AMX Mod, HL Mod?


Jul 16, 2003
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Ok, I haven't seen any threads about this, but I was wondering if AMX Mod and all the other type of admin things for servers will make it into HL2? Does anybody know if this will happen. Because I like AMX Mod and it would be cool to use it in HL2, saying that the multiplayer in HL2 is right for it. So, any comments on this? Would you like this or not? Anybody email Gabe yet on this?
it'd surprise the hell out of me if they werent converted, but its not made by valve i dont think, admin mod was indipendantly developed, to my knowlegde.
Yeah, it wasn't developed by Valve. I just think AMX mod etc could have so much potienal in HL2....But, we gotta see what the multiplayer is.
All popular games get some form of admin mod (assuming its possible to mod into the game, and with HL2 it is). Whether the same people make it or not there will definitely be a program of that sort.
hm.. i was hoping Valve would implement their own version of a mod.. one that would maybe work better than most other admin mods out there.. i mean after seeing Admin mod, AMX... u would think Valve thought of creating their own and leaving it up to the server owners to choose which mod they prefer..

afterall, who better than Valve that knows about their games eh? :)

anyway.. it was just a thought...
Have to agre with Dr. Freeman. When HL was created along with quake etc which used the engine etc mulitplayer online gaming was in it's infancy. They couldn't have predicted how much use the eatures in adminmod etc would be. However I'm sure with 5 years of experience of online gaming since hl there will be a lot of good features in hl2 in that respect and hopefully some improvements over what is available for other games so far.
maby one of the reasons they are keeping quiet about mp?
If it has a Metamod like thing, Then amx mod etc can my added.