Announcement of new Battlefield game this Friday


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Flying to London later today to show a new, unannounced #Battlefield game to the press. News goes public on Friday. (NOT #BF3)

Just to confirm - I am NOT going to London to announce any game called 'Battlefield Assault'. That is just a URL EA picked up.


So no BF3 and no Battlefield Assault whatever that may be. A new Bad Company perhaps?
Not as interested now I know it's not BF3 :( Still, it's time will come :D

I doubt it'd be a new Bad Company, they haven't even bought out Vietnam yet for the current one! Would be silly to announce the next one before they're done with the current one.
As much as tooling with BC2 was cool, it felt like a dumbed down BF2 in a lot of ways that took out a lot of the teamplay and scale.

IF they announce a game with as epic a scale, a workable console, better dedis with more mod potential and a sandbox/fullsdk + continual pc support


also - can we ****ing finally get non "floaty" infantry combat? I'm tired of playing a gimped slowmotion Halo every time battles result to melee and nade fests
Announcement of an announcement is always pretty weird.

It's gonna be 2143
A new futuristic Battlefield would certainly be welcome.
Apparently this is being announced by the Battlefield Heroes devs. Yeah, that ****ing browser game.

My money's on Heroes 2. They ****ed it up the first time, but it'd probably just be a prettied-up relaunch without so much bullshit.
I really hope that isnt the case, Bad^Hat.

I wouldnt mind a new futuristic Battlefield game. I really liked 2142, some of the new modes, vehicles, and gadgets in that game were awesome. It was just a bit too unpolished.
that starting to feel like CoD

also my prediction

battlefield: modern combat
Thread should have been titled "Battlefield 3 Not being announced this Friday" so I didn't have to get let down by the lame news.
Thread should have been titled "Battlefield 3 Not being announced this Friday" so I didn't have to get let down by the lame news.

Amen. **** this mess. If it's not BF3 I couldn't give less of a shit. Give us another proper PC battlefield. Or at least throw us a frickin bone and let us have BF1943 already, which was released a ****ing year ago on consoles and they've not made a peep about the supposedly concurrent PC release since, other than discreetly pushing the release date back and finally removing it altogether.
Or at least throw us a frickin bone and let us have BF1943 already, which was released a ****ing year ago on consoles and they've not made a peep about the supposedly concurrent PC release since, other than discreetly pushing the release date back and finally removing it altogether.

Actually it could very well be BF1943 for PC:

Eurogamer: The PC version of Battlefield 1943 didn't happen. What's happening there?

Patrick Soderlund: We are obviously working on the PC platform and we'll be ready to talk about that shortly. You should see information around the PC platform in the not too distant future.

Eurogamer: So the message is the game is not dead?

Patrick Soderlund: We'll comment on it when we have information.

It being PC BF1943 seems contradictory to this tweet:
Flying to London later today to show a new, unannounced #Battlefield game to the press. News goes public on Friday. (NOT #BF3)
1943 was confirmed for PC years ago. Calling it new and unannounced would be a hell of a stretch.

Unless it's some super pimp full BF1943 that's actually a sequel to 1942 and isn't a tech demo like BF1943 basically is. That would be ****ing awesome but seems unlikely to say the least.

If this is another console-oriented 32 player Battlefield game I'm going to cry and just give up hope that they give half a **** about the PC community that made Battlefield so popular in the first place.
Unless it's some super pimp full BF1943 that's actually a sequel to 1942 and isn't a tech demo like BF1943 basically is. In which case I would be thoroughly satisfied.

That is what I am secretly hoping for.
they've already said its not bf1943 pc

plus, it wont be an iphone game methinks, they announced BC2 for iphone already about a month ago.
Thread should have been titled "Battlefield 3 Not being announced this Friday" so I didn't have to get let down by the lame news.
Actually it could very well be BF1943 for PC:
I don't think you guys know what an "announcement" is. Maybe if the headline had been "revealed."

Also, 1943 was kind of... meh.
Battlefield: Bad Company 3: 2143: Vietnam: Mission Pack 2. 8 players per map, now with microtransactions and 30$ subscription fee every week. Console exclusive.

Dice (COUGH EA COUGH) died a long time ago, i wouldnt expect any better than this.
Yeah EA totally ruined them. They were better off when they were with... um...

DICE didn't really die, they just realized that there's more money in consoles.
BF3 wasnt much of an announcement anyrate, it seemed like just a "mehh" whisper to get people on board with medal of honour to sell some more copys. It would be great to see a more concrete announcement which information, screen shots etc.
Maybe one day they'll announce BF1943 for PCs...

Yeah I know... they won't.

This week's EA Winter Showcase saw Battlefield looking to the past and the future – the former by way of a Vietnam-themed DLC expansion for Bad Company 2, and the latter with an extremely ambitious free online title, Battlefield: Play4Free.

Just reading through now, tho the first paragraph hasnt given me much confidence.

You won't be rushing into cartoony battles with a sombrero on your head in Play4Free, in other words. Rather, this is a far more po-faced blend of Battlefield and Bad Company ideas, letting you loose in a series of more realistic maps with four familiar classes to choose from – Assault, Recon, Medic, and Engineer – and a levelling curve that attempts to mimic the progression of a real soldier's career.

Karkand's a launch-day map, and it's based on Battlefield 2's Strike at Karkand. "We've made the play area quite a bit smaller, and we've got a very different kind of layout," says Salt.

right now really undecided, going to have to see what new information comes up over the coming months.
Doubt I'll be interested in Play4Free (Stupid name). Can't wait for Vietnam though! Just wish it had more maps! Especially some of the ones from the original game.
Hmm, could be good. Was expecting something far more eye-rolling.

Oh well, I'll settle for the title. :rolleyes:
Its just a re-release of battle field 2 but through a browser by the looks of things.

Sorta kinda yes.

It’s from the makers of Battlefield Heroes (which you can also play for free), will feature 32 player action and will combine “the most popular maps from Battlefield 2 with the familiar classes and powerful weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2.”

Fighting will “earn in-game currency to spend on a massive array of devastating weapons and equipment.”
Seeing Karkand again in the teaser makes me kinda want. I'm guessing they are using the smallest versions of the maps from bf2.