Animosity- Single-player HL2 Adventure



Animosity is a Half-Life 2 modification that will take full advantage of everything the Source Engine can produce. Nearly infinite scenarios will happen within it. If you can think of a happening, then chances are it's in this.

Now the story:

The year is 2020; you are a sad youngish man. Your grief is caused by your wife's death. To make matters worse a war will break out soon between the international defense army, The Coalition of Asian and European Countries, and the Brotherhood of Continental Unification. This war breaks out because the BCU launches a major assault on the United States of America so that it can show it is a formidable force. The CAEC interrupts because if the BCU is successful they will have gained access to the most deadly weapons of war and have more military influence that any other nation on Earth. As the war rages bodies pile up like paper cups. You are then drafted into the war due to a slective service agreement between Japan, your home nation, and the CAEC. That is where the game begins.

NOW for the more confusing part!

A more deadly war is raging one that has taken it's toll on all, even the innocent, the unborn, and all that surround those aforementioned groups. A war between angels, demons, the Titans, and everything else that was never alive. All Hell is breaking loose in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. The Titans are revolting again after their first revolution that sparked hatred, famine, violence, prejudice, pestilence, and all sorts of other evil things. Once the Titans can control at least one domain, they can go physically into the real world for all things that happen in one dimension reflect on things that occur in others. Once there they can have everything. Now the worse part is this: Your wife who you love so much is the worst of all the Titans. So what would that make you? Actually anything you want to be- I'm planning freedom to do anything cool and uncool. Another problem for you is that your wife revolted against the Titans after she saw you in your unborn state. She fell in love and turned away from all her evil. Seeing as how no one likes a traitor, the Titans now have a really sincere hatred of you for associating with a Titan turning away from evil.

So what pretty much goes on globally is Titans coming back to reality. What happens with you is trying to find somewhere you belong and someone you belong with.

Now for the features:

Total freedom to move between worlds by use of space craft and other things similar to it.
Many, many, many weapons. From real world to made up stuff.
Infinite scenarios in the game. At some points you gotta get some guy somehwere to force him to do something. At others you can be in a perfectly abnormal situation and then have a sudden "dreamout" and it'd be like a whole new world or vice versa. Anything is possible.
High level of character interaction.
Can hire people for whatever you are doing or convince them to do it for free by other means (Threatening, bribing, being really nice).
High level of character development.
High level of "unrealistic-realism." Meaning that although everything in this is not real, what you can and can't do is realistic. Managing inventory is similar to real life.
Deeper than the deepsest ocean storyline that drives and shifts as you play the game (Don't worry, it gets deeper than what I wrote because if I said too much I might spoil something).

Now, what do you guys think about that? Tell me all of your thoughts when you are done reading this. My AIM is "Firamoo200" or just post a reply to this thread.

Here is what I will do for the team:

I will do the majority of the mapping. I don't suck at that. I will also find whatever resources and tutorals my team needs. Such as game development tutorials.
I will do all of the concept art, most of which has already been completed. I may do some skinning and modelling.

Thanks for your time!

By the way! I need people in all fields of game design. And I really need a website!

Here is a temporary website for Animosity until I find a desperately needed web designer.

From that site you will find much of the art and information I drew for Animosity.
Sami said:
Here is what I will do for the team:

I will do the majority of the mapping. I don't suck at that. I will also find whatever resources and tutorals my team needs. Such as game development tutorials.
I will do all of the concept art, most of which has already been completed. I may do some skinning and modelling.

didn't read the whole post?
Meh even I don't have to say this mod isn't gonna happen, its quite obvious

but I'll say it anyway, it ain't gonna happen, not a chance, nada etc.
lol! It can happen. Now it may sound overly ambitous, of course, but this will be by the time the whole thing's done. Many of the things we want to accomplish have already been finished for us by the HL2 team. The hire system, interaction, interplanetary travel is simple to do anyway when implemented. May be long as hell but it's not just for HL2. Whenever there is a new technologically superior engine out, we'll wait a bit and transfer to that, as long as it meets up to requirements.
Transfering from one game to another isn't just a case of saying "oooh, Unreal 3 looks nice... Bye HL2 !" and carrying on where you left off. For the most part you'd be starting from scratch every time you changed game engine.

My thought is the same an Fenric's... :(
Fluffy Kitten said:
Transfering from one game to another isn't just a case of saying "oooh, Unreal 3 looks nice... Bye HL2 !" and carrying on where you left off. For the most part you'd be starting from scratch every time you changed game engine.

My thought is the same an Fenric's... :(
Yep agree'd. So much would need to be done differently, in some cases entire maps remade from scratch, coding different, and in worst cases all models, rigging and textures done differently.

Also Sami you have no idea what Unreal3 is capable of, sure it looks like it can handle very nice graphics, but so can DoomIII and look at the limits that has when you look into it.

All I see is these big idea's which simply can't be done. Even a large studio would struggle to do what your wanting.

You mention infinite scenario's. You do realise that would take you forever to make

Very deep storyline. I assume you have a pro writing it then no?

Flying from planet to planet. More like a gimmick really, or do you intend to make entire planets. In which case I will put everything I own on this mod never happening.
Well I don't quite mean when I ee something pretty we hop to. I mean when it is only necessary. The scenario bit is based off of the situations you get into within the mod. Not just people losing there minds and having so many things happen at random. The planet to planet deal can be done many ways. Such as going to a ship and having a map thing show up and you decide where to go. That'd be what would be done the most simplisticly. Another way is by going to a ship, fly up, reach a level transition, then go to a new map that is just space. See a planet go there, reach a certain point, a map pops up letting you decide where to land.

Here's the plan for the most part...

The game starts on Earth and while there, there is no interplanetary travel nor anything horrifyingly complex.
I get what you guys are saying so I will say this, we will concentrate on getting Earth done and if all goes well, we continue. If not, then you have a cliff-hanger ending.
dont put him down, from the start man....
hoppe u can make it if not...well at least u tried gl