

Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Is the new movie Anchorman worth going out to see? Or is it horrible? Will Ferrell is not known to make horrible movies.
Yes, it's worth it. :D

Steve Carrell is in it too... and he's awesome.
I'm Ron Burgandy?

Love that line. Haven't seen it yet though.
It just doesn't seem very funny to me :-( I'm likely not going to see it.
Im seeing it in about an hour. looks pretty funny.
I saw it today, it was awsome!!!!
I love carpet...I love desk...I love lamp...
It was way funnier than I though it was going to be, and I already thought it was going to be really funny.

I was surprised how many really really funny parts there were in the movie.

And yeah, oddly Steve Carrell was hilarious in it. He played a mostly retarted weather man.

And I loved Jack Blacks little camieo. And Ben Stillers, and Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson.

But Jack Black punting a dog off a bridge is the best.
I saw it and I must say its one of the funniest films I've seen in awhile. This year for sure.
That diverse line( among others) is an instant classic.
Letters said:
Yes, it's worth it. :D

Steve Carrell is in it too... and he's awesome.
When I first read that, I honestly thought a forum bug made my post from another thread appear under your name, as I thought this was the *other* anchorman thread.

steve carell is indeed awesome. I <3 him.
This movie sucked crap... worst movie of all time... I laughed once during the whole thing and actually LEFT it was so bad. First movie I have ever actually gotten up to leave during.

I have seen the ending about 20 times, terrible movie....judging from the last 25 minutes.