An excellent article about Doom and Hl2

CannibalBob said:
Doom 3 is better than Half Life 2, you guys. Yeah, the truth hurts, but it's still the truth.

Heheh, yeah that's a good one.

I'll try and add something to the thread other than saying "Doom 3 Sux, HL2 Roxors" or something - I really don't understand 1337 Speak yet!

Let's get this out of the way - I've spent a maximum of 3 hours playing Doom3. First I played it at a mates house and found it to be the scariest game ever! I was sweating after the first 20 mins. Then I played the demo....and didn't even finish it. I just got bored (and maybe a little too scared) and gave up.

With HL2 I started playing at 11am on 16th Nov and played, almost non-stop, until 11pm that night. I then went on to complete the game within the week - forsaking all other videogaming pleasures until I'd finished. I'm now on my second time through.

For me HL2, quite obviously, held my attention more. I think the main factor was I felt more involved, responsible and motivated in HL2. While Doom 3 simply said "Here's a gun, start shooting", HL2 said "Hey Gordon, here's a crowbar, go save the beautifully rendered world - we're all counting on you".

I did like Doom3s PDA system, playing scary recordings, giving backstory - but after reading a HL2 review that stated as much, I realised that it's a pretty clunky way to add plot to a game. The computer screens were a nice touch though.
Doom 3 was awesome. Good action, good atmosphere, scary enemies, everything that ID wanted to do. I liked the flashlight realism, because let's face it, who can hold up a mag-light and fire an assault rifle? The fact that the flashlight caused the world to cast shadows was friggin' awesome. The game was as dark as was necessary to create the frightening atmosphere they were going for.

Half-Life 2 has as many awesome things going for it (including its trophy water effects) but you can't fault them for not implementing the lighting that was in Doom 3. That dynamic lighting couldn't be attempted in HL2 because of the open areas.

Frankly I don't care about multiplayer because it breeds idiots (see the definition of Counter-Strike) so I can't fault Doom 3 for having a depth-less multiplayer or Half-Life 2 for having a late-implemented multiplayer plus CS.

The two games are just different, like everyone says. Nuff said.

CriYam, you just need to sit down. You've stirred up the crap in the toilet that you put your hand in to do, and all you're left with is a bad smell. Congratulations.

/Rolls eyes because I realise the cycle will just repeat itself the next time a round of FPSs come out
For good old-fashioned run-n-gun, nothing holds a candle to Serious Sam. (Cheap too. If you haven't played it, get it. Get both.) Painkiller was nowhere near as over-the-top.

Doom3 was ok if you turned the gamma up to the point you could somewhat see, and the end levels were much better then the beginning (because you could see).

HL2 was a far better experience then Doom3 for me.
Kanehdian said:
Half-life 2 strengths:
- Graphics engine that beats out Doom 3's in every area but real-time dynamic lighting.

you my friend do not know WTF you are talking about. Quickly crawl back into your hole. :thumbs:

As that article says, compare Fire with Fire, the DOOM 3 Fire > HL 2 Fire and that isn't a lighting effect its a general particle effect.

Wheres the heat haze in HL aswell? Heat Haze rules so much. ^_^.

Psychanalysis05% - System Shock 2's PDA's eat the DOOM 3 ones alive (SS2 is my favorite game, hehe). The DOOM 3 ones are before the event, the System Shock 2 ones are during which makes them more interesting.

the DOOM ones explain quite a lot although you generally know that Betruger is already evil, but they explain how they accidently punctured the other dimension, that Betruger has been sending people threw the portal and they come back out less than sane and the reason all the lights are out is because Betruger has the portals working overtime so they've had to route power THUS the lights blink out when Demons spawn - lame excuse but atleast they explain it.

I prefer DOOM 3 over HL2, I just didn't find HL2 all that interesting. id Software could of done a few things to make the game even better but it was still a great title.
HL2's SP campaign is more diverse than DOOM 3's but that doesn' mean I have to like it more, even if it is better. DOOM 3's appeals to me more.
This is such bullshit.... Criyam doesn't have a dick? Holy crap, she also doesn't understand SLANG...What I was trying to say is get over your ego.

