Animated Sprays...



HI, i'm new to this forum...

I was just wondering whether anybody knew where i could find a tutorial to make my own CS:S spray!

Any help is much appreciated!

it really works ;)

my first work:


you will need the animated texture converter which you can find here:

1. choose an animated picture you want to convert.
2. convert the gif to individual frames. the way i did this with a .gif is to get Adobe ImageReady (comes with photoshop cs) and open the .gif in there, then do file > export > animation frames as files...

i saved them to jpgs, then went to photoshop, and converted them one by one to 32 bit .tgas
3. put all your .tgas in the hl2/materialsrc/animated folder and rename them to spray001.tga spray002.tga spray003.tga etc
4. edit the spray.txt file in notepad and replace the endframe value to the amount of frames you have
5. run convert.bat - your .vtf will appear at hl2/materials/animated/
5a. if your .vtf file is over 120kb, you will have to go back and edit the amount of frames you have of the size of your frames until they are under 120kb, otherwise you will not be able to use the spray.
6. put your .vtf file into counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos
7. in notepad make a new file and put in this text

	"$basetexture" "vgui\logos\gabedance"
	"$decal" "1"
	"$decalscale" "1"


then save it as spray.vmt in the same dir as you saved the .vtf
8. you're done :D

you can see the results here

i wouldn't bet on the legality of this since these are tools from the leak.
i don't think you would get arrested or your steam account banned for that, but still.. technically, you should not do anything with this.
must not be that bad mods are letting basically everything about sorays go even way before the importer was available
go to the options screen, keyboard tab, then scroll all the way to the bottem and look for Spray Logo. assign a key to it :cheers:
woah thats a noob question is right up there to "what button do i press to start the computer?" (but its already opened...)
Hey, I made my own animated Spray! Comments. :afro:


  • Animated.gif
    19.7 KB · Views: 731
Combine Hybrid said:
I need someone to create a spray for me...

i'll do it for $350 US Currency... now is that worth it? or do you think it'd be more wise to find tutorials (such as the one above)like i did? email me at fa***** for my payment information if interested... (replace ***** with the slang for pirated software.)
morire said:
i'll do it for $350 US Currency... now is that worth it? or do you think it'd be more wise to find tutorials (such as the one above)like i did? email me at fa***** for my payment information if interested... (replace ***** with the slang for pirated software.)

Don't worry, I didn't ask for dipshits like you to create it for me.
Combine Hybrid said:
Don't worry, I didn't ask for dipshits like you to create it for me.

no worries :sniper: :eek: ... just there's no excuse for laziness.
Done most of it

Hi i have done upto the point where you convert them and all i get is

Image dimensions must be power of 2!
Error initializing texture hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray.tga
Hit a key to continue

Maths is not my strong point lol i have resized the image and still get the above any constructive help would be appreciated. Thx in advance.
I have saved the frames into targa format. Now I can't find the hl2/materialsrc/animated or whatever folder. Plus the other instructions seem a little strange. Can someone make instructions that are a little more detailed for the less talented? :)
Psyonic said:
Hi i have done upto the point where you convert them and all i get is

Image dimensions must be power of 2!
Error initializing texture hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray.tga
Hit a key to continue

Maths is not my strong point lol i have resized the image and still get the above any constructive help would be appreciated. Thx in advance.

I keep getting this too??

Tried 100 x 100 pixels
256 x 256 pixels

No luck

any help

I just used this tutorial and it's sweet. I just made this spray.
Right: Here's how to make an animated spray based on my experience.

Basic step - Run either HL2DM or CSS first. This will create the necessary files and directories from the Steam cache so you don't get lost.

1. Backup ALL the .DLL files in your

Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[accountname]\half-life 2

directory. You'll need them.

2. Unpack the .ZIP file into your HL2 directory (do NOT include the directory 'bin'!) The .DLL files in this zip file are outdated and HL2 SP WILL NOT RUN if you use these. (I haven't actually tried to see if the convert.bat can run without these .DLL files)

3. Now, make the individual frames of your animated .GIF in a dimension to the power of 2. (2x2x2x2...etc.) Recommended sizes are 64x64 or 128x128.

4. Save them sequentially as spray00X.tga (targa format, 32 bits, where X is the frame no. from 001-999) in the materialsrc/animated directory (provided in the .ZIP file)

5. Edit the spray.txt to reflect the number of frames in your animation.

e.g - Your animated spray has 8 frames. The .txt should read:
"Startframe" "1"
"endframe" "8"

6. Run convert.bat (make sure the necessary files are in the half-life 2 directory first). It should save your spray as spray.vtf in the hl2\materials\animated directory. (remember, materials, not materialsrc!)

7. Copy the spray.vtf file (ignore the .vmt file) to either \half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials\VGUI\logos or \counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos directory.

8. Create a notepad file and save it as spray.vmt. Insert this code:

"$basetexture" "vgui\logos\spray"
"$decal" "1"
"$decalscale" "1"

You can edit the decalscale to 0.25 or 0.5 if your spray size is too large and pixelated (assuming you used 64x64). The spray part of "vgui\logos\spray" can be changed to any name you want (assuming you rename the spray.vtf file accordingly)

Now go ahead and launch your MP game of choice. Set your spray in the Options (it should be selected by default because of spray.vmt) and spray away in a server of choice!

Cheers! :afro:

(Edit) Oh, I forgot. Remember to restore your backup .DLLs (they should be tier0.dll and vstdlib.dll) in the original directory you made your sprays in.

If you still can't run HL2 SP after this, just copy ALL the .DLL files from the "Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[account name]\half-life 2\bin" directory out to the "Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[account name]\half-life 2" directory. :E
Nearly there ?

Hi Ranmafan,

The short tutorial is excellent but I still cant get the convert.bat to work. I might have placed the files from the zip in the wrong directory. I placed them into C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2. With the .tgas and the modified spray.txt where they should be. When I run the convert.bat file I get an error message saying -

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\vtex.exe -mkdir -shader LightmappedGeneric hl2\materialssrc\animated\spray.txt
input file: hl2/materialsrcanimated/spray
output directory: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\materials/src/animated
config file hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray.txt not present, making an empty one
cant create default config file hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray.txt
Hit a key to continue

above you say -

6. Run convert.bat (make sure the necessary files are in the half-life 2 directory first).

I'm not exactly sure what the 'necessary files' are and whether you mean the Half Life2 directory or the HL2 directory.

I'm sure this is just some simple noob error that I'm making and any help you or anyone else could offer on this would be greatly appreciated.


The tutorial's files are ALL CORUPT on my PC.
Can people be so... 'hormonally activated' that they need to feast on porn even during computer games??
I think its just a bit of a novelty seeing it in a game i guess - i doubt anyone gets much from it apart from a laugh.
