Animated sprays


Feb 22, 2004
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Animated sprays! wow i jsut saw animated sprays in cs:s anyoen know where i can find a tut explaing how??
For the love of god! Not another crude immature p0rn spray of a woman being f***ed by a dog.


Can't you people be creative.... no.. just gotta go with the "classic" 2 men f***ing a watermelon spray...

Sorry.. had to vent..

Just do a search on the steampowered forum.
Animated sprays are really easy to make, but be creative!
Uh-Oh said:
For the love of god! Not another crude immature p0rn spray of a woman being f***ed by a dog.


Can't you people be creative.... no.. just gotta go with the "classic" 2 men f***ing a watermelon spray...

Sorry.. had to vent..

Just do a search on the steampowered forum.
Animated sprays are really easy to make, but be creative!

Wow, talk about truamatized...
boobies bouncing should be as "hardcore" as the porn sprays get..and this is coming from a perv!!

I just feel that there is a time and a place for the filth and it IS NOT during CS:S..
T.H.C.138 said:
boobies bouncing should be as "hardcore" as the porn sprays get..and this is coming from a perv!!

I just feel that there is a time and a place for the filth and it IS NOT during CS:S..

well said, couldn't agree more.... on all counts :p
i saw this guy with one
he said they have a tutorial on hl2world...
I saw several gay porn animated sprays in cs_office :devil:
yeah some dickhead had a beheading, and some other ****er had ******* i dont wanna see that shit when im trying to enjoy myself playing a game
why dont they get there sprays and shove it up their ass
Thing is, it's the easiest kind of spray to make.. I mean you have the files right there, and it doesn't even have to be well made..