Analyst: Revolution will take lead in 2010

One pro-Sony analyst, who wished only to be known as "Devil_Dante420," responded to Runte's comments. He told GameSpot News, "Whatever. Runte is such a noob. The PS3's graphics are far superior to the Revolution games. Gamers are getting older, they want a machine that caters to an older, mature audience. Zelda is like totally lame. Final Fantasy, now that's a series that can carry a console."

Steve "4Runner" Downes, another self-proclaimed "analyst," is still sticking with his original projection that the Xbox 360 will dominate the next generation. "The Xbox 360 is just better than the lame PS3 and Revolution. I don't care that they're not even out yet, the 360 is just better. Just watch noobz, the world will stop when Halo 3 is released. [Sony and Nintendo] should just give up now."
heh heh heh. Love april fools.
Very funneh article.

OMG!!! Zelda on teh DS roolz!!!11!1!!1!1 Chrono Trigger downloadable? :) Nintendo >>>>> M$ and Sony. They don't stand a chance! W00t!
I wonder if the analysts really exist on the boards, now that'd be great, I'd guess they do!
I think what is funny is that I believe that the Revolution will take lead possibly as early as 2008.
/me prays content shows up for the Rev making this laughable article a hard and fast reality in the relatively near future!!!
The Mullinator said:
"they want a machine that caters to an older, mature audience"

this is true, however game consoles arent the solution. If anything they're headed in the opposite direction

since the link doesnt lead to the article in question I cant read it, is it an april fools joke? ...but here's some interesting industry analysis that says exactly the opposite:

" Xbox 360 will overtake Nintendo’s Revolution, selling almost twice as many next-gen consoles by 2010. "