internet connection; I spent two hours looking for the problem and then found out he used the wrong log-in username -_-

Then when I was finished and he asked how much it was, I said "How much do you think it was worth?"
He gives me 25 $ \0/

So people let themselves get ripped off :p

that was a fair price ...had he sent it somewhere to be fixed who knows how honest they'd be
CptStern said:
that was a fair price ...had he sent it somewhere to be fixed who knows how honest they'd be
Reminds me... This new computer shop in my village asks for 10$ every 15 minutes :/

I'm so happy I can fix my own computer \0/
CyberPitz said:
My father owns a computer repair shop...the reason he keeps getting business is becuase he doesn't screw people over at all :D

Eh, well, my dad lost his shop becouse he refused to raise prices. We actualy got MORE business when he finaly raised them up a little. People thought that becouse we were cheaper we wouldn't fix them as well or something.
Chris_D said:
So you feel they're over-priced, incompetant and under-trained?

Well as I said above, around my area. Theres only 1 Best Buy I go to. Now I don't think all of the GeekSquad's around the US are bad, I am just saying my local one is.
I work at Future Shop which is basically the Canadian version of Best Buy and we have Geek Squad as well, for the most part they know their stuff but its the world of IT, some people just get A+ certed and are complete retards, in most cases if theres multiple reports of a tool then he/she gets fired.
So hold on GeekSquad is an American company. Any companies which do pretty much the same thing, but in the UK we can compare them against?
I'm always amazed what people insist on paying me for the work I do on their computer. I usually offer my services free too.
we are just getting it here in my town (in canada)

and some people are looking forward to it.

we only have 2 home service computer repiar places.

one charges out the ass(conviced several of my customers to but the same printer for more, then have the guys goto their house to charge $170 to hook up the printer.

the other place is just retarted.
his way of dealing with virus's is ghost the intire drive, reformat the hd, then put the image back on.
Chris_D said:
I became aware today of an American company called Geek Squad ( They provide 24 hour support across America.

What I'm more intrested in however are the retail stores they have opened up. I believe they are mostly housed in Best Buy stores.

If you've visted one of these stores, what's been your experience with GeekSquad? Have you ever used them? Was it a good experience? Why? Was it a bad experience? Why? What do you think of their services? Would you use them again? What do you think of their pricing structure?
Geek Squad piss me off because of their obnoxious quasi 'official uniforms and identifications'

Some of them feel as if it's some sort of true authority given to them. Beware malls because they swarm around there now.
CptStern said:
that was a fair price ...had he sent it somewhere to be fixed who knows how honest they'd be
Took my computer to a shop one time, they guy was there and fixed some hardware issues for me via tools I didn't have at home. He actually was trying to refuse pay! That was weird. But we gave him 40 bucks lol. It was like we had to make him take it.
Chris_D said:
I became aware today of an American company called Geek Squad ( They provide 24 hour support across America.

What I'm more intrested in however are the retail stores they have opened up. I believe they are mostly housed in Best Buy stores.

If you've visted one of these stores, what's been your experience with GeekSquad? Have you ever used them? Was it a good experience? Why? Was it a bad experience? Why? What do you think of their services? Would you use them again? What do you think of their pricing structure?
Me and my buddies despise them. They are all brand name only. They pretty much follow the same procedure as everyone else - reformat first.

And they're pricey for modestly simple tasks.
From what I understand Geek Squad IS Best Buy... at the local Best Buy here, the employees that work at the Geek Squad bench are regular Best Buy employees.
Revisedsoul said:
his way of dealing with virus's is ghost the intire drive, reformat the hd, then put the image back on.
I was at best buy the other day when looking at video cards. One of the geeksquad guys ask if I had any questions, and I didnt. But I asked some anyways to see if he really knew what he was talking about. Stuff about pixel pipelines, clock speeds etc. nothing fancy, since I dont know a whole lot about them myself. He seemed to know his stuff though.
I think it's funny the saying Compusa puts on signs by their tech dept.
"Why get your Computer repaired by a geek when you can have it done by a professional", little jab at geeksquad I think.

I can't remember what ratings group it is but I Geeksquad is 3rd and Compusa is 1st. I have no personal experience with either of their customer service though.
I go to best buy for games, computer parts, and other electronics so I've seen them alot. A friend of mine who's in college is in geeksquak (as a CIA agent... yes they have job listing sby "special agent" and whatnot, ridiculous.) However, he knows what he's doing and taught me how to build computers, so he offered me a job being a bit higher up with some experience but my car is broken so I had to decline.