The games are for different people
Megatron42 said:
Half-Life 2 has as many awesome things going for it (including its trophy water effects) but you can't fault them for not implementing the lighting that was in Doom 3. That dynamic lighting couldn't be attempted in HL2 because of the open areas.

True dat. It *could* be done, but would generate seriously bad framerates due to the fact that simulating sunlight like that (with decent results) would require more than hundreds of light outputs shining outwards from the same point.
BanalityDUFF said:
Psychanalysis05% - System Shock 2's PDA's eat the DOOM 3 ones alive (SS2 is my favorite game, hehe). The DOOM 3 ones are before the event, the System Shock 2 ones are during which makes them more interesting.

Hey hey hey, I just said SS2 did them first, not which is better.
If you read my earlier post, you'd note that 'System Shock 2 and Deus Ex' are my two favourite PC titles, with HL2 being third. Doom 3 is somewhere in the 50s I'm sure =P
And yes, SS2 did do them so much better.

System Shock 2 said:
Well la de da.
i found doom3 had a too opresive environment and was too similar in story sequence to hl. it borrowed too many ideas off it.

hl2 disappointed me slightly because even though valve had certain reasons for making the game havein a particular "feel" to it, i think it did not go far enough adn it missed some materials which they should have tighed in but instead left out.
I could say things about HL1 being almost too similar in concept to the original Doom, but I won't.
Psychanalysis05% said:
I could say things about HL1 being almost too similar in concept to the original Doom, but I won't.

thats rubbish.

doom1 is set when u crash on an alien world inhabited by monsters which blast the crap out of u. if similar to anything it has to be unreal of its same genere

hl1 was the first game to us interdimensional portals in a story
moggy said:
thats rubbish.

doom1 is set when u crash on an alien world inhabited by monsters which blast the crap out of u. if similar to anything it has to be unreal of its same genere

hl1 was the first game to us interdimensional portals in a story

Huh? In Doom, the UAC is performing inter-dimensional space travel by opening "gateways". These were very unstable, and eventually, Hell forces invade the UAC facilities on the Mars moons Phobos and Deimos through the gateways. You were sent to Phobos, along with the a whole squad, to clean up. You were left to patrol the perimeter, but you hear the rest of your squad die over the radio. Then you go in and kick some demon arse. That's a quick summary of the story section from the original Doom instruction manual.
moggy said:
thats rubbish.

doom1 is set when u crash on an alien world inhabited by monsters which blast the crap out of u. if similar to anything it has to be unreal of its same genere

hl1 was the first game to us interdimensional portals in a story

Do you even know the story of Doom? I mean really, if you think it's about crashing on an alien world you need to know what you're talking about before replying like that. That happened in Quake 2. Not Doom.
Doom was all about an experiment in a research facility on Mars that goes horribly wrong and creates portals all around the base that release alien monsters and demons and all the workers on the base get turned into zombies. You then go deep into the alien world from a portal in the base and kill the big nasty controlling type boss demon. Sound familiar?
Doom 2 was about these monsters reaching Earth and creating more portals so they could infest the planet.
In basic concept, HL was similar in many ways.

And yes, Doom3 used ideas from HL, SS, Deus Ex etc, but the story was just an update of the original.
Bottom line for me... I couldn't wait to finish Doom3. I just wanted to get it over with so I could play something else. The $55 compelled me to finish based on principle, and the small glimmer of hope that the later levels were more interesting. In the end, it looked good, but it didn't really entertain me. I had much more fun playing the Theif series.

HL2 was great from beginning to end. Blasting cars off the cliff to clear a path was so cool, so was the crane sequence. I think I was impressed with the crane sequence more than most people. I just remember dropping my buggy on the combine soldiers then knocking the bridge over and thinking to myself "this is so cool, i love this game". The gunships were menacing, the black leaper crab zombies scared the crap out of me, using the blue grav gun made me feel like a was just great. There were so many things that made me say "this is cool". More than any other game i can think of.

