An excercise in mapping

just wondering how long did it take you to make that map
Heres it is. Constructive criticism welcome, for thoes who dl it. Youl need to build the cubemaps when you run it of course.


  • HL2 Room
    25 KB · Views: 175
how much longer will folks be able to submit?
I just saw this thing :(
According to the original post the competition should have ended... Wait a second, that can't be right...
Hey everyone, i have an excercise for you all. I have designed a really simple room textured with dev textures and i thought id give it to you and see who can make it the most intresting.
i dunno how long it will run for but lets shoot for 2 weeks.

how much longer will folks be able to submit?
I just saw this thing :(
A community dm map. Possibly some sort of community on the combine planet. (leaves plenty of room for ideas):p Mabe a basic theme to follow construction wise?
We need someone with more experience on that, to start a community map.
Don't do a random vehicle huge city map thing, actually have a theme. So yes combine planet would work, but I think something more industrial would be easier.
Definitly a theme map. But i don't like the combines. We could also make 2 community maps. One with the combine theme and one with the rebel theme.
Industrial would be fun as well. Mabe a industrial park of some sort, have a rail yard in the middle?
we shuld use the fact that a lot of us will work on this map- so we can do something big, not just a vast industrial area
lets make somethig like a giant dam, nucler power plant, combine lunch base...

but it has to be something that is "devidible" so every body has an area of operation.
I'm thinking a rebel military base or something like that.
I think before anything is started, an idea needs to be decided apon.
Unless someone wants to layout everything alone.
There is also the compile question... (stuff like that would take ages)

so everybody just make a lot of suggestions and than when something good comes up someone shuld start the project with an explained general idea, tasks...

New idea- maybe a big war torn battlefield? or some sort of fantasy land/city (dark part, light part, post apocaliptic part...)
Lamer said:
we shuld use the fact that a lot of us will work on this map- so we can do something big, not just a vast industrial area
lets make somethig like a giant dam, nucler power plant, combine lunch base...

but it has to be something that is "devidible" so every body has an area of operation.
I'm thinking a rebel military base or something like that.

Mmmm... Combine lunch base...