An Idea for a MOD!



Ok everyone...

I've had a BRILLIANT idea for a new HL2 mod...
It's called...
GUNBALL! (This could be changed)

Ok, please read this bit, this is how the game would work:

Basically, there is a pitch like a football pitch and 5 players either side, both with 1 goalkeeper. Each player on the pitch has a GRAVITY GUN and there is a ball, rather like a football, and the idea of the game is to get the ball into the other team's net.

Ok, now EXTRAS:

On the pitch there isn't JUST a football, the football is the only important thing. There are different "maps" which are basically different style pitches and on each pitch is equipment. 1 pitch has nothing on, and other pitches have, say, wardrobes, chairs, barrels. These can be picked up and thrown. NO RULES! NO FOULS! If a wardrobe is thrown at you for no particular reason and you get hit in the face, TOUGH! I haven't thought about having HP and rounds and all that, I mean all this can be developed, it's just an idea, what do you all think?

Thanks, Dex.
sounds a lot like bombing run for UT2004, which IMO is the best gametype ever, but no one plays it.
people used to play BR in ut2k3 (before ONS cut everything out..though I imagine those poor folk who still play 2k3 play it), but I've never been a fan
now double dom, nobody plays that
Never played UT2004 :p

This game would totally own tho, it'd be so fast, and if you get hit by a flying wardrobe you get hit miles away and lose the ball.
Try deathball for ut2004. Its exactly what is described here.
informed one said:
I got one.... You are real fat and lazy, like in your real lives. You sit around eatin chips and pizza, havin mom wash your size 48 fruit of the looms.... Then you all play video games, wishin you could get laid... Now that's a TRUE LIFE mod! It'll be GRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!

51 posts in less then 5 days, i wonder who should get a life
informed one said:
What would you do if your mom didn't wash the skid marks outta your size 52 Fruit of the Looms? You can barely get outta the chair.

Why, what a creative fantasy you have there.

Back to your cage now.
Yesh! There could be like moving maps as well and maps with teleporters and vehicles and shit...