and now for something completely different...

Revisedsoul said:
there are no absolut moral values, or everyone would have the same moreal values. there will always be someone who has morals that one thing is good or bad.

that is not quite true, just because there are different idieas on what moral absolutes are does not mean that no moral absolutes exist. another reason is if you really think about it "good" and "bad"(or evil) are universal in meaning and only differ in application of the definition.

back to work for me :)
Spartan said:
My argument is also hard logic, unless you can prove otherwise.

Bullshit. Your argument is anything but. I've at least admitted that there's no proof either way, but you seem content to sit here and claim that your argument is substantiated. But get this: You've done nothing to substantiate it.

I don't have anything to prove to you. But on the other hand, you've proven absolutely nothing to me. So don't pretend that just one of us has the burden of proof.

And how is that?

Seeing as how it was you who first criticized my point, why don't you take the time to explain to me how it isn't a valid and logical justification?
Absinthe said:
Bullshit. Your argument is anything but. I've at least admitted that there's no proof either way, but you seem content to sit here and claim that your argument is substantiated. But get this: You've done nothing to substantiate it.

I don't have anything to prove to you. But on the other hand, you've proven absolutely nothing to me. So don't pretend that just one of us has the burden of proof.

Seeing as how it was you who first criticized my point, why don't you take the time to explain to me how it isn't a valid and logical justification?

calm down guys, this thread is supposed to be a break from the usual bickering. :D

actually Absinthe, i might have touched on something in a response to someone else.

Shad0hawK said:
if you really think about it "good" and "bad"(or evil) are universal in meaning and only differ in application of the definition.

to explore that further, one could argue that since "good" and "evil' generally have the same meaning universally, that in itself would imply a universal moral absolute based on good and evil, even if the knowledge(perception) of that absolute is not perceived by all or even anyone.
Spartan said:
Math is also a human creation, but can you deny 1+1=2?

That's not a justification nor is it a valid or logical reason.

just to make things a bit more interesting:

1+1=2 therefore 2-1=1.

what keeps this idea from being circular reasoning?