Anime/Japan/Vegeta Discussion Thread


Mar 20, 2014
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There are multiple possibilities for the communities on the internet to actually create community-made content that's Half-Life based.
Or, in this case; Half-Life 3 community-made games.
In my defense, I'd like to use CryEngine 3 to make a Half-Life 3 based game, because it seems like that would be reasonable, or at the least, somewhat reasonable.
I can't use CryEngine 3 due to my PC not being good enough to handle its graphical settings, even on the lowest, so, to anyone who has a REALLY good gaming computer than can handle games that are like the Crysis series, and who has experience in creating maps for games, and/or their own game, use this to create something Half-Life 3 related. Who knows? Maybe Valve will use some of your ideas in the actual game. (Low possibility for that.)

People will probably hate on me, either for posting about this, or some other reason.
Sorry for the reason you'd have to hate on me though, whoever decides to, I'm just making a friendly suggestion for a community made Half-Life game.
You shouldn't post pictures of other members without asking for their permission. Vegeta really won't appreciate this.

Wha..? I made this in a character maker awhile back... (And it was supposed to actually resemble my looks in real life a little.)
(And it was supposed to actually resemble my looks in real life a little.)
You have spiky aqua colored hair, radiant green eyes, a bandage over your nose, and a giant water drop floating next to you?

Yeah, no, that's me.
You have spiky aqua colored hair, radiant green eyes, a bandage over your nose, and a giant water drop floating next to you?

Yeah, no, that's me.

Sorry. It's not supposed to be you/resemble your avatar, I DO have green eyes, they were just a bit bright on this. (I purposely made the eyes that bright, although.) (I actually made this about...4-5 months ago, so, it couldn't have resembled your avatar due to me not knowing about this website until yesterday. And that hair seemed fitting enough, so, I put on the character. Really, the eyes were mainly what resembled me, I was gonna upload one that resembles me more, but he was holding a coffee cup.) I'll actually just create a new character and upload it suppose. Again. Sorry. I REALLY didn't mean for it to look like you. (ALSO, I didn't really pay attention to your avatar when I was looking through, posts, and threads. Even if that seems like a lie, it's true. I'm kinda retarded sometimes. Either that, or I didn't realize it ACTUALLY resembled your avatar.)
Sorry if that seemed like a flat-out lie. I'm just not gonna post another char on my posts. You know, just in case. I don't want to be dealing with accidentally posting a character that looks like someone's avatar. (I'm also removing this char from my post.)
lol, okay, I can't do this. Omnomnick was joking, and I was continuing the joke. You can post whatever you want. I'd be flattered if anything if you posted something related to my avatar on purpose.
lol, okay, I can't do this. Omnomnick was joking, and I was continuing the joke. You can post whatever you want. I'd be flattered if anything if you posted something related to my avatar on purpose.

Oh. ^^" Guess I'm easily fooled when it comes to something that's joking about rules...Very.
Actually...I have an idea, is it alright if I drew your avatar? (I never know what to draw, so, it's an idea.)
I'd be honored!

Here's another outfit if you aren't keen on the santa getup


Also sorry for derailing your thread.
Well, I just quickly made these two drawings quickly on paper (They're uncolored because I can't find anything to color it with);

I wonder if Vegeta has the same outfit that's in his av, in real life.
Something something sunglasses thread.
I've heard he regularly cosplays as himself.

I regularly cosplay as no one! Although I'm intending on making a Dead Space 2 cosplay sometime...Probably not gonna happen for a while since I can't find ANYWHERE to have the suit made, or find the stuff for the foam build of the suit.
I regularly cosplay as no one! Although I'm intending on making a Dead Space 2 cosplay sometime...Probably not gonna happen for a while since I can't find ANYWHERE to have the suit made, or find the stuff for the foam build of the suit.

i can point you in the right direction if you want to make your own suit, iv made an HEV suit cosplay, but thats it so far. i would like to make some iron man armor and storm trooper armor too. I need to build myself a vacuum form
i can point you in the right direction if you want to make your own suit, iv made an HEV suit cosplay, but thats it so far. i would like to make some iron man armor and storm trooper armor too. I need to build myself a vacuum form

Point me in the right direction? Well, it'd be nice to have some kind of help with making a suit.