Animated avatars

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Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Do you know where I could get avatars similar to those?

I like that second one alot nice avatar and there are tons of stuff all over just need to look for them i made the avatar i got now from the DA fan site kit stuff, I have also made some gifs but mostly just browse forums and if you see something its called stealing right click and save to disks lol.

Basically if you want nice stuff like that you need an animated gif maker form like photo shop or paint shop and need to find things like slides shots usually in magma so you have a character doing alot of motion even in videos you can take most quicktime AVI movies apart and make gif's with them but even linking you to a site is called stealing someones work and i dont no of any besides forums that have good stuff besides DBZ avatars that are popular but obviously your not looking for those..
you make them... or you can steal them from other my animation avator?
I know how to make them(I can even give you a registered Ulead GIF Anumator;)). I'm just too lazy to make them.
Letters said:
That still reminds of of LoneDeranger, Pauly... :p

I'm at the stage where I know it's Pauly, but when I see Lone's CB avatar I still don't recognise him ^^;
Hey i took the second one from the link and reworked it from 200+ slides and 277 kb down to 16 slides and 23 kb at 110 pix, turned out nice i only have her backside wiggling her hips with her hand on her right side and the tricky part was to keep it so there was no break in animation. I like it pretty cool glade you posted them.

I replaced one of my old ones i was getting bored with so i just wanted to thank you for posting those gave me something to do.

Has anyone ever taken notice when forums have only 50x50 they allow for 50kb and if you are allowed 150x150 they only allow like 25kb thats very strange i hope some day forums will allow for 300+ kb or even 1 mb then im sure we would see some truely great avatars. :)

I guess the only real stealing is tring not use the same avatar on the same forum because it takes a persons ident away and like i found this one here maybe if you search out some other forums you may get lucky at least i'll kee p my fingures X for ya ;)

Sorry im talkative tonight ive had a few days off from work..

Guess i was the first to steal ;)
Ive never been very lawful hehe...
Actually, I don't think that this forum allows even 50Kb, or I'd be able to upload the Friggy Movie as my avatar.
WOOHOO! My avatar got linked! In any case, I made mine from a program that uses 3d characters with fully choreographed dances. Converted it to an avi and then finally to a gif. It took a while and the one I am using was the only one that was small enough to use.

Edit> The girl in the second gif is the same as mine = P It was used in a flash that some guy from made

Also- The "spider man has made you gay" flash uses the same program, I actually have the spiderman model and can make him dance oddly!

Edit again> Here's the flash

And the spiderman one
I like that first link funny flash video ;)

Can i ask what program is used to convert flash over to Avi /???
I have been wanting to make some stuff for a long time and have never found anything that will convert maybe i was just unlucky in my google searches :(
What i made to use on another forum If anyone wants it there welcome to it for over here just dont link to it because ill be taking it down i change avatars like every week or so over there.

If linked to it you could possibly wind up with something that will get you banned over here it is a mistress lair forum. :naughty:
Dark Angel said:
I like that first link funny flash video ;)

Can i ask what program is used to convert flash over to Avi /???
I have been wanting to make some stuff for a long time and have never found anything that will convert maybe i was just unlucky in my google searches :(

?? No flash involved in the original program, the only popular uses of it *other than avatars* I've seen have been flash though. I assume a regular screencap program work, like hypercam... I believe that's what I used and just edited out their stupid banner thing in Vdub

Edit> Oh and incase anyone was wondering the program can be found here allthough good luck finding it... took me a while
Thanks for the quick responce so it looks as if i'll have to do it the hard way oh well maybe some day a person will biuld a converter, screen capture would be a 2 day project im not that bored yet hehe.

Thanks GOoch if you wanna use it just take it to animation factory a free source and all you have to do is set the size for this forum 50x50 the kb size is already under the limits and its still full colors so the color was never altered from the first one but you could also make it web safe 256 so all pll can see it but really dont have to. Anyways here is a link to the free online I use paintshop gif animation but also use that free online sometimes for quick fixes and alterations.
BlazeKun - thats a decent site i installed the sprite thingy so i could watch the dances pretty cool didnt even no that stuff existed, i tried translating to english but can only read a little bit.

Hope more sites like that develope in the future i am old but still go dancing ;)
You register to the forums to bump a two year old thread that has no critical importance?

Your account is surely being questioned.

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