For example, the little playground at the beginning. I started pushing the swings around, they behaved just like the real thing. Then I tried to jump on one of them and actually made it, just swinging gently back and forth on the swing. And another example, at one of those shacks along the highway there was a tire swing. I wanted to mess around with the physics a little more so I puhed the tire and it swung. Then I pulled out the gravity gun and shot the tire. It flung around up over the tree and came around a whcked me, giving me substantial damage TOO FIKIN COOL!

For me there was no comparison as far as entertainment value goes.

And I agree with the Serious Sam arguement. THAT is true run and gun action, never seen that many baddies at one time EVER.
Garric said:
OAMDFASFLALSJFAJFA K ****ING MORON. How many ****ing times do I have to tell these people: CS:S is HL2's multiplayer. It didn't just appear out of the ****ing air, it shipped with the game!!!! :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
CS:S is not Halflife 2 CS:S is not Halflife 2 CS:S is not Halflife 2 CS:S is not Halflife 2.
It all boils down to this.
Carmack wanted to re-create Doom how he originally envisioned. Nothing more, he even said himself there was to be no innovation. Just a remake of Doom.
Just take it for what it is or leave it alone.

If you want scary, go play SIlent Hill 3, which is in my opinion the most terrifying thing ever created.
Doom 3 was scary for the first couple of hours, then it became predictable but still entertaining, then ridiculously predictable yet mildly entertaining, then finally downright monotonous. I actually god-moded my way through the last few levels just so I could say I finished it.
Mountain Man said:
Doom 3 was scary for the first couple of hours, then it became predictable but still entertaining before finally succumbing to outright monotony. I actually god-moded my way through the last few levels just so I could say I finished it.

haha I have to agree, the game started out very good but got drawn out at the end. I really do prefer HL² over Doom3 for the replayablility of it. I can play levels live Ravenholm and Sand Trap a dozen ways, then again I love to drag eveything I can through Ravenholm and seeing how much ammo I can pile up in Sand Trap. :dork:
PC-GAMER said it all in one sentence.

"Half-Life 2 makes Far Cry weep and smacks Doom 3 with its own flashlight."

End of discussion.
Oh and I had no major prob with Doom 3. It was simply an experiment in gaming that a lot of people don't dig. It wasn't a traditional run-and-gun RTS as you never really seemed to get to bring out that can of whoopass in your pocket the whole game. It was just an attempt at a simple, 2-Dimensional game built around suspense and scare-tactics. If you didn't like funhouses or the like when you were a small child, you probably don't dig Doom 3.

Also folks, make sure you're playing it THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE PLAYED. Late, late at night, with no one else around, without any lights, and the speakers turned up to a reasonable degree. Of course it's gonna be too damn dark if you play it on Saturday morning with a bowl of cheerios on a TV-dinner tray beside you, while lawnmowers patrol outside.
Cogar said:
The dune buggy steering and power going up hills without a running start did not seem that realistic, although the airboat was excellent IMO.
The buggy was basically an engine on wheels (wheels that don't look like they were picked for their performance in sand). Maybe it wasn't heavy enough to get decent traction. That might explain the poor climbing ability. Also, the bad steering probably comes from almost all of the weight being in the back... since there's not much keeping the front tires (which you need for steering) on the ground.
OCybrManO said:
The buggy was basically an engine on wheels (wheels that don't look like they were picked for their performance in sand). Maybe it wasn't heavy enough to get decent traction. That might explain the poor climbing ability. Also, the bad steering probably comes from almost all of the weight being in the back... since there's not much keeping the front tires (which you need for steering) on the ground.

the entire world has been devastated by alein invasion and the evil combine lackies.

The resistance, the survivers have done thier best to get toggether a half-decent transport machine to evade combines and get u out of trouble. they even put a gauss cannon on it for u. can u ask more of them?