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When the game release date is finally announced, in what form will this forum show this announcement?

I only ask because I'm often away working for a week or so, and when I return, this place is one of the first I look at, just to see if the date has been announced!

I'm getting quite bored of reading people's speculation about the release date! Can I suggest now that the moment you know, you change the forum colour scheme to bright pink and green? :D

Also, what kind of data rates will be in use in multiplayer mode? Will we see similar pings to HL1 mods, or will they increase?
Perhaps just check the news page? That's usually where news is posted :rolleyes:
Official releasedate won't be announced until the game actually goes gold (like with Doom 3) so I think it will be in the traditional Valve way of replying in an email to how far the game is and they'll answer 'it's coming along great, it went gold two days ago... oh btw it's gonna release september 20th if you're interested' :)
It'll go on the first page, that strange place that nobody seems to ever look at, including me :E
The Dark Elf said:
It'll go on the first page, that strange place that nobody seems to ever look at, including me :E

I look.... but then I am strange.....
Just look in the forums. Chances are, there will be 5 posts saying "OMG!! HL2 RELEASE DATE!!!" popping up every second, and being closed at around the same rate.
Front page, and probably an official forum announcement will be made as well, since it's that important.
Abom, would you consider Tom's idea for a temporary color scheme? okay maybe not bright pink but how about a gold color? I think it's a good idea :)
Heh, a gold layout would be pretty good. I'll see what everyone else thinks.
I'm sure we will see fireworks the world over when it is announced.
CB | Para said:
Abom, would you consider Tom's idea for a temporary color scheme? okay maybe not bright pink but how about a gold color? I think it's a good idea :)

it would be fitting to have a HL colour scheme once the release date is confirmed :)

u know.. the orange and black? :E
TheOriginalEvil said:
No way, do gold color scheme, thats all... Thats perfect.

well the gold theme is perfect as well.. but u can't deny that a HL orange/black theme would be a bad idea :P
BTW, whatever happened to the "estimated release date" thingy on the front page?

Really good idea that was, would be good to have it back :)
So, um, any takers on my question?!
It flew away to hawaii.

In other words, munro removed it, probably because we can't be sure when it will be released until valve announces a date.

look at teh gold!!!!! (did this in 5 mins) :P

Makes me excited just thinking about that heavenly day when HL2 is released...
Suicide42 said:

look at teh gold!!!!! (did this in 5 mins) :P

Eh, maybe too much gold. The gold is a good idea but that seems a little extreme. It would probably work better if our name appearing in Gold lettering. Maybe I'm just resistant to change.

Fortunately I was alseep when the Britney Spears change happened last month. :thumbs:
Suicide42 said:

look at teh gold!!!!! (did this in 5 mins) :P

that pic is so bright that i can't even read my name even i know its my post.. i can tell from the avatar ;)

gold would be great.. as long as its not too bright.
theGreenBunny said:
It flew away to hawaii.

In other words, munro removed it, probably because we can't be sure when it will be released until valve announces a date.

Aye, i know :)

But still, even if it said "ETA Summer 2004" that would be cool. It would save some of those "i've been away for a while, any idea when it's out yet?" threads. Plus, it was just a cool thing to have!

i think they are making it gold, i heard it some were, but there be alot of speculation about this game....mmmmmmmmmmm HL2 is gonna be sweet
Fly en Shoes said:
i think they are making it gold, i heard it some were, but there be alot of speculation about this game....mmmmmmmmmmm HL2 is gonna be sweet
Im talking about making the forums gold, instead of grey once hl2 is released.
There will be a news post for sure.
I always check the first page first. And forum generated rss feed of the news forum.