Angry at Valve for the first time :|

Warbie said:
That may be so - but dx 8 with a high frame rate > dx 9 with a lower one.

(I really hope these benchmarks are wrong and we 9800 users will get dx 9 quality visuals and a decent framerate)

Direct.x 9 guys should get better image quality:-

1) Better water effects
2) HDR
3) Dynamic shadowing

* If HL2 uses it somewhere in the game - since I highly doubt valve just used lightmaps only (that ravenholm scene with gregori was a mixture of light maps and dynamic shadows)

4) SM 2.0, which hopefully should mean that the shader effects would look better in Dx 9 mode than in Dx 8.1 (which uses SM 1)
alehm said:
DX 8 with a high frame rate < DX 9 with a high frame rate

Of course it does. Did you read my post?

Also, I hear what you're saying lans. Better image quality is great - but i'd rather have super smooth gameplay and compromise on a few shiny details.
Cyanide said:
You're wrong because I said this:

And then you said this:

Implying that somehow having vsync off automagically removes the limit on how many frames per second your monitor can draw. By definition a hertz (Hz) is one operation. In the case of your monitor, that operation is the drawing of a complete image on the screen. If your monitor is set at 60Hz it will draw 1 complete image on your screen 60 times every second, no matter what. If your monitor can draw only 60 complete images every second, then there is no way that you can tell that your video card is producing 85 frames per second because you will never see more than 60 frames per second.

Yes, your card can render well over 60fps, and depending on the graphical quality of the game, well over the maximum refresh rate of any conventional monitor. And yes with vsync off, you may get a few extra fps if your card isn't already rendering at or above your refresh rate. But, it's unlikely that your card will stay syncronized with your monitor and you will get image tearing, which really hurts visual quality. However, if you think 45 frames of torn images is better than 30 frames of solid images, then you should disable vsync. If not, leave it on. Personally I'd rather not have the tearing.

BTW, here's a nice article about vsync.

I'll not be responding again because you obviously don't know how to handle a disagreement in a civil manner. All you had to do if you wanted to discredit my claims is find some proof of your own.

yes its smart that you aren't responding again because im about to shut you down.

Bottom line - you can benchmark with Vsync disabled to test the peak performance of the video card. However, to get the most immersive gaming experience, leave Vsync enabled

from that article. and no where in that article does it talk about this supposed 85 fps cap you talk of. there is a difference between 85fps and 100fps most definately. how do you think they do quake3 timedemons with 200+fps? the renderer keeps track of every frame. now shut it.
Even if Nvidia hardware runs better, 60 fps is sweet! ( i own a 9600xt). I mean wtf?! our eyes cant see any more frames than 60. so o_O! lol.
ATI4EVER! said:
Even if Nvidia hardware runs better, 60 fps is sweet! ( i own a 9600xt). I mean wtf?! our eyes cant see any more frames than 60. so o_O! lol.

that's not strictly true... but i won't bring up this discussion again. and i'd choose fps over iq any day.
WaryWolf said:
that's not strictly true... but i won't bring up this discussion again. and i'd choose fps over iq any day.

Ok here you go, next time you launch CS: Source or Half-Life 2 put this in the launch options.

-dxlevel 50

Now shut up.

FPS = 103. Wow, that will rule the earth.

Oh yeah! I can run it at 1600x1200 with details to max using fsaa and aniso at 6x and 16x. There's barely any jaggies at all! :laugh: :laugh:

The result was 85FPS. Wow you are 0wning all them Geforce 6800 Ultra cards and also the X800 XT PE cards!!1

Look for yourself in test_hardware0037.jpg
Keep it civil guys, or I'll have to pistol-whip you, you dig?
I think threatening forum users is against the rules, but I'll keep it civil. ;)
My impression is that NV35 have had true DirectX 9 disabled through the driver. Even if you tell them to do directx 9 they will try to perform the calculations in 8-bit fixed point (eg. FarCry).
the fx cards are defaulting to 8.1 the newer nvidia cards run in dx9.
Adidajs said:
the fx cards are defaulting to 8.1 the newer nvidia cards run in dx9.

We gathered that.

The real question is (for 9800 pro users anyway) - would you rather have 40 fps with dx 9 enabled, or 60 with 8.1? Does the (slight) drop in IQ make up for such a big difference in frames.

imo, less IQ with a constant 60 fps would result in a considerably more enjoyable gaming experience.

Where I live a 9800 pro can be exchanged for a 5950 - it's worth considering if it means Doom 3 and HL2 will run better.

Of course, these benchmarks could be complete crap and none of this will matter :)
I dont see what the big deal here is. the 5950 costs 400. The 9800 pro costs 200. There are different level of gfx cards. and everyone has been talking in the hardware forums about how N beats ATI with AA. You have no reason to be angry
Warbie said:
We gathered that.

The real question is (for 9800 pro users anyway) - would you rather have 40 fps with dx 9 enabled, or 60 with 8.1? Does the (slight) drop in IQ make up for such a big difference in frames.

imo, less IQ with a constant 60 fps would result in a considerably more enjoyable gaming experience.

Where I live a 9800 pro can be exchanged for a 5950 - it's worth considering if it means Doom 3 and HL2 will run better.

Of course, these benchmarks could be complete crap and none of this will matter :)

That's why we DISABLE FSAA and Anistropic.

Also if i'm not mistaken the limits of the Shader Models in 8.1 could actually be hindering performance for newer cards. Instead of helping on performance.
its doesnt seem theyve optimized the other resolutions apart from 1024*768. I get no fps improvement switching down resolutions which is a bit odd or is this a d3d thing?

hope theyll make it better for the final version.