an XSI question


Apr 24, 2004
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last time, i was messing around with xsi and i remember opening up a menu with the "alt+right click" function while selecting a few edges/points (don't remember exactly) and i pressed the "symmetry" function, which made all the edges/points equal (they were unequal).

this is kinda hard to explain, so to make things easier i made a simple drawing:

my question is, does anybody know how to do this, because i forgot and i don't remember how to do this? thanks :p
anyway, i have another question :p

how can i fix the odd looking polygons there... i tried adding edges but it made the odd-looking thing get smaller but more visible (or barely visible...
try marking a few of them as "hard edges" usually works for me, but im am an amatuer modeler.

sorry for bumping this old thread, but i need help on a thing.

basically i have my polygon mesh (in this case a gun) and i press "t" to modify two opposite points that i've selected. i press "x" for scale and select whichever way i want them to get scaled (x, y, or z), but the problem is that the x, y, z thing is somewhere away from the mesh and it gets scaled wrong. is there someway to move the x, y, z thing back to the center of mesh so the scale tool can be used right? i've tried pressing both "global" and "local" buttons to see if it gets fixed but nope.
You need to turn COG (Center of Gravity) on and make sure you only have those points selected.
u can also use hold alt to temporarily move the axis around. One of the most handy features in xsi.